الأربعاء، 15 أبريل 2009


More Than Innocent
Our Beloved
Mohamed the Blessed
Some Moslem Giants
Some Arabian Stories
Stories of Tyrants
Warning to those full of grudge and enomosity against Eslam
Koran el Nahl 26
Is ignorance an excuse

New to youEslam = mercyWhy no fanaticism in true Eslam ?El fath 26 (Holy Koran).Fanaticism is a mere sickness of an ignorant heart which could only stem fom false creeds or beliefs.
As J. Percing puts it in his book ( In search of happiness) , only those in doubt are fanatic.But as he says, someone who is sure sun rises east, doesn't have to panic to prove that.
Why nuclear weapons fuss ?Simply because world's military powers who actually posses hundreds of those nuclear destructive weapons including Israeil , who alone posses 200 nuclear bombs directed to most world capitals, simply because they plan to use it , and it was actually zionist Truman who was the first to use 2 dirty nuclear bombs on innocent Japanese citizens - a crime, whatever excuses given -which is unacceptable on any humanitarian base.
And simply also because in their protocols : they must disarm any city before putting it under their circle of destruction and democratical rehabilitation.
And they need gaurantee their victims won't hit back.
(In 7 Tamuz 1981 , Israeili forces hit Iraqi nuclear base center in what it called act of defence).War against terrorWar of dirty liesWar conducted by biggest world terorist gangWar of agression and greed conducted by world's real terrorists.
Bush fascist's regime :An empire that ended before it could even start. Bush who had conducted all crimes in his war of lies and agression to ensure his bloody greedy path to mid-east oil.Bush and Rumsfeld : figures of modern entire materialistic aethism and inhuman fascism, meantime propagating in an immoral tactique against their very tortured victims.Bush and his gang who have imposed torturing so called world inhuman fascist democrasy - the so called new world disorder - and already impoverished, looted and foxly conspired with the zionist gang who had used all sorts of world forbidden and inhuman immoral destructive weapons and long possesed machinery , then blaming their very deceased victims of their crimes of terror and fascism ; claiming their democratical world new disorder for those brain washed behind.
Fascism :
From the Encyclopedia Britannica :
Fascism started in Italy 1919 by Benito Mossolini.The original Italian name of "fascismo" is derived from the latin fascis denoting in ancient Rome a bundle of rods with an axe, born before Roman majistrates as a symbol of auhtority.
Even before the war of 1914-18 Enrico Corradini had propagated a doctrine of extreme nationalism which had fanned enthusuiasm for the Lybian war of 1911 and for imperial expansion.
Fascism in its beginnings was a tactique for gaining and retaining power by violence.The 18 years of the fascist regime was devoted to the military propagation of Italy for a coming struggle for the rebirth of the Roman empire. The cult of the Roman empire and its expansions was stimulated by all means.
Like the Balshevism in Russia , it determined everything printed in the press and periodicals, heard in radios or presented on the screen or stage.
Fascism also leads to the complete destruction of all free cultural and intellectual intercourse with other nations. Fascism can be regarded as an escape from difficulties into the irresponsibility of following a leader who deprives the masses of their liberty and maturity but promises them social security and economic progress. p.103.
Intended to lead through propaganda , terror and war
But what was the result ? the Italian armies and navies were ignomineously defeated; though saved by the Nazi Germans for a temporary existence in northern Italy. Fascists' principles had become accepted by 1936 by the governments of Austria , Hungury, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Japan.As Italians donned black shirts, Germans donned brown shirts ; the fascists in Hungary donned green shirts and used the cross and arrow instead of the German swastika. In Rumania a lawyer Corneliu Cadreanu founded a legion of Christian and racial renovation of Rumania 1927 which later developed into the terrorist organisation of the iron party. In Greece fascism was innitiated by the government of Gen. John Metaxas who in 1936 innaugurated the third Hellenic civilization . In Spain the phalangists revived the dream of great catholic Spanish empire..
The fascist movement reached also Japan in Asia, where a number of supra patriotic terrorist organisations of young officers and students tried to bring Japan back to the ancient virtues of the old rule. p.103 . Also certain fascist tendencies were noticeable in many latin american governments.
Fascism entered the struggle for world domination but its plans miscarried . World War Two , which started by the fascist great powers ended in complete defeat for them. Fascism as a world movement and a world power had come to an end. p.104.Yet small fascist groups as the regime in Spain and Argentina preserved some characteristics of fascism. p.104.
