Wednesday, 15 October, 2008
"And ye dwelt in the dwellings of men who wronged their own souls; ye were clearly shown how We dealt with them; and We put forth (many) parables in your behoof!" .
Holy Koran.
Index :Preface- The gap- Land of the rising sun- Arabia- Aad- Thamud- Saba (Sheva)- Tabaei - Archeological- Semetic immigrations- Reasons
- Tribal features
- Eur -Sumer - Hiera - Assyria - Babylonia - Cush- Prophet Abraham- Israeili tribes- Land of wandering- Arc of covenent- Exodus - Who's who- Misr - Gasan - ZuL Karnein- Sumerians- The Bible - Bible narrators- The Old Testament- Septuagint- The Hebrew language - Canaan (Philistine) - Sacred lands- Scatterdom - Prophet David- Prophet Solomon - Psalms of Solomon - Prophets : Edris - Ayoub - Shoaib - Jona son of Amitai - Mosa - Eisa - Prophet in their scriptures- Jewish priesthood- The temple - The temple cult
- Sifr El Tathnia
- Age of agitation
- The Maccabes
- Masada- Arabian Roman kings !- Herod Antipas
- Ancient Egyptians - The origin- Ambiguous Ophir- Mysterious Phoenicia
Part II- Zionists' modern state
- Zionism - international law
- Zionists gangs in Arabia
- Terror - Massacres
- Holocoast - Ann Frank- Ethnic cleansing - Emperialism
- Europanised Christianity- The fourth holy crusade- Children's crusade- The eastern issue- Darfour
- Chechen
- Jews in Iraq
- The secret treaty
- Mid east
- Western generals in eastern lands
- Same tactics
- France in Algeria , Syria and Lebanon
- First American battle in Africa
- Britain in Iraq , Afghanistan , Qatar , Bahrain ....
- Nuclear weapons
- Europe - myhologies
- Indepted America - America 's wars- Word of Truth
- Notes and references.
Sions' Philopsophers :The origin of Zions' elderly philosophers comes from there .. Sion ..Sabaa = knowledge men
حكماء صهيون بسبأ
BROTHERS SEMITESwe say the truth and we die for it .
Preface :Historian mr. Philosvensky mentioned : " History of Assyria , Babelonia and Persia was corrupted . History of Turkey (Anatolya) , was completely fabricated , so was the Greek history in its bronze age , which wasn't put in its right chronicle ". p.169.And we add , ancient historical places were renamed and attributed to new different ones in areas different than the original for more anarchy.But amid all fabrications , forgeries , confusion and loss, facts were snatched and truth finally .. so lovingly .. and victoriously .. emerged.The Gap :We've spoken about ancient Atlantis civilization ending nearly 9,500 B.C. , and about ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia ( Iraq ), beginning about 5000 B.C. But there's that period in between 10,000 and 5000 B.C. ! which historians are so mysteriously silent about.We've said that ancient Egyptians assured that they received knowledge from their fathers whose origin was somewhere east !Let's check then with the available informations possible.
Lands Of The Rising SunDelmun and SumerQ: Where do they exist ?A: Eastern ArabiaBrothers semites
Arabia :Despite of the negligence of Arabian history by European modern historians, yet it is of utter importance for humanity and present in general. It is said that people of Noah who disbelieved in him were the offshoot of Kabil (Abel), some say they were in India before the continent sank. Believers were rescued with prophet Noah and said to have landed on Goudi mount southern Arabia .The Arabian nation was the first to exist after the flood. It’s origin was from Eram son of Sam son of Noah. It continued to civilize and urbanise in Arabia .
[7:69] "Is it too much of a wonder that a message should come to you from your Lord, through a man like you, to warn you? Recall that He made you inheritors after the people of Noah, and multiplied your number. Remember GOD's blessings, that you may succeed." Holy Koran الأعراف
Aad:Aad was the name of the tribe referring to its chieftain Aad son of Eram, whom as historian El Razes documented was : Aad Ebn (=son of) Ous Ebn Eram Ebn Sam Ebn Noah عاد بن عوص بن إرم بن سام بن نوح . Eram was the name of their city. Aad’s houses were in Ahkaf between Oman (eastern Arabia ) and Hadramut ( Southern Arabia ). They were the first to engrave mountain rocks and marble. Aad had two sons Shedid and Shadad. The first died so the second became world king. From their offshoot were the Amaliqs, who were Egyptian pharaohs for 500 years in delta, the most famous: Al Rayan Ebn El Waleed, the ancient Egyptian King at the time of prophet Joseph, son of Jacob.
As Abou Isaac Kaab El Akhbar Said: they built more than 1700 stone cities. All kingdoms east and west were under their rule. They were great astronomers helped by stars in their travels. Shadad was an idolator. He became tyrant and ordered each king in the world (who numbered nearly 250) to send him their state’s treasures and science knowledge. When Aad heard about Eden gardens (paradise) he planned to build himself one on earth and called it Eden (in Yemen). He called on engineers, architects, artisans and workers to erect his planned city. Much had been said about Aad’s strength and tall postures; the one cutting and carrying a huge stone without effort. In Aden city, they erected luxurious palaces, raised on huge columns of gold & silver, under it ran rivers and all sorts of trees. Prophet Hud came to them advising them to leave their idolatory and tyranny on earth, but they disbelieved him. Just one day on their way moving to that city a fierce storm shattered and destroyed them.His son who was a believer in Hud, burried him in a mountain covered him with golden sheets with a golden inscription, part of it:فأين هود وكنا فى ضلال قبل هودفدعانا لو قبلنا
منه للأمر الرشيد
Aad’s disbelieving people were destroyed while believers with Hud went Maka. Aad the last were the remainder of Aad the first. They moved and joined Thamud.
[7:74] "Recall that He made you inheritors after `Aad, and established you on earth, building mansions in its valleys, and carving homes from its mountains. You shall remember GOD's blessings, and do not roam the earth corruptingly." Holy Koran الأعراف
Thamud:Thamud inherited earth after Aad . Fom Ahkaf they moved further north in Arabia . They built cities and factories, (nearly 4000 stone cities). They lived a civilized life. They built palaces for summer and engraved houses in mountains for winter.They controlled earth and rulled its nations. But as Aad, they were idolators and disbelieved in prophet Saleh. He preached worshiping one God and leaving idolatory and mischief and warned them punishment. Saleh moved north (Philistine), and after they were ruined he returned Maka for 20 years.After Aad & Thamud, Arabia was ruled by Kahtan Ebn Aber Ebn Shaleh….. Ebn Sam. Kahtan tribe were 2 branches: kings of Yemen , with its capital Hadramut, and Gurhom who dwelt in Hegaz. From them was honourable Adnan (from whom prophet Ismaeil married).Trade routes connecting east with west came by sea, then caravans went by land up the west coast.
[34:20] Satan found them readily fulfilling his expectations. They followed him, except a few believers.
Holy Koran - Sheba 20
Saba (Sheva):Ancient dwellers of south Arabia . Their land produced spices and incense and was a stage on the trade road from India , the Malay archipelago and Africa . The oldest state of which anything is known is Ma’in or Ma’an, the Maeans of the Greeks. There was a colony or outpost at Ma’in in Musran (El Ola) to guard the trade road to Egypt and Philistine.In 700 B.C. Sabaa and Kataban allied to destroy Ma’in. Nabataeans fixed themselves accross the trade road to Syria .
As Ptolemis established an over sea route from India to Alexandria , the connect of Sabaa to the north where Nabataeans had existed from about 300 B.C. was broken. Romans tried to interfere in Arabia and control sea traffic, but the expeditions by Aelius Gallus was betrayed by its guide and lost in the desert.
