الأربعاء، 15 أبريل 2009


More Than Innocent
Our Beloved
Mohamed the Blessed
Some Moslem Giants
Some Arabian Stories
Stories of Tyrants
Warning to those full of grudge and enomosity against Eslam
Koran el Nahl 26
Is ignorance an excuse

New to youEslam = mercyWhy no fanaticism in true Eslam ?El fath 26 (Holy Koran).Fanaticism is a mere sickness of an ignorant heart which could only stem fom false creeds or beliefs.
As J. Percing puts it in his book ( In search of happiness) , only those in doubt are fanatic.But as he says, someone who is sure sun rises east, doesn't have to panic to prove that.
Why nuclear weapons fuss ?Simply because world's military powers who actually posses hundreds of those nuclear destructive weapons including Israeil , who alone posses 200 nuclear bombs directed to most world capitals, simply because they plan to use it , and it was actually zionist Truman who was the first to use 2 dirty nuclear bombs on innocent Japanese citizens - a crime, whatever excuses given -which is unacceptable on any humanitarian base.
And simply also because in their protocols : they must disarm any city before putting it under their circle of destruction and democratical rehabilitation.
And they need gaurantee their victims won't hit back.
(In 7 Tamuz 1981 , Israeili forces hit Iraqi nuclear base center in what it called act of defence).War against terrorWar of dirty liesWar conducted by biggest world terorist gangWar of agression and greed conducted by world's real terrorists.
Bush fascist's regime :An empire that ended before it could even start. Bush who had conducted all crimes in his war of lies and agression to ensure his bloody greedy path to mid-east oil.Bush and Rumsfeld : figures of modern entire materialistic aethism and inhuman fascism, meantime propagating in an immoral tactique against their very tortured victims.Bush and his gang who have imposed torturing so called world inhuman fascist democrasy - the so called new world disorder - and already impoverished, looted and foxly conspired with the zionist gang who had used all sorts of world forbidden and inhuman immoral destructive weapons and long possesed machinery , then blaming their very deceased victims of their crimes of terror and fascism ; claiming their democratical world new disorder for those brain washed behind.
Fascism :
From the Encyclopedia Britannica :
Fascism started in Italy 1919 by Benito Mossolini.The original Italian name of "fascismo" is derived from the latin fascis denoting in ancient Rome a bundle of rods with an axe, born before Roman majistrates as a symbol of auhtority.
Even before the war of 1914-18 Enrico Corradini had propagated a doctrine of extreme nationalism which had fanned enthusuiasm for the Lybian war of 1911 and for imperial expansion.
Fascism in its beginnings was a tactique for gaining and retaining power by violence.The 18 years of the fascist regime was devoted to the military propagation of Italy for a coming struggle for the rebirth of the Roman empire. The cult of the Roman empire and its expansions was stimulated by all means.
Like the Balshevism in Russia , it determined everything printed in the press and periodicals, heard in radios or presented on the screen or stage.
Fascism also leads to the complete destruction of all free cultural and intellectual intercourse with other nations. Fascism can be regarded as an escape from difficulties into the irresponsibility of following a leader who deprives the masses of their liberty and maturity but promises them social security and economic progress. p.103.
Intended to lead through propaganda , terror and war
But what was the result ? the Italian armies and navies were ignomineously defeated; though saved by the Nazi Germans for a temporary existence in northern Italy. Fascists' principles had become accepted by 1936 by the governments of Austria , Hungury, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Japan.As Italians donned black shirts, Germans donned brown shirts ; the fascists in Hungary donned green shirts and used the cross and arrow instead of the German swastika. In Rumania a lawyer Corneliu Cadreanu founded a legion of Christian and racial renovation of Rumania 1927 which later developed into the terrorist organisation of the iron party. In Greece fascism was innitiated by the government of Gen. John Metaxas who in 1936 innaugurated the third Hellenic civilization . In Spain the phalangists revived the dream of great catholic Spanish empire..
The fascist movement reached also Japan in Asia, where a number of supra patriotic terrorist organisations of young officers and students tried to bring Japan back to the ancient virtues of the old rule. p.103 . Also certain fascist tendencies were noticeable in many latin american governments.
Fascism entered the struggle for world domination but its plans miscarried . World War Two , which started by the fascist great powers ended in complete defeat for them. Fascism as a world movement and a world power had come to an end. p.104.Yet small fascist groups as the regime in Spain and Argentina preserved some characteristics of fascism. p.104.
In Italy Jews participated in all Italian national movements and wars and many of them from the beginning had belonged to the fascist party and had been for years in signor Mossolini's inner circle. But after deciding on Palestinian plan , in 1938 Italian fascism accepted the German anti-semitic racial theory. p.103.
We ask mr. Bush have you heard about any Arabian or Moslem countries in all these fascist rgimes ?!!
Shame on injustice !
So everything said by Bush and his regime should be interpreted way round.If they speak about peace then they mean force and terror.democrasy = they mean their fascist regime.war agains terror = war of their terrorism.rights = their own agression and greed.
As James Carol puts it in (Histories of an unfair war): " In the American story there was deceit ; as Einshtein sent to Rosefelt recommending the hurrying of construction of nuclear weapon exaggerating German nuclear danger, later to discover that German nuclear weapon wasn't actually shapping any danger (tactic of false information for political aim) - Truman who announced war against Soviet Union 1948 did that after Patrick day's supper erected by Francis Spilman propagator of the pure race ideology, the one who ignited the anti communism war. ". " It also was the catholic cardinal Bernar Lu , backer of homosexuality , who was Bush's advisor and as crusaders' divided the world to we and them (who are not on our side ), and his church accepts the agression and killing the other as a holy act of sacrifice" .The first crusade was historically the first real wide organised carnage.Marketing religion : to blast schism and confusion. After the fall of the USSR , The U.S. plans to control the middle east was by recruitung so called islamists named groups (politically motivated , has nothing to do with religion) . In Jordon the islamist liberation group was recruited , its announced target was to return the caliphate. Its members were trained and funded by C.I.A. where millions of dollars were granted for its heads , by the amreican embassy in Beirut. Groups recruited for bombings and terror were aided by C.I.A. and Israili Mosad. Training camps for recruited agents were run by C.I.A and Mosad from Florida in US to Afghanistan and pakistan. Their chief agents were Bin Laden and Omar AbdelRahman. !