In Italy Jews participated in all Italian national movements and wars and many of them from the beginning had belonged to the fascist party and had been for years in signor Mossolini's inner circle. But after deciding on Palestinian plan , in 1938 Italian fascism accepted the German anti-semitic racial theory. p.103.
We ask mr. Bush have you heard about any Arabian or Moslem countries in all these fascist rgimes ?!!
Shame on injustice !
So everything said by Bush and his regime should be interpreted way round.If they speak about peace then they mean force and terror.democrasy = they mean their fascist regime.war agains terror = war of their terrorism.rights = their own agression and greed.
As James Carol puts it in (Histories of an unfair war): " In the American story there was deceit ; as Einshtein sent to Rosefelt recommending the hurrying of construction of nuclear weapon exaggerating German nuclear danger, later to discover that German nuclear weapon wasn't actually shapping any danger (tactic of false information for political aim) - Truman who announced war against Soviet Union 1948 did that after Patrick day's supper erected by Francis Spilman propagator of the pure race ideology, the one who ignited the anti communism war. ". " It also was the catholic cardinal Bernar Lu , backer of homosexuality , who was Bush's advisor and as crusaders' divided the world to we and them (who are not on our side ), and his church accepts the agression and killing the other as a holy act of sacrifice" .The first crusade was historically the first real wide organised carnage.Marketing religion : to blast schism and confusion. After the fall of the USSR , The U.S. plans to control the middle east was by recruitung so called islamists named groups (politically motivated , has nothing to do with religion) . In Jordon the islamist liberation group was recruited , its announced target was to return the caliphate. Its members were trained and funded by C.I.A. where millions of dollars were granted for its heads , by the amreican embassy in Beirut. Groups recruited for bombings and terror were aided by C.I.A. and Israili Mosad. Training camps for recruited agents were run by C.I.A and Mosad from Florida in US to Afghanistan and pakistan. Their chief agents were Bin Laden and Omar AbdelRahman. !
And wasn't Sadam Hussein also a previous alley !
An immoral tactic for presenting an illusionary danger as a means of sanctioning anti-U.S. oponents against the U.S. control project. Similar groups were appointed in Syria , Algeria and Egypt. Camps training those recruited were getting its weapons directly from C.I.A.
All this co-inciding witht the zionists world propagation against Eslam. Openning a cultural battle between religions , the so called civilzations' clash.
Eslam the totally pure innocent of all
More than proud :
Proud of being Moslem more than being semetic or Egyptian .Pharoah was so rich and strong but he disobeyed God and his prophet Moses , he enslaved Egyptians and the israeilis into hard labour. He wasn't fair by rejecting to listen to God's prophet Moses , what was his end ?! like ant tyrant ..That's not an era to be proud of such as present propagation advertises for . But come to Eslam , arriving Egypt, Jews are freed from persecution, Egyptian christian clergies who were persecuted by the Romans because of religious schism and had fled to the desert return to their cities; freedom of religion was granted for all and equality of people gauranteed.Proud to be human.
Most prophets peace on them were Arabian :
Abraham : is said to be from Mesopotamia (Iraq), he travelled to Palestine then Egypt where he married the Egyptian Haggar (peace on them) and together they moved to Arabia and built House of God at Meka with his son Esmaeil, and prayed there for his Moslem Grandsons.
So was Prophet Lut.
Moses : lived and was raised in Egypt , he later travelled to Medien ( western Arabia ), he married from there and returned Egypt to take the israilis out to escape Pharoah's rath.
Jesus : was born in Palestine , he travelled Egypt with his mother Mary the virgin.We know from the encyclopedia's that the history of Jerusalem goes back to the stone age 25000 B.c. as semites settled in Palestine from Arabia p.7 vol. 13.
Jesus would arrive . False Mesiah would be defeated . He would break the cross and call Christians to Eslam : religion of all prophets.
so was John and Zakaria from Palestine.
Prophet Hud was from southern arabiaProphet Saleh was from northern AabiaProphet Shoeib was from western Arabia (Madien).
Prophet Joseph : as his brothers left him in the well , was taken by some travellers to Egypt, in the house of Aziz of Egypt.
Prophets Isaac and Jacob were from bedouins till Joseph brought them to Egypt.Prophet David lived in Jerusalemand also Prophet Solomon.And all prophhets were Moslems , the word derived from the Arabian word salam meaning peace.