Inscriptions in alphabets derived from the Sabaeans are found in different parts of Arabia as far north as Damascus , and testify to the widespread influence of south Arabian Kingdoms. The Alphabet is connected to Phoenicians. Monuments of south Arabians had been found in Kuwait and Mesopotamia . A coffin of a dealer of spices was found in Egypt , and an altar with a bi-lingual dedication to Wad and Delos . More than 100 dieties were named.Shams (Sams) the sun is femine and perhaps all deities are forms of it. Attar star mascular Venus, corresponds with the Babylonian Ashtar and Canaanite Ashetorath; And there are indications that moon, sun and venus formed a family triad. Another formula ran: deity, king and people. Others Nikrah and Atirat (Hebrew Ashira). Sacrifices and incenses were offered to dieties. The altar of incense had among other names that of mikton as in Hebrew. The ruins of the temple at Maerib are an open space surrounded by an elliptical wall p. 786. The returning caravans certainly brought back female slaves for the temple service at Salwat. [Salwat (Sabota) capital of Hedramut]. Production of incense was in the hands of the nobles, 3000 families, Pleny says, and was surrounded with various taboos. The people were fine masons and stone cutters. The buildings were made of stones so carefully dressed that often the joints are scarcely visible. At first the coins resembled Athenian models, the workmanship very good in some, later they had curiously the standard of Babelonians. Later coins were weak resemblance of Roman coins. [p. 785. Encyclopedia Britannica Vol. 19]. Arabian Language was that of Sabaeans and Mineans which goes back to before 8th c. B.C. [Arabic Language - Keis Frestige].Arabs built Maereb dam in Yemen to reserve water and regulate irrigation 70 rivers there, but they tyrannized and were ungrateful to God. The dam was destroyed and Saba tribes were scattered in different directions of Arabia . The decay that followed caused a number of Sabaeans to migrate to other parts of Arabia .
[37] "Are they better than the people of Tubba` and others before them? We annihilated them for their crimes ".
Holy Koran - The Smoke 37
Tabaei التبابعه – قوم تبع:Toba was from Yemen , his army reached till Samarkand , named after Shamar one of his sons.
Ebn Saba was from TabaeiEbn Saba = Abd Shams = Sun worshiper= ابن سبأ = عبد شمس
Tribes:Bedoins didn’t have a constant district because they frequently moved in search for food and water. Democrasy, as mr. Gamal Atia says, was the basic of the tribal system. Each tribe had a counsil led by chieftains who were chosen by heredity (usually the oldest son); or the chieftain (sheikh) chooses a successor who could protect the tribe.In Arabia , semetic nations were relatives with similar traditions and physical features. Spingler considers all semites Arabs. They shared mutual beliefs and their tribes spoke one language p. 18.Most Arabs before Eslam were idolators, worshiping statues, except for few Christians and Jews.In southern Arabia ( Yemen ), the kingdom was by heredity [dr. M. Gamal Atia Eisa-dar El Nahada - 1996]. Arab Kahtan tribe dwelt in Yemen ; Kahtan, Son of Aber (Hud). His son Yaerob.
Semitic immigrations:There were several immigrations in Arabia in different directions which led to the mixture of the different semetic tribes. Arabs who immigrated north settled in El Sham ( Syria and Philistine), those who immigrated east settled in Hiera and further north. And some from the south crossed the red sea to Egypt , as few went from the north through Sinai.When Arabs immigrated for some reasons, they were gathered by a union treaty. El Manazra established their kingdom in the east, while Gassanides established theirs in the north (Philistine and Syria ).Reasons:Usually tribes' immigrations and movements had been for reasons: after better land - escaping wars - or foreign policies - because of internal strifes - avenge or merely for food, water and fields.
Tribal features:Special tribal law, sometimes chieftains impose it : – tents – sheep and cattles – hand made materials as carpet making. Tribal system is connected with the desert , as Arabian Sahara is their origin. Adnan tribe is the remaining off shoot of prophet Abraham in Arabia . From it is koreish tribe, the most honourable and numerous in number (and from whom was prophet Mohamed).Arabian tribes in Egypt don’t let their daughters marry a foreigner to keep Arabian blood pure, and they name an Arab according to his mother. [Arabian tribes in Egypt - dr. Abd El Aziz Abd El - Salam El Fergani dar Gharib Cairo 1997].
Eur = أور : Eastern Arabia and western Euphrates . Place of great ancient civilizations . The word means dar = city .Some priests return its history back to 32,000 B.C. In its place succeeded the civilizations of Sumer , Hiera, Akad, Babelonia and Assyria . Later Mediens (Ekhminies), under Koresh (Cyrus) made it their center 539 B.C.Eur included Sumer and Akad then it passed to Eilam.
Sumer : (Shamar=Samaraa) سماراء = شمر , 5000 B.C., later its civilization was amalgamated with the Babylonian and Assyrian .It had its trading centres at Uruk الوركاء , Sur and other important trade ports; till Sergon established the Akkadien dynasty in Babel 2300 B.C. (new Babelonian dynasty).About the fourth millinium B.C. a flood is said to have devasted the city .
Hiera : Eastern Arabia , inhabited by Arabian tribes who immigrated to eastern Arabia and mingled with the Sumerians establishing the civilization of Akkad .
Assyria : semetic Arabian tribes who moved from southern Arabia , 3rd milliniium B.C.and had treaty unions with the Kushite ( Cush ) kingdom in Babel .
Babelonia : eastern Arabia, western EuphratesBabel = an Arabian word meaning door (bab) of Eil .New Babelonian dynasty , Hamorabi esatablished the Babelonian empire and was famous for his regulations and legislations.
Cush empire : southern Arabia :Cushites crossed the red sea to Egypt and their capital of the Nubian kingdom was Meroe . It served as subcapital to Nepata further north . Later it replaced Nepata as capital. Cush trade with Anatolia and Afhganistan was nothing new by the third millinium B.C. ; During ancient Egyptian's rule Djoser's father unified Egypt and brought Palestine and Nubia under his sphere.
Cush : Somali, Gallo, Afar and Sedoma came under the influence of Egypt 2000 B.C.Conquest of Cush by Ezana king of Axum . p.728.
Oman ( eastern Arabia ) : Arabian historians mention that the first organized immigration was by the Azd tribes led by Malek Ebn (son of) Fahm , offshoot of Azd Ebn ElShert Ebn Nabat Ebn Kahlan Ebn Saba (Sheva).As a consequence of the dam's collapse at Sabaa (Maereb dam), some tribes went further east to Oman . It was named after Oman son of prophet Abraham el Kahalil (said to be born in a city in Oman ) . Malik's son inherited the reign till it was passed to El Gerdy (Gifr) , and remained so till Eslamic times.The tribe of Oman Ebn Kahlan Ebn Hud , and Thamud and Amaliqs before lived between Oman and Hadramut. Other tribes as Azd and Kahtan immigrated there too.It was the land of spices and sandal wood used in building ships and a vital trade route between India and Africa .Prophet Abraham:Abraham (peace and prayer upon him) and his nation were originally from Arabia , where they were one of the several semetic groups there. Semetic groups immigrated in waves in several directions and under different leaders.Abraham’s people moved to Eur (Hiera) (eastern Arabia - western Euphrates river). Eur, an Arabian Kaldanian city. King Namrud probably was in Eur. Abraham renounced his people's (including his father) worshiping useless idols and statues. He immigrated for God with his wife Sara, prophet Lut and other believers. They moved till kanaan (Philistine). It is said that as there was femine they moved to Egypt . He married blessed Egyptian Hagar.
Prophet Lut was sent to Sodom and some surrounding cities (El Moatafekat an Arabian word meaning ruined upside down). Prophet Esmaeil (Abraham’s son from Hagar) was sent to Amaliqs and Gurhom in western Arabia . Isaac, his son from Sarah (23 years younger than his brother Ismaeil) was sent to northern Arabia .Prophet Abraham peace and prayer upon him is recorded to have spoken the Arabian language with Ismaeil’s Gorham wives in Maka. Prophet Ismaeil peace and prayer on him had 12 sons.Prophet Isaac peace on him is said to have 2 twin sons: Jacob and Jessu العيص. Jacob married his two cousins: Lea and Rahil and their two maids and had twelve sons. He was sent to Canaan and fought disbelieving Amaliqs.
Israeili tribe:
Historian Philip says that it was never a one group but became a union later led by Rahil’s tribe p. 103, composed of a tribal union that was originally several races, they reached Philistine in different campaigns till their settlement 13thc. B.C. As semetic scientist Spetnio Moskati says Philistine was a passage for all nations and a battle field for Egytpians, Assyrians, Babelonians and Hittites empires.