And wasn't Sadam Hussein also a previous alley !
An immoral tactic for presenting an illusionary danger as a means of sanctioning anti-U.S. oponents against the U.S. control project. Similar groups were appointed in Syria , Algeria and Egypt. Camps training those recruited were getting its weapons directly from C.I.A.
All this co-inciding witht the zionists world propagation against Eslam. Openning a cultural battle between religions , the so called civilzations' clash.
Eslam the totally pure innocent of all
More than proud :
Proud of being Moslem more than being semetic or Egyptian .Pharoah was so rich and strong but he disobeyed God and his prophet Moses , he enslaved Egyptians and the israeilis into hard labour. He wasn't fair by rejecting to listen to God's prophet Moses , what was his end ?! like ant tyrant ..That's not an era to be proud of such as present propagation advertises for . But come to Eslam , arriving Egypt, Jews are freed from persecution, Egyptian christian clergies who were persecuted by the Romans because of religious schism and had fled to the desert return to their cities; freedom of religion was granted for all and equality of people gauranteed.Proud to be human.
Most prophets peace on them were Arabian :
Abraham : is said to be from Mesopotamia (Iraq), he travelled to Palestine then Egypt where he married the Egyptian Haggar (peace on them) and together they moved to Arabia and built House of God at Meka with his son Esmaeil, and prayed there for his Moslem Grandsons.
So was Prophet Lut.
Moses : lived and was raised in Egypt , he later travelled to Medien ( western Arabia ), he married from there and returned Egypt to take the israilis out to escape Pharoah's rath.
Jesus : was born in Palestine , he travelled Egypt with his mother Mary the virgin.We know from the encyclopedia's that the history of Jerusalem goes back to the stone age 25000 B.c. as semites settled in Palestine from Arabia p.7 vol. 13.
Jesus would arrive . False Mesiah would be defeated . He would break the cross and call Christians to Eslam : religion of all prophets.
so was John and Zakaria from Palestine.
Prophet Hud was from southern arabiaProphet Saleh was from northern AabiaProphet Shoeib was from western Arabia (Madien).
Prophet Joseph : as his brothers left him in the well , was taken by some travellers to Egypt, in the house of Aziz of Egypt.
Prophets Isaac and Jacob were from bedouins till Joseph brought them to Egypt.Prophet David lived in Jerusalemand also Prophet Solomon.And all prophhets were Moslems , the word derived from the Arabian word salam meaning peace.
Semites :Arabia : land of semites and is supposed by scholars to have been the original home of the semitic people. Arabian immigration to Mesopotamia was simple since there was no natural boundaries between it and northeastern Arabia so was their migration to Paelstine where they settelled . p.176. (Brittannica).some scholars suggest Mesopotamia as the motherland of semites , but they most agree that semites came originally from central Arabia and that the three great universal religions have sprang from them.p.543 Everyman's encyclopedia.
In the late 19th century the translation of numerous arabian inscriptions revealed the existence of at least four civilised kingdoms : Minaean (=biblical Ma'on), Sabaa (Sheba), Hadramut (inYemen), Asharein and Katabanu. Abbysinians had earlier immigrated from southernArabia to the opposite coast of Africa (Ethiopia), then they began to flee back to south of Arabia, and in the fourth c.ecame strong enough to overthrow the Hemyarite kings and establish a dynasty of their own.Some of the Hemyarites (yemen), had accepted Judaism and founded a Jewish kingdom , the struggle between them and Abyssinians became one of Judaism against Christianity Abyssinians were supported by Byzantines and in 525 A.D were successful in ruling Yemen (southern Arabia), but in 575 Persians had been called in by the Jews (Christian oponents), Persians then succeeded in ruling and apointing governors in Yemen p.176 (Brittannica).
Some Arabian stories :
Queen of Sheba (Belqeis ), semetic arabian queen froim SabaaSabaa : (Sheba ) refers to a man called Sabaa who had ten sons, six of them immigrated south towards Yemen and four immigrated north towards Palestine.The 6 tribes of Yemen were : Canda , asyauin, Azd, Mezgah, Homayer , and Anmar.Belqeis was at Prophet's Solomon's time and when he heard that she and her people worship the sun , he sent to her inviting her to Eslam : worshiping the One God and the Creator of the sun they worship.Belqeis went Jerusalem Beleiving with Prophet Solomon.
Zeinabia : after she married Oriantos Semtos , king of kings and ruler of eastern Roman territories that extended beyond Syria, she became queen . She led her armies and defeated Galios and ruled Tadmur kingdom.
Samiramis : After the murder of Venos , she became queen of Assyrian kingdom. She defeated Babylonians and Caldanians and made from Babel capital of her kingdom.
portrayed in later mythologies probably as zions idol.
Skandar Bekom : Moslem queen in India (Mohabal district ), known for her wisdom. She was very keen on implementing sharia .
Mariam bent Shams : at Mozafar Khan's time , was very keen on educating nation.
Some Stories :
Stories of some early Moslems :
Sohaib The Roman :Son of Iraqi ruler. One day Romans invaded Abila (his father's land), and took him as a slave. He lived in Roman lands and learned their language. Then his master sold him to a Mekan man, Abdala Ibn Gadaan , who set him free. He worked in merchandry and became rich. When he heard about Eslam , he entered it. Mekans tortured him . He intended to immigrate , but Mekans followed him. They told him "you came us poor and can't leave with your riches."
He left them all his money and home and immigrated to the Prophet.
Salman the Persian :A priest who used to to travel. He planned to visit Arabia as it was mentioned in the Holy Books the approach of a Prophet there. He hitchhicked with some merchants but instead they kidnappeed him and sold him to a jew at Yathrib. Later moslems at Yathrib bought him and gave him his freedom. He announced his Eslam and later became ruler of Madaen (in Persia), known by his humbleness.Abdel Rahamn Ibn Ouf :A rich merchant . He adopted Eslam and spent his money on the poor. Eslam called for equality between white and black , Arabians and non-Arabians , ne differnence except by good deeds. He spent his money on liberating slaves .
Khaled Ibn El Waleed : from fiercest oponent of eslam to its great hero and defender. Termed as 'Sword of Lord' , as after adopting Eslam he never lost a battle ; against Persians , against Romans he was the sword of victory .