Semites :Arabia : land of semites and is supposed by scholars to have been the original home of the semitic people. Arabian immigration to Mesopotamia was simple since there was no natural boundaries between it and northeastern Arabia so was their migration to Paelstine where they settelled . p.176. (Brittannica).some scholars suggest Mesopotamia as the motherland of semites , but they most agree that semites came originally from central Arabia and that the three great universal religions have sprang from them.p.543 Everyman's encyclopedia.
In the late 19th century the translation of numerous arabian inscriptions revealed the existence of at least four civilised kingdoms : Minaean (=biblical Ma'on), Sabaa (Sheba), Hadramut (inYemen), Asharein and Katabanu. Abbysinians had earlier immigrated from southernArabia to the opposite coast of Africa (Ethiopia), then they began to flee back to south of Arabia, and in the fourth c.ecame strong enough to overthrow the Hemyarite kings and establish a dynasty of their own.Some of the Hemyarites (yemen), had accepted Judaism and founded a Jewish kingdom , the struggle between them and Abyssinians became one of Judaism against Christianity Abyssinians were supported by Byzantines and in 525 A.D were successful in ruling Yemen (southern Arabia), but in 575 Persians had been called in by the Jews (Christian oponents), Persians then succeeded in ruling and apointing governors in Yemen p.176 (Brittannica).
Some Arabian stories :
Queen of Sheba (Belqeis ), semetic arabian queen froim SabaaSabaa : (Sheba ) refers to a man called Sabaa who had ten sons, six of them immigrated south towards Yemen and four immigrated north towards Palestine.The 6 tribes of Yemen were : Canda , asyauin, Azd, Mezgah, Homayer , and Anmar.Belqeis was at Prophet's Solomon's time and when he heard that she and her people worship the sun , he sent to her inviting her to Eslam : worshiping the One God and the Creator of the sun they worship.Belqeis went Jerusalem Beleiving with Prophet Solomon.
Zeinabia : after she married Oriantos Semtos , king of kings and ruler of eastern Roman territories that extended beyond Syria, she became queen . She led her armies and defeated Galios and ruled Tadmur kingdom.
Samiramis : After the murder of Venos , she became queen of Assyrian kingdom. She defeated Babylonians and Caldanians and made from Babel capital of her kingdom.
portrayed in later mythologies probably as zions idol.
Skandar Bekom : Moslem queen in India (Mohabal district ), known for her wisdom. She was very keen on implementing sharia .
Mariam bent Shams : at Mozafar Khan's time , was very keen on educating nation.
Some Stories :
Stories of some early Moslems :
Sohaib The Roman :Son of Iraqi ruler. One day Romans invaded Abila (his father's land), and took him as a slave. He lived in Roman lands and learned their language. Then his master sold him to a Mekan man, Abdala Ibn Gadaan , who set him free. He worked in merchandry and became rich. When he heard about Eslam , he entered it. Mekans tortured him . He intended to immigrate , but Mekans followed him. They told him "you came us poor and can't leave with your riches."
He left them all his money and home and immigrated to the Prophet.
Salman the Persian :A priest who used to to travel. He planned to visit Arabia as it was mentioned in the Holy Books the approach of a Prophet there. He hitchhicked with some merchants but instead they kidnappeed him and sold him to a jew at Yathrib. Later moslems at Yathrib bought him and gave him his freedom. He announced his Eslam and later became ruler of Madaen (in Persia), known by his humbleness.Abdel Rahamn Ibn Ouf :A rich merchant . He adopted Eslam and spent his money on the poor. Eslam called for equality between white and black , Arabians and non-Arabians , ne differnence except by good deeds. He spent his money on liberating slaves .
Khaled Ibn El Waleed : from fiercest oponent of eslam to its great hero and defender. Termed as 'Sword of Lord' , as after adopting Eslam he never lost a battle ; against Persians , against Romans he was the sword of victory .
Belal :
First Abbysinian Moslem . Was a black slave before Eslam . After becoming Moslem , his master tortured him by putting huge heavy stones on him in the very hot desert's sun ordering him to utter his disbelief , but all his words were Ahadon Ahad (God the One). Abo Bakr Earliest men to Eslam passed by him while his master was putting him in chains and beating him. He bought him from his master. He freed him . He immigrated to the Prophet in (The Enlightened City), and became Moslem's first Moazin. He had a beautiful voice. After The Prophet met God , he would stop in the Azan while pronouncing his name . He wept. He loved him so much. He couldn't stay in the City without the Prophet there that he asked the Caliph to move north Arabia and continue gehad and calling for Eslam.