Land Of Wandering:In "History of the Enlightened", Ebn El Megawer says that salt river is the land they wandered in, a land called Sion P. 32 as a lost Jew once told him. The people were Arabian from Beni Mosa Ebn Omran. Sion mentioned is a village in Tuhama ( Yemen ).Mr. Kamal Salibi assures that the origin of Jewish nation is from southern Arabia ( Yemen ).In "El Eklil", historian El Hasan Ebn Ahmed El Hamazani says; ‘In the last quarter of the 11th c. B.C. Israelis were civilized enough to have their kingdom which extended from near Taef to northern Yemen and from Nagd borders and Robei El Khali to Tuhama hills on the red sea. They were tribes of different origins who gathered on worshiping God.The Old Testament mentions sons of Benjamin as Yamanion = south people of Yemen . P. 21. [Turah came from Arabia - Kamal Salibi – Beirut – 1985]. Ben = Arabian word meaning son, Yemin= Yemen =son of yemen or son of the south. The word Ben Yemen occurred in ancient Arabic poems and it meant people of Yemen .Yamin also means right because Yemen was on the right of the sacred city.
Arc of Covenant:Israeilis carried the coffin and the ten commandments in it wherever they went. King David moved the capital from Sion to Jerusalem . Sion the place known as kaawat sion in Assyr (Tuhama). Then Solomon made his capital near El Namas in Beni Shahr p.250.In his book (Thrones of kings of Himiar 732 A.D.), Yemenish Jew Wahb Ebn Menabeh mentions that the coffin was in Kaawat sion in Assyr (Tuhama). Only the big priest was allowed to enter the sacred place once a year. Israelis possessed it till the times when they started writting their books. Gorham under El Hareth El Gorhomy allied with Eilam in 200,000 cavelliers and fought Israelis who were on their way to Meka. Israelis were defeated and left it. Hemeisa Ebn Nabat inherited it till the times of Jesus son of Mary.هميس بن نبات بن قيدار بن اسماعيلIt was then taken from Kaab Ebn Loah Ebn Ghaleb كعب بن لؤى بن غالبWhile there’s traditional silence from Israelis concerning the destiny of the coffin especially after Nebucheznasr’s time.In 535 B.C. Korash (Cyrus) gave Jew’s the temple’s properties but the coffin had already disappeared.
Exodus:Mr. Charles Dick remarked that the mountain they crossed to was a volcanic one that explains the two columns (smoke at daytime and one of fire at night).What was confusing to him was that Sinai land isn’t a volcanic one p. 175 so as to the Mediterranean and Akaba trait which lacks the feature.Mr. Sayed El Kemni later had his theory explaining that it was because the ancient place was in Yemen mount southern Arabia .Who’s who?We find ancient Egyptian scriptures complied in Jewish religious books as sacred ex. Akhnaton’s song is compilled as David’s psalm no. 104!Mr. Ahmed Susa explains that the exodus journey from Egypt which is referred to, was nothing but an Egyptian compaign composed of an Egyptian group and remnance of Hittites, followers of the Akhnaton creed.They were forced under disbelievers' pressure to escape Egypt towards Canaan . They were Egyptians who spoke the Egyptian language. They later borrowed many aspects of the Canaanite religion which gradually became part of their belief.
When Israeilis asked Moses they need something different than Min and Salwa they were offered for eating, he told them they exchange what’s good for what’s less and it was said to them to descend Misr, there they would find what they asked for.
Misr (Mizraim) Arabian misr= Egypt . Encyclopedia Britannica mentions that Misr could be another place further in northern Arabia ( Syria ). Probably that was the misr (city) they descended, (as Philistine and Egypt were unified at this time).
In Jewish scriptures when Israeilis disobeyed prophet Moses and told him to go and fight he and his God. Moses prayed on them and fight spread among them. As a punishment they were forbidden to enter the sacred land for 40 years. Moses left them somewhere in Arabia . For 40 years they were lost, though they managed to enter Philistine from eastern Jordon (led by Jusuah), destroying and burning cities they attacked, but they couldn’t enter Yabus ( Jerusalem ) for years and when they entered they weren’t able to ethnic cleanse its inhabitants who defended it.
Ancient scriptures mention Gasan as the fertile area eastern Egypt which was given to Israeilis by Pharaoh.
Gasan is eastern Egypt, but it is…also the region western Arabia . Its name is present on maps as evidence. But no evidence of an Egyptian Gasan exists.
That means either Egypt and Arabian Gasan were one land having the same king or…..
Zul Karnein:
Zu = an Arabian word used in Yemen meaning (the one having…) of the two horns. Zu الأذواء … ex. Zu Nawas, Zulnun. لقب يمنى.
He is said to be El Saab from Sheva, who was at first tyrant but became a humble believer. He built the dam and ruled the world. Arabian historians mentioned that he was El Saab Ebn Zi Merthed Ebn Zi Menh Ebn Amer Almattal Ebn Saksh Ebn Wael Ebn Hemiar Ebn Sabaa….Ebn Sam Ebn Noah.
الصعب بن الرائش (الرأئش = الحارثه بن ذى سدر بن عاد بن الملطاط بن سبأ – الآثار الباقية عن القرون الخالية)
Some Said he was Abokriv Shams Ebn Obeid Ebn Africash El Hemiari أبو كريب شمس بن عبيد بن أفريقيش الحميرى
At his time he sent settlers to the African continent and to him is attributed the name Africa . But El Saab is more relevant.
Sumerians:Offshoot of Evraim and Mansi, sons of Joseph son of Jacob. One of the 10 tribes that revolted against Beit David (house of David) and lived in northern Jerusalem not Yahuda. Jews forbade dealing with Sumerians and considered them their fiercest enemies.[Scarching for Jesus-new Biblical study - Kamal Salibi].
The Bible :The original autographs of the New Testament books have long since perished and except for a few fragements all from upper Egypt , the same fate had overtaken all the mss. used by Christians in the anti-nicene period.Most Christian mms. were written on papyrus and in the earliest time were in the form of a roll. Only 2 dating from the 4th c. survive.When in the 4th c.A.D., the empire became Christian and the church was established, copies of the scripture were multiplied in a substantial form. Such mms. would contain no more than a simple Gospel. Whole Bibles, even new testaments were always rather uncommon. The greater number of Greek mms. come from the 11th c. to 14th c.A.D.Before Greek language was used, manuscripts (also called cursives) were denoted by Arabic figures p. 515. The Gospels were completed in A.D. 383. The Egyptian version , dates from the last half of the 3rd c. Before that Christianity seems to have been confined to Alexandria and a few Greek speaking towns.There were 2 main versions: an upper and a lower Egyptian one.
The Bible narrators :
Peter (Botros - بطرس ( : He travelled calling for Christianity and the Bible. He went to Lybia, upper and lower Egypt , Alexandria where he erected a church. They imprisoned him 68 A.D.
Luka لوقا : born in Antakia ( Turkey ). Paul converted him to Christianity and he acocompanied him in his travels.
Mark مرقس : He wrote his Bible in Rome as was preached by Paul. He was Paul's translator in his travels.
Mathew متي : a Jew born in Kana , Galili. He was converted to Christianity.
John يوحنا : He was born in Beitsyd - Galili.
Old Testament:The most important: the Egyptian, Arabic, Ethiopean, Gothic and Aramian. All except a part of the Arabic appear to have been made through the medium of the Septuagint. [Encyclopedia Britannica -Vol. 3].
Septuagint:The earliest Greek translation of the Old Testament, sent from Jerusalem to Alexandria at the request of Ptolemy II Philadelpus 277-247 B.C. by the high priest Elazar. Septuagint Hebrew priests finished its greater part during Eslamic reign 7th and 8th c.A.D. till medieval times [Encyclopedia Br. -Vol 20].