Belal :
First Abbysinian Moslem . Was a black slave before Eslam . After becoming Moslem , his master tortured him by putting huge heavy stones on him in the very hot desert's sun ordering him to utter his disbelief , but all his words were Ahadon Ahad (God the One). Abo Bakr Earliest men to Eslam passed by him while his master was putting him in chains and beating him. He bought him from his master. He freed him . He immigrated to the Prophet in (The Enlightened City), and became Moslem's first Moazin. He had a beautiful voice. After The Prophet met God , he would stop in the Azan while pronouncing his name . He wept. He loved him so much. He couldn't stay in the City without the Prophet there that he asked the Caliph to move north Arabia and continue gehad and calling for Eslam.
Osama Ibn Zeid ; when Moslems heard about Romans' preparation for an army to crush Moslems, he was the leader of their victorios army , though less than 20 years old.
Amar Ibn Yaser and Somaya : He entered Eslam early ; after meeting the Prophet , he called his mother to Eslam , she beleived too , so did his father . When his tribe heard of this , they started torturing Yaser's family. They let them wear iron bars and left them in the very hot desert forbidding them water ; but their hearts were full with Prophet's love . Prophet passed by them and calling them for patience as their dating is paradise . Amar's parents died of torture , uttering their last belief : "Only One God , Mohamed his Prophet."
Amar kept bold till his torturers got fed up and let him go. He later immigrated escaping the infidels' torture till they were allowed to return Meka. Prophet prophesized his martyrdom and it was.
Omar Ibn El Khatab :Great chieftain in Meka , known for his strong personality. When he heard that his sister adopted Eslam , he beat her till bleeding. He swore to kill the prophet. When he heard The Prophet reciting some Koran near Kaaba , he left without showing himself. He asked his sister to give him the Koran with her. She refused before his abolishing. He washed and listened to her and her husband. His heart was opened to Eslam. He left them someone new. He went to The Prophet and announced his Eslam. Till then a moslem wouldn't announce his belief infront of Mekkans as they sanctioned dealing with moslems. Omar boldly announced his belief.
He later became second Moslems' Caliph.Once two Roman envoys were sent to Omar . They passed by someone sleeping under a tree , hanging his cloth to dry. He had only two humble pairs. They asked for the way to the Caliph. He told them it was him. They couldn't believe it was that person without gaurds or palace. But Omar the just ruler had sold his life and its earthly riches in return for serving Truth.Jews conspired with a persian zorastrian Abo Loaeloaa El Magousy to stab him.
Khola Bent El Azouar :After learning that Romans imprisoned her brother Deirar , she enetrated Roman rows with her horse. Together with Rafei Ibn Omeira and 100 men , they surprised Romans with a one man's attack freeing their sisters' brother. She was known as a brave chaveliere . In Sagoura she was imprisoned by the Romans , but refused to be their slave . She ignited other Moslem women prisoners to use tents' boards to defend themselves, attack the enemy and escape.She kept defending and raising the flag of truth till her death at Othman Ibn Afan's time (third Moslem Caliph) .
Saad Ibn Aby Wakaas :
He adopted Eslam. His mother got angry and swear she won't eat till her death if he didn't return to his old religion of worshiping their statues. He loved her but refused.He once got some pain , went to The Prophet who prayed for him and put His Blesed Hands on his face, chest and stomack. It healed. Till he was eighty , he said he felt its blessings.He kept his geiba he fought infidels with in Badr , (55 years) to be burried with him.
Mosaab Ibn Omeir :
He was from a noble rich Meccan family .. When his tribe learnt he entered Eslam , they tortured him .
Mosaab immigrated Abbysinia with some early Moslems . Nugassi of Abyssinia believed in them and gave them protection.
Nugasshi : a title for any Abbysinian king.
Mosab later returned Meka and was sent Yathrib as Moslem's first embassador . Most of Yathrib inhabitants believed in Eslam because of his great manners and good speach. Yathrib inhabitants invited the Prophet to their City and promised to be His Ansars (Allies).
After Moslems imigrated to yathrib , Mekan infidels gathered their forces to attack Moslems who immigrated to yathreb (The Enlightened City) ; in Ohod battle , Mosaab kept defending the prophet with his body till his martyrdom.
Prophet was ordered to immigrate. Infidels of Meka decided to gather from each tribe a man and kill The Prophet before His immigration. A short nap blinded them as He passed by them leaving His Home to the desert with His faithful friend. By night infidels got mad about how this happened while they were surrounding his house. They followed them to the desert till they reached the hill they were hiding in . Protected in a cave there , infidels just passed by them, but as there was a pigeon's nest and a spider's house at the entrance of the cave they doubted anyone to be there and left .
Prophet and his friend Abo Bakr continued their journey protected till they reached Yathrib ( later named The Enlightened City).
Aos and Khazrag :
two tribes that lived in Yathrib constantly in wars . When the Prophet Peace on Him arrived, he returned them to brotherhood and united them.
Jews and infidels against Moslems :
Jews first pretended to accept the message . When Moslems immigrated Yathrib , they gave their oath to back them and alley with them against their enemies. But when they heard about Mekkan infidels planning to attack Moslems at Yathrib , they broke their oath and allied with the infidels and planned together to eradicate moslems and enslave their women and children inside the city. When Moslem heard of this they suggested digging a ditch around the city. Infidels couldn't pass. They camped for days.God promised Moslems victory . But infidels were just infront of their city with all their rath. Suddenly a sand storm shattered infidels' camps , that they gave up and left.Jews who betrayed their oath in Yathrib were punished according to the Old Testament law.
After their betrayal and defeat , a jewish woman (Zeinab Bent El Hareth ) , pretended peace and sent The Prophet roasted meat. His friend (Beshr Ibn Baraa Ibn Marour) , ate from it while the Prophet ordered them to throw it as it was poisoned. His friend died of it. Prophet told them to forgive her.
He was a Great Example of forgiveness and High Manners.
Infidels didn't stop their agression. They kept attacking and torturing Moslems . But Eslam was spreading with its light of truth , that infidels of Meka made a treaty with Moslems. But as they broke it again, Moslems prepared to enter Meka as they were promised victory .