Osama Ibn Zeid ; when Moslems heard about Romans' preparation for an army to crush Moslems, he was the leader of their victorios army , though less than 20 years old.
Amar Ibn Yaser and Somaya : He entered Eslam early ; after meeting the Prophet , he called his mother to Eslam , she beleived too , so did his father . When his tribe heard of this , they started torturing Yaser's family. They let them wear iron bars and left them in the very hot desert forbidding them water ; but their hearts were full with Prophet's love . Prophet passed by them and calling them for patience as their dating is paradise . Amar's parents died of torture , uttering their last belief : "Only One God , Mohamed his Prophet."
Amar kept bold till his torturers got fed up and let him go. He later immigrated escaping the infidels' torture till they were allowed to return Meka. Prophet prophesized his martyrdom and it was.
Omar Ibn El Khatab :Great chieftain in Meka , known for his strong personality. When he heard that his sister adopted Eslam , he beat her till bleeding. He swore to kill the prophet. When he heard The Prophet reciting some Koran near Kaaba , he left without showing himself. He asked his sister to give him the Koran with her. She refused before his abolishing. He washed and listened to her and her husband. His heart was opened to Eslam. He left them someone new. He went to The Prophet and announced his Eslam. Till then a moslem wouldn't announce his belief infront of Mekkans as they sanctioned dealing with moslems. Omar boldly announced his belief.
He later became second Moslems' Caliph.Once two Roman envoys were sent to Omar . They passed by someone sleeping under a tree , hanging his cloth to dry. He had only two humble pairs. They asked for the way to the Caliph. He told them it was him. They couldn't believe it was that person without gaurds or palace. But Omar the just ruler had sold his life and its earthly riches in return for serving Truth.Jews conspired with a persian zorastrian Abo Loaeloaa El Magousy to stab him.
Khola Bent El Azouar :After learning that Romans imprisoned her brother Deirar , she enetrated Roman rows with her horse. Together with Rafei Ibn Omeira and 100 men , they surprised Romans with a one man's attack freeing their sisters' brother. She was known as a brave chaveliere . In Sagoura she was imprisoned by the Romans , but refused to be their slave . She ignited other Moslem women prisoners to use tents' boards to defend themselves, attack the enemy and escape.She kept defending and raising the flag of truth till her death at Othman Ibn Afan's time (third Moslem Caliph) .
Saad Ibn Aby Wakaas :
He adopted Eslam. His mother got angry and swear she won't eat till her death if he didn't return to his old religion of worshiping their statues. He loved her but refused.He once got some pain , went to The Prophet who prayed for him and put His Blesed Hands on his face, chest and stomack. It healed. Till he was eighty , he said he felt its blessings.He kept his geiba he fought infidels with in Badr , (55 years) to be burried with him.
Mosaab Ibn Omeir :
He was from a noble rich Meccan family .. When his tribe learnt he entered Eslam , they tortured him .
Mosaab immigrated Abbysinia with some early Moslems . Nugassi of Abyssinia believed in them and gave them protection.
Nugasshi : a title for any Abbysinian king.
Mosab later returned Meka and was sent Yathrib as Moslem's first embassador . Most of Yathrib inhabitants believed in Eslam because of his great manners and good speach. Yathrib inhabitants invited the Prophet to their City and promised to be His Ansars (Allies).
After Moslems imigrated to yathrib , Mekan infidels gathered their forces to attack Moslems who immigrated to yathreb (The Enlightened City) ; in Ohod battle , Mosaab kept defending the prophet with his body till his martyrdom.
Prophet was ordered to immigrate. Infidels of Meka decided to gather from each tribe a man and kill The Prophet before His immigration. A short nap blinded them as He passed by them leaving His Home to the desert with His faithful friend. By night infidels got mad about how this happened while they were surrounding his house. They followed them to the desert till they reached the hill they were hiding in . Protected in a cave there , infidels just passed by them, but as there was a pigeon's nest and a spider's house at the entrance of the cave they doubted anyone to be there and left .
Prophet and his friend Abo Bakr continued their journey protected till they reached Yathrib ( later named The Enlightened City).