The Hebrew Language:In the 19th c. A.D. Zionists in Europe claimed to revive the ancient Hebrew language to be a spoken one.In the Jewish scriptures Hebrew is called sepath kenaan ‘the lip of Canaan ’ or Yehudhith ‘Jewish’. The term Ibrith was the word used by the rabbis of Palestine . The English name comes from the Greek Hebrew [Ency. Br. Vol. 11].Ibrith=Abry.Old Testament doesn’t name the Hebrew language as the language it was written by , and modern linguistics consider the Hebrew as an accent of the Canaanite language, which was the language of northern Arabians from the early histories. Some accents of this language was that of Philistines, Phoenicians and coastal Syria . [The Israeli nation-London-1988]. Hebrew Language was one accent of the Aramians, which the Babelonian’s spoke as did people of Iraq and Syria .The Old Testament was written 800 years later. Hebrew wasn’t a language by itself but a tongue of Canaan which Philistines spoke as well. An accent which included the new tribe arriving and the original inhabitants of Philistine ( Palestine ). [Moses Egyptianity-James Henry]. Modern Hebrew designers knew well that the ancient Hebrew utterly disappeared from existence from the 3rd c. B.C., even earlier, and that the Hebrew phonetics of old scriptures no one knows for sure how it was pronounced originally, but there was no doubt it was much nearer to the Arabian language p. 17. And as modern Hebrew doesn’t aid in the translation of the Old Testament, thus the Arabian language was the real source for understanding these scriptures and clarifying the ambiguity of some parts of the Torah. P. 36, and this is agreed upon.
Hebrew wasn’t a spoken language in any area but taught by a special minority for some religious practices and the rest spoke Arabic. In Arabic, the word Abry and Araby have the same meaning. يعبر الافصاح.Certainly their language was the same before it sprang from the main Arubia عروبيه language. [Philistine first - Gamal Hamdan]. Modern Yedish which western Jews speak is derived from the German word ‘Hoch Deutsch’. European Jews who invented this move were uncapable of pronouncing three letters of the semetic language. The ق-ح-ع, so the ق was made k, the ع was made a and the ح was made h (همزه ء). They copied from the Aramian accent changing the b to v (Latin v.) and K became kh if it was advanced by sound. As European Germans were the founders of modern Hebrew, they changed the semetic, w to the german v.
Thus, as a historian says their modern effort for reviving the language was fabrication on fabrication. For all this , modern Hebrew emerged strange with no relation in its logistics to the ancient semetic one p. 15.Many intended forgeries occurred in its modern compiling which its founders knew and which was done on purpose for legalizing the modern invented one.[Secrets of the Israeil nation - London 1988]. Comparison between some words. Hebrew Arabic.......
English Hebrew Arabic
chest re ah re ah
dust offar offar
good nehmedah hamedah
blood damm damm
permissions tasarih tasarih
rabbit arnab arnab
hot haim hami
sour mar mar
old kahl kahl
night lail lail
light ur nur.
Aramian Language = derived from people of Eram which was Arabian. Canaan (Philistine):
Canaan, 4500 B.C. Canaanites, a semetic Arabian tribe that immigrated from Arabia and settled in Palestine . Canaanites=sons of kahtan. Some of the Canaanites were the Yabuseen who settled in Philistine ( Palestine ) and erected the city of Yabus (El Quds). The city that was renamed Eur Salem 15c. B.C. ( Jerusalem ) Eur = City - salem = peace.It was Built by Melki Sadek. Its name refers to salem El Yabusi one of its kings.
Sacred Lands:Sacred land was mentioned from ancient times as the land on Egypt ’s eastern banks to Euphrates eastern Arabia .‘For your offspring I give this land’.It was the Moslem believers who inherited the land , predecessors of prophet Abraham – obedient to God. [Ismaeil-derived from the Arabian word Isma=to Listen = be obedient].
Prophet David:
David created Israeil and expanded the kingdom to Yabus ( Jerusalem ). He fought disbelievers including Israeli disbelievers and idolators. During the Judges' (Kudah) age, Arabs were inhabiting Philistine. They dwelt in Askalan, Asdad, Aka, and other cities. Those who belivied in David were part of his followers. (Book of liberty-Solomen Mazher-47. History of Palestine ).
During his escape, prophet David is said to have hidden ib Heraq cave in Meka.
Prophet Solomon:The name solaiman = peaceful. Soleiman built and fortified several cities. He divided the land into 12 districts seemingly independent of the old tribal division upon which levies were made on rotation. He constructed a magnificent royal dwelling and built a temple as an aponage to the palace. He relied upon Heram for materials and artisans. Some say his rule and trade routes reached Australia . After Solomon, fights errupted among Israeilis.
Psalms of Solomon:18 in all (used in the worship of the synagogue). As the British Encyclopedia mentions, they were not written by Solomon but were subsequently ascribed to him. Their author (or authors) may have placed the subscriptions ‘Psalms of Solomon' in order to gain currency for the new collection under the shelter of a great name of the past. P 953. The authors were Pharisees (Persians). They consider saduccees (Jewish priests who served Romans) transgressors. The authors protest against the Ashmonians (Maccabees) for usurping the throne of David, and proclaim the coming of the messiah, the true son of David, who would destroy hostile nations and extend his righteous rule on earth. Psalms of Soloman could hardly be assigned to the same authors. Hopes of messiah are confined to the Pharisees [p. 953. Encyclopedia Britannica].
Other prophets -peace on them :
Edris : He called people to believe and worship one God. As few of them obeyed him he went Egypt calling people to Eslam and worshiping the one God.
Ayoub Ebn Amos Ebn Razah Ebn Rome Ebn Isaac :
His mother daughter of Lut, his father believed in prophet Abraham and married Rahma bent Evraim ebn Yusuf and had 12 sons.
He was sent to Golan ( Syria ) and El Gabeia.
Shoaib Ebn Anka Ebn Thwaif Ebn Madien :
His mother was Makeil daughter of Lut. He was sent to Madien and the Aika owners . His tongue was Arabian.
Mosa (Moses):original name Mosa , the 'es' added in Greek transaltions as used with nominals.
Yeisa : ( Jesus) : Eisa Ebn Mariam El Azraa bent Omran ( Jesus son of Mary the virgin). Again addition of 'es' for translated Greek names.
Jonah the son of Amattai:He was sent to Nineveh in Mosul in Iraq .
Mesiah (From the Arabian word masah=robbed with=annointed with oil), robbed by priests.
Later, after the abatement of Yahuda, each one nominated to David’s throne whom aspirations encompassed as a coming messiah to revive their lost kingdom was anointed as son of David. [Searching for Jesus-Kamal El Salibi-El Sherouk].
Other prophets : peace upon them.Edris : He called people to believe and worship one God. As few of them obeyed him he went Egypt calling people to Eslam and worshiping the one God.
Ayoub Ebn Amos Ebn Razah Ebn Rome Ebn Isaac :
His mother daughter of Lut, his father believed in prophet Abraham and married Rahma bent Evraim ebn Yusuf and had 12 sons. He was sent to Golan (Syria) and El Gabeia.Jonah the son of Amattai : يونس بن متي . From Arabia he was sent to Nineveh in Mosul in Iraq.Shoaib Ebn Anka Ebn Thwaif Ebn Madien : (western Arabia). His mother was Makeil daughter of Lut. He was sent to Madien and the Aika owners . His tongue was Arabian.
Other prophets : peace upon them.Edris : He called people to believe and worship one God. As few of them obeyed him he went Egypt calling people to Eslam and worshiping the one God.
Ayoub Ebn Amos Ebn Razah Ebn Rome Ebn Isaac :
His mother daughter of Lut, his father believed in prophet Abraham and married Rahma bent Evraim ebn Yusuf and had 12 sons. He was sent to Golan (Syria) and El Gabeia.Jonah the son of Amattai : يونس بن متي . From Arabia he was sent to Nineveh in Mosul in Iraq.Shoaib Ebn Anka Ebn Thwaif Ebn Madien : (western Arabia). His mother was Makeil daughter of Lut. He was sent to Madien and the Aika owners . His tongue was Arabian.
Mosa (Moses):original name Mosa , the 'es' added in Greek transaltions as used with nominals.
Yeisa : ( Jesus) : Eisa Ebn Mariam El Azraa bent Omran ( Jesus son of Mary the virgin). Again addition of 'es' for translated Greek names. He was sent in Philistine calling for the One God.Mesiah (From the Arabian word masah=robbed with=annointed with oil), robbed by priests.Elias ebn Yasa : ( northern Arabia). After Israeilis had taken the baal , made a golden statue for it , with 40 servants for it, prophet Elias came to warn them and call them back to worshiping the One God.