Abo Sufyan , the fiercest Eslamic oponent tried to ask another treaty but it was too late . Moslems were advancing towards Meka. They entered victoriously without bloodshed. The Prophet gathered them and asked them about what they think he'll do to them after all their agression. He told them what they never expected : "go you're free ' .After hearing about this victory, tribes arrived announcing their belief , so did abo Sofyan.Later Moawya , son of Abo Sofyan was the 5th Moslem Caliph who moved its capital to Demascus , Syria.Stories of some tyrants :
Abraxah :in southern Arabia (Yemen ), was a rich country . In Yemen there was an arabian king Thi Nawas, who adopted Judaism and left the religion of worshiping statues and idols.Persians east, Romans north and Abyssinians west had fiefs in rich Yemen. As its arabian king adopted Judaism , he became fanatic to it , he tried to impose it on Yemen , but Christianity was also spreading in Negran southern Arabia , he persecuted Christians, believers were gathered to a ditch and fire set to them. Abbysinian king allied with the Romans to invade Yemen and an Abbysinian king was proclaimed king of Yemen which was part of Abyssinia , his name was Abrehah, and Nugashei (King of Abbysinia) acknowledged his rule. Abrehah wanted Arabs who used to do their pilgrimage to Meka since prophet's Abraham's time, and tribe of Koreish was protecting it ; Abraxas wanted them to change their pilgrimage to Yemen and make it a great trade center. He built a huge house and sent to the Roman emperor for precious stones and to Egypt asking for engineers and builders and for Nugashi of Abbysiania asking for laborers. He built a great church , its columns from gold and walls from silver with silk carpets. He called the church al Klais. Then he gathered a huge army led by elephants to force arabs to change their pilgrimage from Meka to Yemen and went on his way to destroy the one at Meka. On their way they gathered all arabian sheep and intended to enslave women and children. Arabian honourable chieftan of tribes AbdelMotaleb went out to meet Abraxas , all he told him was that the House Has a God to protect it. Abraxas continued his march , but as he reached Mecca , the elephant that was leading the army stopped and kneeled, they tried to push him but he didn't move. As they turned him back , he ran and ran. Abraxas ordered to leave that elephant and continue the march ; but as they obeyed him , a group of birds started throwing them with stones till the army vanished . Abraxas' army was destroyed and its target abondened.
That year was the year in which blessed Prophet Mohamed was born. And that honourable Koraish chieftain was his grandfather.
Disbelievers of prophet Noah :
Long ago five good men lived at ancient time. After their death , their people erected statues to remind them of those good men. But as time passed they ended worshiping those statues which were named : Wed , Yaok, soaa , Yagoth , nasra ....Noah was sent to them to lead them to the right path. Worship God , don't worship statues or idols. But they insisted on disbelieving Noah . Noah built a ship and took two from every animal and bird ; they warned disbeleivers of punishment but they mocked them. Noah prayed God not to leave an infidel of them on earth. One of his sons refused to go with them and claimed he'll go to a high hill, but everything sank with the great tide with its waves as high as mountains. Unbelievers drowned while those who beleived with Noah and entered the ship with Noah landed safely.
Aad :
In southern Arabia lived a tribe called Ad that goes back to Ad son of Eram (Rome), they built magnificent homes with huge columns . Despite their strength and riches they built statues and worshiped it. Prophet Hud was sent to them to lead them to the right path and worshipingGod, but they disbelieved him . He kept calling them for the right path but they mocked him and those who beleived with him.
Finally their punishment was by a strong storm that shattered their city for seven nights and eight days.
Thamud :
was the tribe after Aad who lived in southern Arabia then moved northwards between Palestine and Hegaz (Arabia).(Madaen Saleh) , they and Aad were from the same grandfather Eram (Rome) , aramians.They were so strong but worshiped statues. Saleh was sent to them calling them, to leave statues they created by themselves and worship God their creator. They claimed he was a magician and asked him to show them a miracle. He told them about the Naka(cow or camel ), which had to drink from their well for one day and they the other and warned them not to harm it. After a while disbeilievers decided to kill it. After 3 days they were destroyed by a stone storm.
Pharoah :
Moses called Pharoah to worship God, but Pharoah was fargone in his arogance and claimed he is god and that Moses was a magician. He gathered magicians to contest him but they finally beleived in Moses and God . Phroah decided to persecute those who beleived with Moses. Israeilis and believers left at night but Pharoah followed them till the sea , where they could pass but he and his soldiers drowned.
Sodom :
Sodom's people were led astray in excess sins , homosexuality and infidility. Prophet Lut was sent to warn them but they threatened to send him and those who followed out of their city. Lut was ordered to take his family and those who beleived out of the town, only his wife didn't . By dawn infidels were punished and their town destroyed.
Namrud : Prophet Abraham called people to leave statues they create by themselves and worship God . Namrud was a king at that time, he told Abraham that he is God , he can give life to a person by spearing his life or impose death on him by ordering his killing. Abraham told him that God sends sun from the east can he bring it from the west. Namrud couldn't answer but he kept on his infidility refusing to believe. His punishment was by a fly that entered his nose ; they used to hit his head trying to let it out , till his death.Karoun :
Was from Israilis , but he was so rich and arogant. People told him to thank God but he claimed all his wealth was because he deserved it. He never thanked. His safes needed several men to carry its keys. He went out pompous . Suddenly an earthquake swallowed him, his home and his wealth.Abu Lahab:fiercest oponent of Eslam ; head of Mekan infidels. He used to torture the weak who entered Eslam.
He got a skin desease , no one could approach him till his death.
Warning to those ignorantly full of enemosity against Eslam -Unbelieves in God's last message are warned either punishment on earth or surely
THE HOURand what do you know about THE HOUR ?EndWe expect real terrible unprecedental end for their present ongoing false war of lies ;
and as their crimes against truth are unprecedental , as their end would be unprecedently spectacular one.
How could they be fascist and call for liberalism ?
zionists' protocols 5 & 9 explain:
5- 'we've caused religious fanaticism and schism between sects' ,
9-' we've recruited men to be members from all sects and creeds, communists in the east , liberals west , fanatic christians and so called islamists. !
hypocrisy ..
Secrets of Moslem tolerance :In any creed , even in games , fanaticism is derived from ethnicity, wanting to encourage ones' group , with what it entails from boosting ones egoism.