Aos and Khazrag :
two tribes that lived in Yathrib constantly in wars . When the Prophet Peace on Him arrived, he returned them to brotherhood and united them.
Jews and infidels against Moslems :
Jews first pretended to accept the message . When Moslems immigrated Yathrib , they gave their oath to back them and alley with them against their enemies. But when they heard about Mekkan infidels planning to attack Moslems at Yathrib , they broke their oath and allied with the infidels and planned together to eradicate moslems and enslave their women and children inside the city. When Moslem heard of this they suggested digging a ditch around the city. Infidels couldn't pass. They camped for days.God promised Moslems victory . But infidels were just infront of their city with all their rath. Suddenly a sand storm shattered infidels' camps , that they gave up and left.Jews who betrayed their oath in Yathrib were punished according to the Old Testament law.
After their betrayal and defeat , a jewish woman (Zeinab Bent El Hareth ) , pretended peace and sent The Prophet roasted meat. His friend (Beshr Ibn Baraa Ibn Marour) , ate from it while the Prophet ordered them to throw it as it was poisoned. His friend died of it. Prophet told them to forgive her.
He was a Great Example of forgiveness and High Manners.
Infidels didn't stop their agression. They kept attacking and torturing Moslems . But Eslam was spreading with its light of truth , that infidels of Meka made a treaty with Moslems. But as they broke it again, Moslems prepared to enter Meka as they were promised victory .
Abo Sufyan , the fiercest Eslamic oponent tried to ask another treaty but it was too late . Moslems were advancing towards Meka. They entered victoriously without bloodshed. The Prophet gathered them and asked them about what they think he'll do to them after all their agression. He told them what they never expected : "go you're free ' .After hearing about this victory, tribes arrived announcing their belief , so did abo Sofyan.Later Moawya , son of Abo Sofyan was the 5th Moslem Caliph who moved its capital to Demascus , Syria.Stories of some tyrants :
Abraxah :in southern Arabia (Yemen ), was a rich country . In Yemen there was an arabian king Thi Nawas, who adopted Judaism and left the religion of worshiping statues and idols.Persians east, Romans north and Abyssinians west had fiefs in rich Yemen. As its arabian king adopted Judaism , he became fanatic to it , he tried to impose it on Yemen , but Christianity was also spreading in Negran southern Arabia , he persecuted Christians, believers were gathered to a ditch and fire set to them. Abbysinian king allied with the Romans to invade Yemen and an Abbysinian king was proclaimed king of Yemen which was part of Abyssinia , his name was Abrehah, and Nugashei (King of Abbysinia) acknowledged his rule. Abrehah wanted Arabs who used to do their pilgrimage to Meka since prophet's Abraham's time, and tribe of Koreish was protecting it ; Abraxas wanted them to change their pilgrimage to Yemen and make it a great trade center. He built a huge house and sent to the Roman emperor for precious stones and to Egypt asking for engineers and builders and for Nugashi of Abbysiania asking for laborers. He built a great church , its columns from gold and walls from silver with silk carpets. He called the church al Klais. Then he gathered a huge army led by elephants to force arabs to change their pilgrimage from Meka to Yemen and went on his way to destroy the one at Meka. On their way they gathered all arabian sheep and intended to enslave women and children. Arabian honourable chieftan of tribes AbdelMotaleb went out to meet Abraxas , all he told him was that the House Has a God to protect it. Abraxas continued his march , but as he reached Mecca , the elephant that was leading the army stopped and kneeled, they tried to push him but he didn't move. As they turned him back , he ran and ran. Abraxas ordered to leave that elephant and continue the march ; but as they obeyed him , a group of birds started throwing them with stones till the army vanished . Abraxas' army was destroyed and its target abondened.
That year was the year in which blessed Prophet Mohamed was born. And that honourable Koraish chieftain was his grandfather.
Disbelievers of prophet Noah :
Long ago five good men lived at ancient time. After their death , their people erected statues to remind them of those good men. But as time passed they ended worshiping those statues which were named : Wed , Yaok, soaa , Yagoth , nasra ....Noah was sent to them to lead them to the right path. Worship God , don't worship statues or idols. But they insisted on disbelieving Noah . Noah built a ship and took two from every animal and bird ; they warned disbeleivers of punishment but they mocked them. Noah prayed God not to leave an infidel of them on earth. One of his sons refused to go with them and claimed he'll go to a high hill, but everything sank with the great tide with its waves as high as mountains. Unbelievers drowned while those who beleived with Noah and entered the ship with Noah landed safely.