"And ye dwelt in the dwellings of men who wronged their own souls; ye were clearly shown how We dealt with them; and We put forth (many) parables in your behoof!" .
Holy Koran.
Index :Preface- The gap- Land of the rising sun- Arabia- Aad- Thamud- Saba (Sheva)- Tabaei - Archeological- Semetic immigrations- Reasons
- Tribal features
- Eur -Sumer - Hiera - Assyria - Babylonia - Cush- Prophet Abraham- Israeili tribes- Land of wandering- Arc of covenent- Exodus - Who's who- Misr - Gasan - ZuL Karnein- Sumerians- The Bible - Bible narrators- The Old Testament- Septuagint- The Hebrew language - Canaan (Philistine) - Sacred lands- Scatterdom - Prophet David- Prophet Solomon - Psalms of Solomon - Prophets : Edris - Ayoub - Shoaib - Jona son of Amitai - Mosa - Eisa - Prophet in their scriptures- Jewish priesthood- The temple - The temple cult
- Sifr El Tathnia
- Age of agitation
- The Maccabes
- Masada- Arabian Roman kings !- Herod Antipas
- Ancient Egyptians - The origin- Ambiguous Ophir- Mysterious Phoenicia
Part II- Zionists' modern state
- Zionism - international law
- Zionists gangs in Arabia
- Terror - Massacres
- Holocoast - Ann Frank- Ethnic cleansing - Emperialism
- Europanised Christianity- The fourth holy crusade- Children's crusade- The eastern issue- Darfour
- Chechen
- Jews in Iraq
- The secret treaty
- Mid east
- Western generals in eastern lands
- Same tactics
- France in Algeria , Syria and Lebanon
- First American battle in Africa
- Britain in Iraq , Afghanistan , Qatar , Bahrain ....
- Nuclear weapons
- Europe - myhologies
- Indepted America - America 's wars- Word of Truth
- Notes and references.
Sions' Philopsophers :The origin of Zions' elderly philosophers comes from there .. Sion ..Sabaa = knowledge men
حكماء صهيون بسبأ
BROTHERS SEMITESwe say the truth and we die for it .
Preface :Historian mr. Philosvensky mentioned : " History of Assyria , Babelonia and Persia was corrupted . History of Turkey (Anatolya) , was completely fabricated , so was the Greek history in its bronze age , which wasn't put in its right chronicle ". p.169.And we add , ancient historical places were renamed and attributed to new different ones in areas different than the original for more anarchy.But amid all fabrications , forgeries , confusion and loss, facts were snatched and truth finally .. so lovingly .. and victoriously .. emerged.The Gap :We've spoken about ancient Atlantis civilization ending nearly 9,500 B.C. , and about ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia ( Iraq ), beginning about 5000 B.C. But there's that period in between 10,000 and 5000 B.C. ! which historians are so mysteriously silent about.We've said that ancient Egyptians assured that they received knowledge from their fathers whose origin was somewhere east !Let's check then with the available informations possible.
Lands Of The Rising SunDelmun and SumerQ: Where do they exist ?A: Eastern ArabiaBrothers semites
Arabia :Despite of the negligence of Arabian history by European modern historians, yet it is of utter importance for humanity and present in general. It is said that people of Noah who disbelieved in him were the offshoot of Kabil (Abel), some say they were in India before the continent sank. Believers were rescued with prophet Noah and said to have landed on Goudi mount southern Arabia .The Arabian nation was the first to exist after the flood. It’s origin was from Eram son of Sam son of Noah. It continued to civilize and urbanise in Arabia .
[7:69] "Is it too much of a wonder that a message should come to you from your Lord, through a man like you, to warn you? Recall that He made you inheritors after the people of Noah, and multiplied your number. Remember GOD's blessings, that you may succeed." Holy Koran الأعراف
Aad:Aad was the name of the tribe referring to its chieftain Aad son of Eram, whom as historian El Razes documented was : Aad Ebn (=son of) Ous Ebn Eram Ebn Sam Ebn Noah عاد بن عوص بن إرم بن سام بن نوح . Eram was the name of their city. Aad’s houses were in Ahkaf between Oman (eastern Arabia ) and Hadramut ( Southern Arabia ). They were the first to engrave mountain rocks and marble. Aad had two sons Shedid and Shadad. The first died so the second became world king. From their offshoot were the Amaliqs, who were Egyptian pharaohs for 500 years in delta, the most famous: Al Rayan Ebn El Waleed, the ancient Egyptian King at the time of prophet Joseph, son of Jacob.
As Abou Isaac Kaab El Akhbar Said: they built more than 1700 stone cities. All kingdoms east and west were under their rule. They were great astronomers helped by stars in their travels. Shadad was an idolator. He became tyrant and ordered each king in the world (who numbered nearly 250) to send him their state’s treasures and science knowledge. When Aad heard about Eden gardens (paradise) he planned to build himself one on earth and called it Eden (in Yemen). He called on engineers, architects, artisans and workers to erect his planned city. Much had been said about Aad’s strength and tall postures; the one cutting and carrying a huge stone without effort. In Aden city, they erected luxurious palaces, raised on huge columns of gold & silver, under it ran rivers and all sorts of trees. Prophet Hud came to them advising them to leave their idolatory and tyranny on earth, but they disbelieved him. Just one day on their way moving to that city a fierce storm shattered and destroyed them.His son who was a believer in Hud, burried him in a mountain covered him with golden sheets with a golden inscription, part of it:فأين هود وكنا فى ضلال قبل هودفدعانا لو قبلنا
منه للأمر الرشيد
Aad’s disbelieving people were destroyed while believers with Hud went Maka. Aad the last were the remainder of Aad the first. They moved and joined Thamud.
[7:74] "Recall that He made you inheritors after `Aad, and established you on earth, building mansions in its valleys, and carving homes from its mountains. You shall remember GOD's blessings, and do not roam the earth corruptingly." Holy Koran الأعراف
Thamud:Thamud inherited earth after Aad . Fom Ahkaf they moved further north in Arabia . They built cities and factories, (nearly 4000 stone cities). They lived a civilized life. They built palaces for summer and engraved houses in mountains for winter.They controlled earth and rulled its nations. But as Aad, they were idolators and disbelieved in prophet Saleh. He preached worshiping one God and leaving idolatory and mischief and warned them punishment. Saleh moved north (Philistine), and after they were ruined he returned Maka for 20 years.After Aad & Thamud, Arabia was ruled by Kahtan Ebn Aber Ebn Shaleh….. Ebn Sam. Kahtan tribe were 2 branches: kings of Yemen , with its capital Hadramut, and Gurhom who dwelt in Hegaz. From them was honourable Adnan (from whom prophet Ismaeil married).Trade routes connecting east with west came by sea, then caravans went by land up the west coast.
[34:20] Satan found them readily fulfilling his expectations. They followed him, except a few believers.
Holy Koran - Sheba 20
Saba (Sheva):Ancient dwellers of south Arabia . Their land produced spices and incense and was a stage on the trade road from India , the Malay archipelago and Africa . The oldest state of which anything is known is Ma’in or Ma’an, the Maeans of the Greeks. There was a colony or outpost at Ma’in in Musran (El Ola) to guard the trade road to Egypt and Philistine.In 700 B.C. Sabaa and Kataban allied to destroy Ma’in. Nabataeans fixed themselves accross the trade road to Syria .
As Ptolemis established an over sea route from India to Alexandria , the connect of Sabaa to the north where Nabataeans had existed from about 300 B.C. was broken. Romans tried to interfere in Arabia and control sea traffic, but the expeditions by Aelius Gallus was betrayed by its guide and lost in the desert.