Say someone would want to take you to his group, he would try to convince you by all means he believes acceptable. If you reject , it would be like a wound to his dignity, with what this entails of more hate, enemosity and fanaticism.
In Eslam it's totally different :
the mentality is : come for your sake - for your goodnes - if you don't then I pity you, but not hate you. You might be forgiven but it might not be so too., please I would like to rescue , if you refuse we're still brothers.
Moslems accept criticism , they know enemies of Eslam committ sins then cunningly and unfairly blames innocent for it, besides the lying dirty propaganda, many such sort they willingly let pass as they are ordered if ignorants start their bad words they can ignore tell they end, but there are limits and bounderies for agressions to stop.Gehad :When Moslems unite they win ; knowing that , agressors took their precautions never to allow this.Exert effort = that's what the world means.Gehad is exerting effort for peace by doing good deeds, by exerting oneself and money for Lord's sake.During middle ages , crusaders waged succesive wars against Eslamic cities- gehad then meant deffence and exerting effort for triumph.
According to their crusadic holy wars ideology they tried falsely to interpret the word as connected to wars - a mere western crusadic interpretation that is far from truth.
We can only tell present war waging crusaders, when you put your swords, nuclear and artillery weapons aside, the word would still exist ; because it's a word of peace , before and after.No more lies :all nations honour those who defend their lands. Only where Bush's blind missles crush , those heroes are labelled terrorists.
Situation dark :As a traveller once mentioned " I found in Europe Moslems without Eslam and in the east Eslam without Moslems"; A phenomena that needs to be balanced .
The west (ofcourse not the warwage callers), who had actually adopted all the basis that once paved the foundation of the great universal civilization of Eslam ; not only in the arabian books translated paving the way for their rennaisance and present modern civilization but in the core of Eslamic preachings :
-hard working
-scientific research
-honesty-cleanliness and beauty
-freedom of thought
- call for humanitarian rights
-democrassy and co-operation
-organized communicational planning and social aid
Show me an Eslamic state now which is not following just the opposite.Go to a market ex:,
honesty which had been called for , just balance , and high manners which was the major attracting karizma of early Moslem merchants was speaking for Eslam , and justly spreading it east and west. Now ?! go to a market , honesty ? caring for just balance , real rare trade .
What happened to Arabian merchants - went back to dark ignorance of Gahelia
-(gahelia = dark period before Eslam).Lying , gossiping , hypocrisy, grudge, internal and political strifes , poverty.
Eslam forbade lying - gossiping is as hateful as eating a dead's flesh. Hypocrites are warned great punishment.
Seperation and strifes early , Eslam united all creeds, Moslems became brothers ; tribes that were fighting together were united by the Prophet.
Zakah : ensured rich should help poor; if there ever existed a poor Moslem this was their example : "تحسبهم أغنياء من التعفف ".Now begging is the easiest creed.
No comment except[ that they've gone back to worse than darkness of gahelia.Equality :Before Eslam an arabian baby girl would just be burried alive . Why ? because she was a girl , not a boy. Men would have dozen of women as wives and for lust, adultry was spread. After Eslam , all this was changed , women were respected . Waad (killing baby girls ) was forbidden , women were announced equal to men. Number of wives were limited to four on basis of equality.
( To those who are fond of criticism remember prophet Abraham had several wives , prophet Jacob had four wives, prophet David had 99, and prophet Solomon much more ). It was so common by then and normal.
Why the difference ?
To be fair , it must be said that economic standards is a decessive barometer for people's behaviour and manners more than it's the matter of race or belief. It's the difference between rich and poor ..That in the same country having the same traditions and religion we notice such difference between rich and poor classes. We also notice similarity of behaviour between the rich in this poor countries and the rich in other rich countries.
To prove we haven't any such fanaticism - to next article :
Present namely hypocrites must go , including the so called namely Moslems -those who claim to be moslems but don't work by it.And how many are they ?
Hastelling : a very bad low act can't be committed by an honourable faithful. To be a phenomena means there's something totally wrong. To allow it or accept it is a sin.one reason for imposing many restrictoins on their women is because they are hypocrites and they want to make sure they protect their women from hypocrites like them, but if they were trustful they would trust others.why do some arabs hastle girls ? because they are hypocrites .
A real Moslem is shie as a virgin . Shie eyes , shie manners , and it is an order to be followed. Koran -alnour.
And adultry :A moslem who just goes with the wind and then say he will repent later, must know he's a bad sinner.Adultry is forbidden by all religions. In Jews' Old Testemant its punishment is stonnning, and Christianity also consider it sin.
Suggested solution :
dire requirement for an enlightened hero , whether originally Moslem or not , a real faithful enlightened fellow who adopts truth, adheres and works by it , grabs the lost nation members and the world led astray sons , returning the lost sheep back to truth and peace - Lord's Right Path.
Ending the war :If they were true united Moslems , working together to end unfair situations of invaders and occupation of their lands , could be easy :-bycott all commercial and industrial trade of the agressor .
-Use the petrol weapon.
- prohibiting exporting and importing any, rendering all their machinery weapons useless as they won't find fuel to fly their planes to hit their bloody missiles .
-boycot all unneccessary dealings , importation and exportation , for the time of war.Defend the innocent with all your means
defend Eslam.
Open the windowthere is light.

posted by defencer at 4:57 AM
Enough Wars

Revised Edition

Enough Wars

"Believers enter all in Peace".
- Index- Preface- Forging history- Romans and Eslam- Eslam at Andalusia , Egypt , Carthage , Italy and Sicily , Greece and Cyprus- Eslam at middle east Mesopotamis, Phoenicia, Persia, India and most Asia- Eslam at Iceland , South Africa, China and Siberia ...- Some historical facts.- Brothers
Enough wars
Before fighting against truthwith ignornce , intolerance and fanaticismlet's check with historical facts
Truth in diffenet presentation

Forging History
Secret Histories
did you know :
- First simple Moslems conquered the Roman and Persian Empires with their comparatively small but bold army in less than 20 years.
- Simple illiterate Moslem Arabs became in a short time, leaders of the scientific and cultural world for over 800 years.
- Moslems, reached what is believed to be the new world and their army was for ages the unconquered army, that infidels feared the whole world was about to be Moslem.
- Arabs were known for their tolerance and keeping promises.