Aad :
In southern Arabia lived a tribe called Ad that goes back to Ad son of Eram (Rome), they built magnificent homes with huge columns . Despite their strength and riches they built statues and worshiped it. Prophet Hud was sent to them to lead them to the right path and worshipingGod, but they disbelieved him . He kept calling them for the right path but they mocked him and those who beleived with him.
Finally their punishment was by a strong storm that shattered their city for seven nights and eight days.
Thamud :
was the tribe after Aad who lived in southern Arabia then moved northwards between Palestine and Hegaz (Arabia).(Madaen Saleh) , they and Aad were from the same grandfather Eram (Rome) , aramians.They were so strong but worshiped statues. Saleh was sent to them calling them, to leave statues they created by themselves and worship God their creator. They claimed he was a magician and asked him to show them a miracle. He told them about the Naka(cow or camel ), which had to drink from their well for one day and they the other and warned them not to harm it. After a while disbeilievers decided to kill it. After 3 days they were destroyed by a stone storm.
Pharoah :
Moses called Pharoah to worship God, but Pharoah was fargone in his arogance and claimed he is god and that Moses was a magician. He gathered magicians to contest him but they finally beleived in Moses and God . Phroah decided to persecute those who beleived with Moses. Israeilis and believers left at night but Pharoah followed them till the sea , where they could pass but he and his soldiers drowned.
Sodom :
Sodom's people were led astray in excess sins , homosexuality and infidility. Prophet Lut was sent to warn them but they threatened to send him and those who followed out of their city. Lut was ordered to take his family and those who beleived out of the town, only his wife didn't . By dawn infidels were punished and their town destroyed.
Namrud : Prophet Abraham called people to leave statues they create by themselves and worship God . Namrud was a king at that time, he told Abraham that he is God , he can give life to a person by spearing his life or impose death on him by ordering his killing. Abraham told him that God sends sun from the east can he bring it from the west. Namrud couldn't answer but he kept on his infidility refusing to believe. His punishment was by a fly that entered his nose ; they used to hit his head trying to let it out , till his death.Karoun :
Was from Israilis , but he was so rich and arogant. People told him to thank God but he claimed all his wealth was because he deserved it. He never thanked. His safes needed several men to carry its keys. He went out pompous . Suddenly an earthquake swallowed him, his home and his wealth.Abu Lahab:fiercest oponent of Eslam ; head of Mekan infidels. He used to torture the weak who entered Eslam.
He got a skin desease , no one could approach him till his death.
Warning to those ignorantly full of enemosity against Eslam -Unbelieves in God's last message are warned either punishment on earth or surely
THE HOURand what do you know about THE HOUR ?EndWe expect real terrible unprecedental end for their present ongoing false war of lies ;
and as their crimes against truth are unprecedental , as their end would be unprecedently spectacular one.
How could they be fascist and call for liberalism ?
zionists' protocols 5 & 9 explain:
5- 'we've caused religious fanaticism and schism between sects' ,
9-' we've recruited men to be members from all sects and creeds, communists in the east , liberals west , fanatic christians and so called islamists. !
hypocrisy ..
Secrets of Moslem tolerance :In any creed , even in games , fanaticism is derived from ethnicity, wanting to encourage ones' group , with what it entails from boosting ones egoism.
Say someone would want to take you to his group, he would try to convince you by all means he believes acceptable. If you reject , it would be like a wound to his dignity, with what this entails of more hate, enemosity and fanaticism.
In Eslam it's totally different :
the mentality is : come for your sake - for your goodnes - if you don't then I pity you, but not hate you. You might be forgiven but it might not be so too., please I would like to rescue , if you refuse we're still brothers.
Moslems accept criticism , they know enemies of Eslam committ sins then cunningly and unfairly blames innocent for it, besides the lying dirty propaganda, many such sort they willingly let pass as they are ordered if ignorants start their bad words they can ignore tell they end, but there are limits and bounderies for agressions to stop.Gehad :When Moslems unite they win ; knowing that , agressors took their precautions never to allow this.Exert effort = that's what the world means.Gehad is exerting effort for peace by doing good deeds, by exerting oneself and money for Lord's sake.During middle ages , crusaders waged succesive wars against Eslamic cities- gehad then meant deffence and exerting effort for triumph.