Inscriptions in alphabets derived from the Sabaeans are found in different parts of Arabia as far north as Damascus , and testify to the widespread influence of south Arabian Kingdoms. The Alphabet is connected to Phoenicians. Monuments of south Arabians had been found in Kuwait and Mesopotamia . A coffin of a dealer of spices was found in Egypt , and an altar with a bi-lingual dedication to Wad and Delos . More than 100 dieties were named.Shams (Sams) the sun is femine and perhaps all deities are forms of it. Attar star mascular Venus, corresponds with the Babylonian Ashtar and Canaanite Ashetorath; And there are indications that moon, sun and venus formed a family triad. Another formula ran: deity, king and people. Others Nikrah and Atirat (Hebrew Ashira). Sacrifices and incenses were offered to dieties. The altar of incense had among other names that of mikton as in Hebrew. The ruins of the temple at Maerib are an open space surrounded by an elliptical wall p. 786. The returning caravans certainly brought back female slaves for the temple service at Salwat. [Salwat (Sabota) capital of Hedramut]. Production of incense was in the hands of the nobles, 3000 families, Pleny says, and was surrounded with various taboos. The people were fine masons and stone cutters. The buildings were made of stones so carefully dressed that often the joints are scarcely visible. At first the coins resembled Athenian models, the workmanship very good in some, later they had curiously the standard of Babelonians. Later coins were weak resemblance of Roman coins. [p. 785. Encyclopedia Britannica Vol. 19]. Arabian Language was that of Sabaeans and Mineans which goes back to before 8th c. B.C. [Arabic Language - Keis Frestige].Arabs built Maereb dam in Yemen to reserve water and regulate irrigation 70 rivers there, but they tyrannized and were ungrateful to God. The dam was destroyed and Saba tribes were scattered in different directions of Arabia . The decay that followed caused a number of Sabaeans to migrate to other parts of Arabia .
[37] "Are they better than the people of Tubba` and others before them? We annihilated them for their crimes ".
Holy Koran - The Smoke 37
Tabaei التبابعه – قوم تبع:Toba was from Yemen , his army reached till Samarkand , named after Shamar one of his sons.
Ebn Saba was from TabaeiEbn Saba = Abd Shams = Sun worshiper= ابن سبأ = عبد شمس
Tribes:Bedoins didn’t have a constant district because they frequently moved in search for food and water. Democrasy, as mr. Gamal Atia says, was the basic of the tribal system. Each tribe had a counsil led by chieftains who were chosen by heredity (usually the oldest son); or the chieftain (sheikh) chooses a successor who could protect the tribe.In Arabia , semetic nations were relatives with similar traditions and physical features. Spingler considers all semites Arabs. They shared mutual beliefs and their tribes spoke one language p. 18.Most Arabs before Eslam were idolators, worshiping statues, except for few Christians and Jews.In southern Arabia ( Yemen ), the kingdom was by heredity [dr. M. Gamal Atia Eisa-dar El Nahada - 1996]. Arab Kahtan tribe dwelt in Yemen ; Kahtan, Son of Aber (Hud). His son Yaerob.
Semitic immigrations:There were several immigrations in Arabia in different directions which led to the mixture of the different semetic tribes. Arabs who immigrated north settled in El Sham ( Syria and Philistine), those who immigrated east settled in Hiera and further north. And some from the south crossed the red sea to Egypt , as few went from the north through Sinai.When Arabs immigrated for some reasons, they were gathered by a union treaty. El Manazra established their kingdom in the east, while Gassanides established theirs in the north (Philistine and Syria ).Reasons:Usually tribes' immigrations and movements had been for reasons: after better land - escaping wars - or foreign policies - because of internal strifes - avenge or merely for food, water and fields.
Tribal features:Special tribal law, sometimes chieftains impose it : – tents – sheep and cattles – hand made materials as carpet making. Tribal system is connected with the desert , as Arabian Sahara is their origin. Adnan tribe is the remaining off shoot of prophet Abraham in Arabia . From it is koreish tribe, the most honourable and numerous in number (and from whom was prophet Mohamed).Arabian tribes in Egypt don’t let their daughters marry a foreigner to keep Arabian blood pure, and they name an Arab according to his mother. [Arabian tribes in Egypt - dr. Abd El Aziz Abd El - Salam El Fergani dar Gharib Cairo 1997].
Eur = أور : Eastern Arabia and western Euphrates . Place of great ancient civilizations . The word means dar = city .Some priests return its history back to 32,000 B.C. In its place succeeded the civilizations of Sumer , Hiera, Akad, Babelonia and Assyria . Later Mediens (Ekhminies), under Koresh (Cyrus) made it their center 539 B.C.Eur included Sumer and Akad then it passed to Eilam.
Sumer : (Shamar=Samaraa) سماراء = شمر , 5000 B.C., later its civilization was amalgamated with the Babylonian and Assyrian .It had its trading centres at Uruk الوركاء , Sur and other important trade ports; till Sergon established the Akkadien dynasty in Babel 2300 B.C. (new Babelonian dynasty).About the fourth millinium B.C. a flood is said to have devasted the city .
Hiera : Eastern Arabia , inhabited by Arabian tribes who immigrated to eastern Arabia and mingled with the Sumerians establishing the civilization of Akkad .
Assyria : semetic Arabian tribes who moved from southern Arabia , 3rd milliniium B.C.and had treaty unions with the Kushite ( Cush ) kingdom in Babel .
Babelonia : eastern Arabia, western EuphratesBabel = an Arabian word meaning door (bab) of Eil .New Babelonian dynasty , Hamorabi esatablished the Babelonian empire and was famous for his regulations and legislations.
Cush empire : southern Arabia :Cushites crossed the red sea to Egypt and their capital of the Nubian kingdom was Meroe . It served as subcapital to Nepata further north . Later it replaced Nepata as capital. Cush trade with Anatolia and Afhganistan was nothing new by the third millinium B.C. ; During ancient Egyptian's rule Djoser's father unified Egypt and brought Palestine and Nubia under his sphere.
Cush : Somali, Gallo, Afar and Sedoma came under the influence of Egypt 2000 B.C.Conquest of Cush by Ezana king of Axum . p.728.
Oman ( eastern Arabia ) : Arabian historians mention that the first organized immigration was by the Azd tribes led by Malek Ebn (son of) Fahm , offshoot of Azd Ebn ElShert Ebn Nabat Ebn Kahlan Ebn Saba (Sheva).As a consequence of the dam's collapse at Sabaa (Maereb dam), some tribes went further east to Oman . It was named after Oman son of prophet Abraham el Kahalil (said to be born in a city in Oman ) . Malik's son inherited the reign till it was passed to El Gerdy (Gifr) , and remained so till Eslamic times.The tribe of Oman Ebn Kahlan Ebn Hud , and Thamud and Amaliqs before lived between Oman and Hadramut. Other tribes as Azd and Kahtan immigrated there too.It was the land of spices and sandal wood used in building ships and a vital trade route between India and Africa .Prophet Abraham:Abraham (peace and prayer upon him) and his nation were originally from Arabia , where they were one of the several semetic groups there. Semetic groups immigrated in waves in several directions and under different leaders.Abraham’s people moved to Eur (Hiera) (eastern Arabia - western Euphrates river). Eur, an Arabian Kaldanian city. King Namrud probably was in Eur. Abraham renounced his people's (including his father) worshiping useless idols and statues. He immigrated for God with his wife Sara, prophet Lut and other believers. They moved till kanaan (Philistine). It is said that as there was femine they moved to Egypt . He married blessed Egyptian Hagar.
Prophet Lut was sent to Sodom and some surrounding cities (El Moatafekat an Arabian word meaning ruined upside down). Prophet Esmaeil (Abraham’s son from Hagar) was sent to Amaliqs and Gurhom in western Arabia . Isaac, his son from Sarah (23 years younger than his brother Ismaeil) was sent to northern Arabia .Prophet Abraham peace and prayer upon him is recorded to have spoken the Arabian language with Ismaeil’s Gorham wives in Maka. Prophet Ismaeil peace and prayer on him had 12 sons.Prophet Isaac peace on him is said to have 2 twin sons: Jacob and Jessu العيص. Jacob married his two cousins: Lea and Rahil and their two maids and had twelve sons. He was sent to Canaan and fought disbelieving Amaliqs.
Israeili tribe:
Historian Philip says that it was never a one group but became a union later led by Rahil’s tribe p. 103, composed of a tribal union that was originally several races, they reached Philistine in different campaigns till their settlement 13thc. B.C. As semetic scientist Spetnio Moskati says Philistine was a passage for all nations and a battle field for Egytpians, Assyrians, Babelonians and Hittites empires.