- The whole Roman sea (Mediterranean sea), came under Moslem rule for centuries (including Cyprus , Rhodes, Crete, Sicily, Malta, etc.,), so as Roman Egypt, Syria, Anatolia, Bulgaria, Greece and eastern Europe. Historians also admit Switzerland, southern Germany, Scandinavia, France , Italy (including Venice), had been under Moslem rule , but after Venice was usurped by normans during a barbaric crusadic attack (even Europeans admit crusades were intolerant greedy barbaric attacks ) contrasting greatly to tolerant Moslems. Venice was chosen as base for barbaric attacks on Moslems after kidnapping their scientists’ secrets of firearms.
- Even England came under Moslem rule (top secret history). And there were coins with the Moslem Caliph’s name.(eighth century A.D.)
- Plundering to Moslem territories started earlier, danger coming from the north, (mentioned in the old and new Testaments) , arrived by 8th century. The Vandals(northern pirates) , after several years of plundering northern Europe, then retreating to the north each time, were finally defeated by Charles Martel, but made a deal with them to fight together and plunder Moslem territories , giving them a land to settle at Belgium , called Normandy , after their name northmen = Normans. Their army termed Francs. (claiming they've become new israels).
- The first defeat of a Moslem army was by Charles Martel (the illegitimate son of Pepin), at La Poitiere (France), 732 A.D. Charles hence with the Normans continued to attack and plunder Moslem European territories.
- After the great earthquake and volcanic eruption, many Moslem islands at the Mediterranean drowned, including the island of Thiera (Saintorini – Greece). This caused the weakness of Ommayads Caliphs.
- Ironically the Abbassids Caliphs , who usurped Ommayad Moslem territories, co-operated with the Normans to conquere and divide Moslem lands, and Caliph Haron El Rashid was among those attending the celebration of Charl le maine as king of Romans at Rome.
- The new forged name of Roman Empire had nothing to do with the real Roman Empire which had been fully inherited by the Moslems : By mid 4th century A.D. , Romans under Constantine moved their western capital from old Rome to new Rome at Constantinople = Istanbul (Turkey now) , and since then werstern Rome diminished as a small town of no mention.
- Only by the 9th century Charelemaine decided to revive glories of ancient Rome, crowned himself as king of Rome (start of Catholicism creed) - schism with Constantinople (the true Orthodox Romans), causing fierce struggle between the two churches after he moved his papacy from France to Italy (Rome).
- By mid 10th century , king Otto of Germany, announced the creation of “The Holy Roman Empire Of the German Nation ”, and started on a series of ethnic cleansing to Moslems , Magyars etc. , and forcing Catholicism under threat of death. Hence Normans' successive ethnic cleansing and forcing of the catholic creed on Europeans under threat of death or exile.
- Also Constantinople came early under Arab rule before the Ottoman Turks and the Seljuk Romans. Tolerant enough to keep the Orthodox emperor's office , but after the great volcanic eruption of 726A.D. the emperor grasped the chance to attack Moslems at the Aegan, Anatolia, Armenia and Iraq, repopulated its inhabitants ; but Moslems returned their lands later.
- Historians discover lately that Fatimid Caliphs (who ruled over vast Moslem territories), were jews who pretended to be Moslems, and not only gave themselves Moslem names but claimed to be from prophets house (far from truth); were early plotters of Zionism and secretely co-operated with crusaders handling them most of European Moslem territories in a successive wave of ethnic cleansing to all what is Moslem in Europe, and were reason for the success of the crusades in usurping Jerusalem from the Moslems for over a hundred year!
- Arabs were the pioneer travelers to the New Found lands - 800 years later Normans after emprisoning scientists, translating Arabic books ,used their maps and geographers’ help to reach America. Hence European start their rennaisance and rennovation to what was once Eslamic.!
- Forging truth, cheating nations, rewriting history in their favor was one basic rule in the Zionists’ protocols , preparing to their final aim of conquering and ruling the world. (secret world government).
- Also destroying all religions except theirs , its followers ending up as being devil’s worshipers.- The secret philosophic group with emperialistic aim, started late after Jewish exile to Babilonia (2nd century A.D.). Babel
- Zionists' protocols shapes some basics of what the world secret government plans: prevailing materialism , twisting realities: saying something and meaning something else, using misleading propaganda , money and women to lead nations astray . Their ways: lying to Christians and Moslems , illusions to jews that they’re the chosen nation and others inferior, araising fanaticism between nations and sects. Thus leading those who follow them directly to eternal gates of hell.
Did you know that :
- what’s happening to Moslems now is mentioned in Old and New testaments as what will happen to believers at the end of time.
- Trinity is a basic ancient Egyptian belief , later adopted by jews and instilled through Shaol the jew (Paul’s preaching) into Christanity.. Eslam rejected it as an unforgivable sin.
- Nothing today shines as the startling truth , how unfair people had been to the Truth: Eslam that came as a mercy leading people from darkness to Light.
- The Prophet Mohamed The Blessed , termed by his people : The Honest, The Never Lying, came as the Final Messenger to humankind reminding them of what was said by prophets before : their deeds would be finally judged :Goodness winsInfidility and aggression : greatest punishment.References:- Western Encyclopedia’s , including Encyclopedia Britannica & Encyclopedias of Fine Arts and Civilizations.- Mc Graw Hill Encyclopedia of History (usually old editions before amending truth!)- Shattering the myths by Bruce L.- Moslems' Discovery Of Europe by Bernard Louis.- History Of Europe- Others.( just fill gaps ).Read and decide.

Eslam in Andalucia, Itlay, Greece, Cyprus ...