According to their crusadic holy wars ideology they tried falsely to interpret the word as connected to wars - a mere western crusadic interpretation that is far from truth.
We can only tell present war waging crusaders, when you put your swords, nuclear and artillery weapons aside, the word would still exist ; because it's a word of peace , before and after.No more lies :all nations honour those who defend their lands. Only where Bush's blind missles crush , those heroes are labelled terrorists.
Situation dark :As a traveller once mentioned " I found in Europe Moslems without Eslam and in the east Eslam without Moslems"; A phenomena that needs to be balanced .
The west (ofcourse not the warwage callers), who had actually adopted all the basis that once paved the foundation of the great universal civilization of Eslam ; not only in the arabian books translated paving the way for their rennaisance and present modern civilization but in the core of Eslamic preachings :
-hard working
-scientific research
-honesty-cleanliness and beauty
-freedom of thought
- call for humanitarian rights
-democrassy and co-operation
-organized communicational planning and social aid
Show me an Eslamic state now which is not following just the opposite.Go to a market ex:,
honesty which had been called for , just balance , and high manners which was the major attracting karizma of early Moslem merchants was speaking for Eslam , and justly spreading it east and west. Now ?! go to a market , honesty ? caring for just balance , real rare trade .
What happened to Arabian merchants - went back to dark ignorance of Gahelia
-(gahelia = dark period before Eslam).Lying , gossiping , hypocrisy, grudge, internal and political strifes , poverty.
Eslam forbade lying - gossiping is as hateful as eating a dead's flesh. Hypocrites are warned great punishment.
Seperation and strifes early , Eslam united all creeds, Moslems became brothers ; tribes that were fighting together were united by the Prophet.
Zakah : ensured rich should help poor; if there ever existed a poor Moslem this was their example : "تحسبهم أغنياء من التعفف ".Now begging is the easiest creed.
No comment except[ that they've gone back to worse than darkness of gahelia.Equality :Before Eslam an arabian baby girl would just be burried alive . Why ? because she was a girl , not a boy. Men would have dozen of women as wives and for lust, adultry was spread. After Eslam , all this was changed , women were respected . Waad (killing baby girls ) was forbidden , women were announced equal to men. Number of wives were limited to four on basis of equality.
( To those who are fond of criticism remember prophet Abraham had several wives , prophet Jacob had four wives, prophet David had 99, and prophet Solomon much more ). It was so common by then and normal.
Why the difference ?
To be fair , it must be said that economic standards is a decessive barometer for people's behaviour and manners more than it's the matter of race or belief. It's the difference between rich and poor ..That in the same country having the same traditions and religion we notice such difference between rich and poor classes. We also notice similarity of behaviour between the rich in this poor countries and the rich in other rich countries.
To prove we haven't any such fanaticism - to next article :
Present namely hypocrites must go , including the so called namely Moslems -those who claim to be moslems but don't work by it.And how many are they ?
Hastelling : a very bad low act can't be committed by an honourable faithful. To be a phenomena means there's something totally wrong. To allow it or accept it is a sin.one reason for imposing many restrictoins on their women is because they are hypocrites and they want to make sure they protect their women from hypocrites like them, but if they were trustful they would trust others.why do some arabs hastle girls ? because they are hypocrites .
A real Moslem is shie as a virgin . Shie eyes , shie manners , and it is an order to be followed. Koran -alnour.
And adultry :A moslem who just goes with the wind and then say he will repent later, must know he's a bad sinner.Adultry is forbidden by all religions. In Jews' Old Testemant its punishment is stonnning, and Christianity also consider it sin.
Suggested solution :
dire requirement for an enlightened hero , whether originally Moslem or not , a real faithful enlightened fellow who adopts truth, adheres and works by it , grabs the lost nation members and the world led astray sons , returning the lost sheep back to truth and peace - Lord's Right Path.
Ending the war :If they were true united Moslems , working together to end unfair situations of invaders and occupation of their lands , could be easy :-bycott all commercial and industrial trade of the agressor .
-Use the petrol weapon.
- prohibiting exporting and importing any, rendering all their machinery weapons useless as they won't find fuel to fly their planes to hit their bloody missiles .
-boycot all unneccessary dealings , importation and exportation , for the time of war.Defend the innocent with all your means
defend Eslam.
Open the windowthere is light.

posted by defencer at 4:57 AM

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