Land Of Wandering:In "History of the Enlightened", Ebn El Megawer says that salt river is the land they wandered in, a land called Sion P. 32 as a lost Jew once told him. The people were Arabian from Beni Mosa Ebn Omran. Sion mentioned is a village in Tuhama ( Yemen ).Mr. Kamal Salibi assures that the origin of Jewish nation is from southern Arabia ( Yemen ).In "El Eklil", historian El Hasan Ebn Ahmed El Hamazani says; ‘In the last quarter of the 11th c. B.C. Israelis were civilized enough to have their kingdom which extended from near Taef to northern Yemen and from Nagd borders and Robei El Khali to Tuhama hills on the red sea. They were tribes of different origins who gathered on worshiping God.The Old Testament mentions sons of Benjamin as Yamanion = south people of Yemen . P. 21. [Turah came from Arabia - Kamal Salibi – Beirut – 1985]. Ben = Arabian word meaning son, Yemin= Yemen =son of yemen or son of the south. The word Ben Yemen occurred in ancient Arabic poems and it meant people of Yemen .Yamin also means right because Yemen was on the right of the sacred city.
Arc of Covenant:Israeilis carried the coffin and the ten commandments in it wherever they went. King David moved the capital from Sion to Jerusalem . Sion the place known as kaawat sion in Assyr (Tuhama). Then Solomon made his capital near El Namas in Beni Shahr p.250.In his book (Thrones of kings of Himiar 732 A.D.), Yemenish Jew Wahb Ebn Menabeh mentions that the coffin was in Kaawat sion in Assyr (Tuhama). Only the big priest was allowed to enter the sacred place once a year. Israelis possessed it till the times when they started writting their books. Gorham under El Hareth El Gorhomy allied with Eilam in 200,000 cavelliers and fought Israelis who were on their way to Meka. Israelis were defeated and left it. Hemeisa Ebn Nabat inherited it till the times of Jesus son of Mary.هميس بن نبات بن قيدار بن اسماعيلIt was then taken from Kaab Ebn Loah Ebn Ghaleb كعب بن لؤى بن غالبWhile there’s traditional silence from Israelis concerning the destiny of the coffin especially after Nebucheznasr’s time.In 535 B.C. Korash (Cyrus) gave Jew’s the temple’s properties but the coffin had already disappeared.
Exodus:Mr. Charles Dick remarked that the mountain they crossed to was a volcanic one that explains the two columns (smoke at daytime and one of fire at night).What was confusing to him was that Sinai land isn’t a volcanic one p. 175 so as to the Mediterranean and Akaba trait which lacks the feature.Mr. Sayed El Kemni later had his theory explaining that it was because the ancient place was in Yemen mount southern Arabia .Who’s who?We find ancient Egyptian scriptures complied in Jewish religious books as sacred ex. Akhnaton’s song is compilled as David’s psalm no. 104!Mr. Ahmed Susa explains that the exodus journey from Egypt which is referred to, was nothing but an Egyptian compaign composed of an Egyptian group and remnance of Hittites, followers of the Akhnaton creed.They were forced under disbelievers' pressure to escape Egypt towards Canaan . They were Egyptians who spoke the Egyptian language. They later borrowed many aspects of the Canaanite religion which gradually became part of their belief.
When Israeilis asked Moses they need something different than Min and Salwa they were offered for eating, he told them they exchange what’s good for what’s less and it was said to them to descend Misr, there they would find what they asked for.
Misr (Mizraim) Arabian misr= Egypt . Encyclopedia Britannica mentions that Misr could be another place further in northern Arabia ( Syria ). Probably that was the misr (city) they descended, (as Philistine and Egypt were unified at this time).
In Jewish scriptures when Israeilis disobeyed prophet Moses and told him to go and fight he and his God. Moses prayed on them and fight spread among them. As a punishment they were forbidden to enter the sacred land for 40 years. Moses left them somewhere in Arabia . For 40 years they were lost, though they managed to enter Philistine from eastern Jordon (led by Jusuah), destroying and burning cities they attacked, but they couldn’t enter Yabus ( Jerusalem ) for years and when they entered they weren’t able to ethnic cleanse its inhabitants who defended it.
Ancient scriptures mention Gasan as the fertile area eastern Egypt which was given to Israeilis by Pharaoh.
Gasan is eastern Egypt, but it is…also the region western Arabia . Its name is present on maps as evidence. But no evidence of an Egyptian Gasan exists.
That means either Egypt and Arabian Gasan were one land having the same king or…..
Zul Karnein:
Zu = an Arabian word used in Yemen meaning (the one having…) of the two horns. Zu الأذواء … ex. Zu Nawas, Zulnun. لقب يمنى.
He is said to be El Saab from Sheva, who was at first tyrant but became a humble believer. He built the dam and ruled the world. Arabian historians mentioned that he was El Saab Ebn Zi Merthed Ebn Zi Menh Ebn Amer Almattal Ebn Saksh Ebn Wael Ebn Hemiar Ebn Sabaa….Ebn Sam Ebn Noah.
الصعب بن الرائش (الرأئش = الحارثه بن ذى سدر بن عاد بن الملطاط بن سبأ – الآثار الباقية عن القرون الخالية)
Some Said he was Abokriv Shams Ebn Obeid Ebn Africash El Hemiari أبو كريب شمس بن عبيد بن أفريقيش الحميرى
At his time he sent settlers to the African continent and to him is attributed the name Africa . But El Saab is more relevant.
Sumerians:Offshoot of Evraim and Mansi, sons of Joseph son of Jacob. One of the 10 tribes that revolted against Beit David (house of David) and lived in northern Jerusalem not Yahuda. Jews forbade dealing with Sumerians and considered them their fiercest enemies.[Scarching for Jesus-new Biblical study - Kamal Salibi].
The Bible :The original autographs of the New Testament books have long since perished and except for a few fragements all from upper Egypt , the same fate had overtaken all the mss. used by Christians in the anti-nicene period.Most Christian mms. were written on papyrus and in the earliest time were in the form of a roll. Only 2 dating from the 4th c. survive.When in the 4th c.A.D., the empire became Christian and the church was established, copies of the scripture were multiplied in a substantial form. Such mms. would contain no more than a simple Gospel. Whole Bibles, even new testaments were always rather uncommon. The greater number of Greek mms. come from the 11th c. to 14th c.A.D.Before Greek language was used, manuscripts (also called cursives) were denoted by Arabic figures p. 515. The Gospels were completed in A.D. 383. The Egyptian version , dates from the last half of the 3rd c. Before that Christianity seems to have been confined to Alexandria and a few Greek speaking towns.There were 2 main versions: an upper and a lower Egyptian one.
The Bible narrators :
Peter (Botros - بطرس ( : He travelled calling for Christianity and the Bible. He went to Lybia, upper and lower Egypt , Alexandria where he erected a church. They imprisoned him 68 A.D.
Luka لوقا : born in Antakia ( Turkey ). Paul converted him to Christianity and he acocompanied him in his travels.
Mark مرقس : He wrote his Bible in Rome as was preached by Paul. He was Paul's translator in his travels.
Mathew متي : a Jew born in Kana , Galili. He was converted to Christianity.
John يوحنا : He was born in Beitsyd - Galili.
Old Testament:The most important: the Egyptian, Arabic, Ethiopean, Gothic and Aramian. All except a part of the Arabic appear to have been made through the medium of the Septuagint. [Encyclopedia Britannica -Vol. 3].
Septuagint:The earliest Greek translation of the Old Testament, sent from Jerusalem to Alexandria at the request of Ptolemy II Philadelpus 277-247 B.C. by the high priest Elazar. Septuagint Hebrew priests finished its greater part during Eslamic reign 7th and 8th c.A.D. till medieval times [Encyclopedia Br. -Vol 20].