Eslam Andalucia, Italy , Egypt , Greece, Cyprus , MaltaAndalusia (Spain) :Spain (The Iberians)Spain: true focus of the Iberians Civilization was the southeastern corner of the land . There a stock out of northern African (Oran) and probably (Berber) have been infiltrating ever since the aenealethic days of the Almeria culture (c.3000 B.C.) p.113.Spain : during reign of spain of Visigothic king Witiza 701-709 it seems certain that Julian , the emperial count or govrenor of Ceuta incited the Arab viceroy in north Africa by arrangement with the sons of Witiza..By the time of Roderick's attacks (710-711) , the disintigration of the state was complete.With the collapse of the visigothic maonarchy in Spain, the sons od Witiza (Visigothic king ) arranged with Musa Ibn Nusseir the Arab viceroy to enter Spain. As a result of invitatioin from Roderick's opponents , Tarek the arab governor of Tangier crossed the straits of Gibraltar (to whom his name is attributed ) with 7000 men of arabs and berber in 711.At the invitation of Roderick's oponents (sons of Visigothic King Witiza), the Arab governor of Tangier , crossed the straits of Gibraltar in 711 with Berbers , awaited Roderick to advance near the laguna Janda, south of Nijer de la Frontier. There Roderick was defeated . Roderick himself disappearing from history . Arab forces laid seige to Ceuta, the last reminent of the Byzantine possessions. (Encyclopedia Britannica - vol. 21 - p. 116.).The sons of Witiza joined Tarek and encouraged him to advance northward.Musa Ibn Nuseir crossed and dispatched his son AbdelAziz to the southeast before himself joining Tarek at Talabera.His son Abdel Aziz settled at Portugal. They met little opposition on the whole.Spanish jews subjected to fierce persecution since the reign of Susiebut 611 -621 welcomed the tolerant invaders as liberators.A number of high visigothic nobles accepted Eslam.Christian communities were left with their religious and legal independence intact and were protected by Koranic law. The jews freed from persecution were eager allies and the serfs gained a measure of freedom.Conversions were on large scale and the Spanish convert became the active and triblant element in the general moslem cities.There were continous immigrations of Arabs.In 755 the Omayad prince AbdelRahman Ibn Moaweya escaping from the masacre of his relatives in Syria landed at Almunkar and with Kalbite support took Kordova. For more than thirty years he faught disorder . Al Hakam I laid the foundations of the literary culture which developed under the urban Abdel Rahman III who lifted the kingdom from disintgration to an apage , within twenty years he re-united Spain. He proclaimed himself Caliph in 929 taking the title of ElNasir (the victorious). Cordova became a metropolis enjoying immense reputation in Europe and prestige. The reign of his son El Hakam II was no less brilliant.Weakness of Andalus Arabs was disected by a number of pety rulers (Muluk El Tawaef) after the last Omayad prince was dethroned in 1031 and replaced by a republic.Normans attack started.Religious fanaticism made its appearance at the end of the eleventh centurty, the christian conquest of Andalucia was undertaken in a spirit of intolerance that braught ruin to southern Spain and Sicily and severly damaged the economy of the conquering power, Castile. But fanaticism had to be moderated because it was recognised that without Moslem tribute the economic structure of Castile could not survive while digessting the newly conquered territories. Ferdinand II the saint 1217-52 embarked on a great series of compaign to subdue Andalucia, influenced by the crusadic zeal instilled into the church by the lluniac and listercian orders.Ferdinand at first expelled the moslem inhabitants of Andalucian cities on masses but was later forced to modify his policy by the collapse of the Andalucian economy that enevitabely ensued.Granadian Moslems were forced to create by hard work a high degree of productivity in their new state Granada in order to pay to Castile a large annual tribute.Toledo now became famous throughout Europe as a center were Moslem philosophy and science were undermade available in translation to European scholars under the stimule of successive archbishops.Moslems who had thronged to Granada for assylum were saved by the slowing of the christian advance. while their fronteries inspired the most colourful and moving of the Spanish Ballads and their cities saw the revival of a score of fine crafts and trade with Italy and north Africa.Above the thickly populated city of Granada rose the fortress of El Hamra and other places which fell to ruins after the conquest.After a hard faught war of more than ten years catholic kings took the last Moslem kingdom of Corduba.Andalucian history was closely linked with that of north African coast until the last decade of the fifeteenth century when monarchs of Castile and Aragon forbade their former Moslem subjects to communicate with them under pain of death.Spain - Again :Spain:After the Visigoth's kingdom was split apart, With Roderique usupring the Visigoth's king lands, Witisa's sons fled to Africa and called help from arab amirs; together they planned with Musa ibn Nusseir to regain Spain.Tarek Ibn Zeyad accepted their plea and together they marched north.In 712 bishop Opas joined them , while Musa Ibn Nusseir crossed Gibraltar and put his son Abdel Aziz in the southern eastern of Iberia and marched north to join Tarek at Talavir, they continued victoriously till Lion, mid France and Galacia before they returned Damascus at the Ommayad's caliph's order.Jews welcomed Moslems as liberators especially after bishop salisbut 's orders of 612 - 622 A.D. to forcibely baptise jews under threat of death and confiscate their properties. In many towns inhabitants opened their city gates for the tolerant Moslem liberators.Arabs left ruling of these coutries to its inhabitants whom many of its citizens chose to convert to the tolerant religion.Witiza's sons were satisfied wih this great victory. Aschila got his properties back that were confiscated by Roderick and lived luxuriously in Toledo. His brother Artavasdas took title kont in Cordova, which he changed after adopting Eslam to Abo Saeid. While Almond ruled at Seville.Bishop Opas chose to live at Toledo with Arabs.As to Julian after he revenged by this great victory, he went to Damascus to meet the Calpih , then returned to cordoba as his son Palavais ruled after him.Religious rights were returned to the jews who enjoyed religious freedom and could reach highest scientific and employment ranks. As in Moslem cities , Christians too enjoyed their religious freedom .Gradually most of Andalusia's inhabitants converted to EslamDynasties end :Were Muhades batenies ?Bateni = adopting namely a belief to crush it and its followers from inside.Almuhades started their rule by destroying Murabeteen (tied together ones) in Andaulcia.Its founder Ben Tumert (son of Martin) journeyed east where Battenis' erected centers for their preachings, then returned to north east Africa 1118 spending years of religious and political propaganda among tribes of the Atlas, his followers then rooted Almoravides at 1147 who had already been helping Spanish Moslems against successive norman attacks. Parrallel to this Ferdinand II was embarking on a great series of campaign that culminated in the surrender of Seville 1248.After years of attacks , the last Moslem kingdom of the penninsula fell to the catholic kings.So as to the last Moslem ruler Abo Abdela (no matter about his name), a bateni who was under Isabella and Ferdinand's orders, made sure no ammunitions reached stuck Moslems and didn't allow any help to reach their territories till the last of them were deported by ships that were frequently holed or drowned in mid-sea , while he was lavishly paid , and rewarded by Isabella and Ferdinand.Bateni : namely moslims or christians , buddhists or whatever are hypocrites mentioned in holy books that we all are awaiting their final promised end .