The Hebrew Language:In the 19th c. A.D. Zionists in Europe claimed to revive the ancient Hebrew language to be a spoken one.In the Jewish scriptures Hebrew is called sepath kenaan ‘the lip of Canaan ’ or Yehudhith ‘Jewish’. The term Ibrith was the word used by the rabbis of Palestine . The English name comes from the Greek Hebrew [Ency. Br. Vol. 11].Ibrith=Abry.Old Testament doesn’t name the Hebrew language as the language it was written by , and modern linguistics consider the Hebrew as an accent of the Canaanite language, which was the language of northern Arabians from the early histories. Some accents of this language was that of Philistines, Phoenicians and coastal Syria . [The Israeli nation-London-1988]. Hebrew Language was one accent of the Aramians, which the Babelonian’s spoke as did people of Iraq and Syria .The Old Testament was written 800 years later. Hebrew wasn’t a language by itself but a tongue of Canaan which Philistines spoke as well. An accent which included the new tribe arriving and the original inhabitants of Philistine ( Palestine ). [Moses Egyptianity-James Henry]. Modern Hebrew designers knew well that the ancient Hebrew utterly disappeared from existence from the 3rd c. B.C., even earlier, and that the Hebrew phonetics of old scriptures no one knows for sure how it was pronounced originally, but there was no doubt it was much nearer to the Arabian language p. 17. And as modern Hebrew doesn’t aid in the translation of the Old Testament, thus the Arabian language was the real source for understanding these scriptures and clarifying the ambiguity of some parts of the Torah. P. 36, and this is agreed upon.
Hebrew wasn’t a spoken language in any area but taught by a special minority for some religious practices and the rest spoke Arabic. In Arabic, the word Abry and Araby have the same meaning. يعبر الافصاح.Certainly their language was the same before it sprang from the main Arubia عروبيه language. [Philistine first - Gamal Hamdan]. Modern Yedish which western Jews speak is derived from the German word ‘Hoch Deutsch’. European Jews who invented this move were uncapable of pronouncing three letters of the semetic language. The ق-ح-ع, so the ق was made k, the ع was made a and the ح was made h (همزه ء). They copied from the Aramian accent changing the b to v (Latin v.) and K became kh if it was advanced by sound. As European Germans were the founders of modern Hebrew, they changed the semetic, w to the german v.
Thus, as a historian says their modern effort for reviving the language was fabrication on fabrication. For all this , modern Hebrew emerged strange with no relation in its logistics to the ancient semetic one p. 15.Many intended forgeries occurred in its modern compiling which its founders knew and which was done on purpose for legalizing the modern invented one.[Secrets of the Israeil nation - London 1988]. Comparison between some words. Hebrew Arabic.......
English Hebrew Arabic
chest re ah re ah
dust offar offar
good nehmedah hamedah
blood damm damm
permissions tasarih tasarih
rabbit arnab arnab
hot haim hami
sour mar mar
old kahl kahl
night lail lail
light ur nur.
Aramian Language = derived from people of Eram which was Arabian. Canaan (Philistine):
Canaan, 4500 B.C. Canaanites, a semetic Arabian tribe that immigrated from Arabia and settled in Palestine . Canaanites=sons of kahtan. Some of the Canaanites were the Yabuseen who settled in Philistine ( Palestine ) and erected the city of Yabus (El Quds). The city that was renamed Eur Salem 15c. B.C. ( Jerusalem ) Eur = City - salem = peace.It was Built by Melki Sadek. Its name refers to salem El Yabusi one of its kings.
Sacred Lands:Sacred land was mentioned from ancient times as the land on Egypt ’s eastern banks to Euphrates eastern Arabia .‘For your offspring I give this land’.It was the Moslem believers who inherited the land , predecessors of prophet Abraham – obedient to God. [Ismaeil-derived from the Arabian word Isma=to Listen = be obedient].
Prophet David:
David created Israeil and expanded the kingdom to Yabus ( Jerusalem ). He fought disbelievers including Israeli disbelievers and idolators. During the Judges' (Kudah) age, Arabs were inhabiting Philistine. They dwelt in Askalan, Asdad, Aka, and other cities. Those who belivied in David were part of his followers. (Book of liberty-Solomen Mazher-47. History of Palestine ).
During his escape, prophet David is said to have hidden ib Heraq cave in Meka.
Prophet Solomon:The name solaiman = peaceful. Soleiman built and fortified several cities. He divided the land into 12 districts seemingly independent of the old tribal division upon which levies were made on rotation. He constructed a magnificent royal dwelling and built a temple as an aponage to the palace. He relied upon Heram for materials and artisans. Some say his rule and trade routes reached Australia . After Solomon, fights errupted among Israeilis.
Psalms of Solomon:18 in all (used in the worship of the synagogue). As the British Encyclopedia mentions, they were not written by Solomon but were subsequently ascribed to him. Their author (or authors) may have placed the subscriptions ‘Psalms of Solomon' in order to gain currency for the new collection under the shelter of a great name of the past. P 953. The authors were Pharisees (Persians). They consider saduccees (Jewish priests who served Romans) transgressors. The authors protest against the Ashmonians (Maccabees) for usurping the throne of David, and proclaim the coming of the messiah, the true son of David, who would destroy hostile nations and extend his righteous rule on earth. Psalms of Soloman could hardly be assigned to the same authors. Hopes of messiah are confined to the Pharisees [p. 953. Encyclopedia Britannica].
Other prophets -peace on them :
Edris : He called people to believe and worship one God. As few of them obeyed him he went Egypt calling people to Eslam and worshiping the one God.
Ayoub Ebn Amos Ebn Razah Ebn Rome Ebn Isaac :
His mother daughter of Lut, his father believed in prophet Abraham and married Rahma bent Evraim ebn Yusuf and had 12 sons.
He was sent to Golan ( Syria ) and El Gabeia.
Shoaib Ebn Anka Ebn Thwaif Ebn Madien :
His mother was Makeil daughter of Lut. He was sent to Madien and the Aika owners . His tongue was Arabian.
Mosa (Moses):original name Mosa , the 'es' added in Greek transaltions as used with nominals.
Yeisa : ( Jesus) : Eisa Ebn Mariam El Azraa bent Omran ( Jesus son of Mary the virgin). Again addition of 'es' for translated Greek names.
Jonah the son of Amattai:He was sent to Nineveh in Mosul in Iraq .
Mesiah (From the Arabian word masah=robbed with=annointed with oil), robbed by priests.
Later, after the abatement of Yahuda, each one nominated to David’s throne whom aspirations encompassed as a coming messiah to revive their lost kingdom was anointed as son of David. [Searching for Jesus-Kamal El Salibi-El Sherouk].
Other prophets : peace upon them.Edris : He called people to believe and worship one God. As few of them obeyed him he went Egypt calling people to Eslam and worshiping the one God.
Ayoub Ebn Amos Ebn Razah Ebn Rome Ebn Isaac :
His mother daughter of Lut, his father believed in prophet Abraham and married Rahma bent Evraim ebn Yusuf and had 12 sons. He was sent to Golan (Syria) and El Gabeia.Jonah the son of Amattai : يونس بن متي . From Arabia he was sent to Nineveh in Mosul in Iraq.Shoaib Ebn Anka Ebn Thwaif Ebn Madien : (western Arabia). His mother was Makeil daughter of Lut. He was sent to Madien and the Aika owners . His tongue was Arabian.
Other prophets : peace upon them.Edris : He called people to believe and worship one God. As few of them obeyed him he went Egypt calling people to Eslam and worshiping the one God.
Ayoub Ebn Amos Ebn Razah Ebn Rome Ebn Isaac :
His mother daughter of Lut, his father believed in prophet Abraham and married Rahma bent Evraim ebn Yusuf and had 12 sons. He was sent to Golan (Syria) and El Gabeia.Jonah the son of Amattai : يونس بن متي . From Arabia he was sent to Nineveh in Mosul in Iraq.Shoaib Ebn Anka Ebn Thwaif Ebn Madien : (western Arabia). His mother was Makeil daughter of Lut. He was sent to Madien and the Aika owners . His tongue was Arabian.
Mosa (Moses):original name Mosa , the 'es' added in Greek transaltions as used with nominals.
Yeisa : ( Jesus) : Eisa Ebn Mariam El Azraa bent Omran ( Jesus son of Mary the virgin). Again addition of 'es' for translated Greek names. He was sent in Philistine calling for the One God.Mesiah (From the Arabian word masah=robbed with=annointed with oil), robbed by priests.Elias ebn Yasa : ( northern Arabia). After Israeilis had taken the baal , made a golden statue for it , with 40 servants for it, prophet Elias came to warn them and call them back to worshiping the One God.