-------------------------------------------------------------Romans and Eslam :In 330 A.D. emperor Constantine moved the Roman capital to Constantinople (later Istanbul). Western Roman capital nearly faded to exist. His empire included Anatolian lands , parts of Iraq, middle east, Egypt, Tunisia , eastern Europe and southern Italy. With the arrival of Eslam , several Roman dynasties adopted Eslam . From these dynasties were the Seljuk Romans; they were Romans from Anatolia , southern Constantinople and were named after their chieftain Seljuk.Many of the Seljuk Romans immigrated to Moslem Caliphate lands and gradually were powerful enough to find their Seljuk Roman dynasty by the tenth century. Several dynasties existed before them , but the Seljuk Romans ruled most of the Roman cities and their state was enlarged to include Persia east , and eastern europe to the west. Their successive victories caused Frank's fear and were the real reason for their crusadic campaigns. But Seljuk Romans triumphed agian at Menzekrt battle at Constantinople 1097 A.D.Seljuk Romans considered themselves heirs of Roman emperors and took titles emperors of Romans , persians and arabs. Again franks attacked Moslems by their first sudden crusade in 1098 which caused horrible masacres and genocide of moslems and jews in Jerusalem. They then enforced catholicism on the moslem states they attacked; but the following crusades were all shameful failures; the last was their Balkan attack at Necopolis , that caused the destruction of their army and the victory of Orhans or Ottomans(Seljuk Romans successors).Orhans or Ottomans considered themselves heirs of the Seljuk Romans, they were as them from Anatolia, adopted Eslam and were called after their chieftain Ottoman son of Orhan.Their rule lasted from 1300 - 1924 A.D. Their capital was Constantinople (Asetana or Istanbul ).They inherited from the Romans , the Roman bath or pool (Turkish bath) , and were pioneers in architecture which is considered the base for many present european buildings.This dynasty became for centuries the greatest world power and the strongest fleet in the mideterannean for more than 500 years.By the mid 18th century westerns and Russians allied to attack Ottomans by land and by sea conspiring with the minority ethnic groups in the Ottoman states. They attacked Ottoman's fleet at Navarino( Napflio = Greece's capital then).Hundreds of moslem states were attacked and its inhabitants ethnic cleansed or forced to flee to the nearest still Ottoman states. Names of cities were later changed as Odessa, Georgia, etc.------------------------------------------------------------------Eslam in Egypt :Egypt : with its pharonic history that extends more than thirty (30) pharonic dynasty from 5000B.C. , is considered one of the most ancient civilizations, with the 30th and last pharonic dynasty 3rd. c. B.C., its capital was Spentinos, east delta.Egypt was under several atacks by Presians, then it was conquered by Alexander the Macedoniam who moved the capital to Alxandria.Then Ptolemis ruled from 323B.C. - 30 B.c. and considered themselves inheritors of the pharoes.Kleopatra VII's was the last Pltolemy ruler, she was about to marry Antony and rule Rome from Egypt, but Octavious waged war against them and Augustus won victory in the battle of Actium 30 B.C. and Egypt became Roman state.In 3rd c. the egyptian gods reached Greece and Rome and in 3rd c. Karkala built a temple for Sirapis on the Carnal. Serapis = Iziz and Oziris with different names..In 320 A.D. Roman emperor Constantine for some political reasons adopted christianity and imposed it on all Roman states, and shared by himself in roman religous councils adopting many elements from his previous religion (worshiping sun).In 389 A.d. emperor Theodosus closed all pagan temples , and many ancient egyptian temples and monuments were destroyed. and imposed Christian monophisim on Egypt.When christianity arrived then, though it overran this pagan traditions yet it adopted many of its previous pagan religion.(Ancient Egyptian Religion - by A. Estindorf).In 451 roman emperors at Constantinople waged war against Egypt's churchmen , and in their council declared roman melichites (trinity), should prevail in roman churches. War between them continued till the persian conquest of Egypt 617 - 628 A.D.In 640 A.D. Romans regained Egypt and imposed their milicihte (trinity dogma) on all Egyptian churches and very brutally executed Egyptian monophisites church clergies. But that was for only one year.In 641 victorious Moslems entered Egypt as Egyptians' liberators .Amr Ebn Elaas had treaty with Syros , assuring non-moslems their rights and safety..Egyptians considered Moslems' arrival as their tolerant liberators from Romans' tyranny .Romans were defeated after the native inhabitants opened their cities and castle gates welcoming the Moslem allies ; and it was proved that merging between them was as simple as they considered themselves relatives, moslems considered them family as Abraham's wife and mother of prophet Ismaeil (peace on them), was from Egypt.Ethnically Egyptians remained as they were ancient Egyptians, but culturally they were born anew as they assembled their new language culture and traditions .Though freedom of religions was gauranteed as in most moslem countries yet Convert was on large scale .Egyptian copts chose to convert to Tolerant Eslam by groups.When Arabs arrived , nile valley inhabitnts were already a quiet different nation from those of ancient Egyptians . After Romans had imposed christianity on them , christians had their own language that differed from that of ancient egyptians , christian monks used language borrowed from the Greek and it contained only nine (9) letters from the ancient Egyptians.Egypt and Egyptians by Alex Vasili.Egypt's role and civilization flourished once again.Tulonides, fatimides, Ayubians, Mamluks, Ottomans, whose rule continued till the British conquest and division of arabian states.Many foreign conquerors tried later to cause friction between the majority moslems and the christians, as hiring christians agents as the british did but moslems' tolerance always triumphed.Note : mun= god of copt .Copts : from the origional word coft that meant originally Taka Ha refering to Betah (ÈÊÇÍ ) god menph worshiped . Copt refers to Kaft the nearest city to the read seaCopt (or Coft ) was an eastern egyptian city , on trade routes from the nile to the red sea.mun as herpis = god of fields and roads was portrayed by stones.Since the second dynasty ancient Egyptians began to embody their gods in the shape of men. some gods as baal of memphis god of heliopolis, and abis god of mnph.kings considerd themselves representative of these gods on earth and pharoh was considered son of god with the triad symbolising their god - son of god - and spirit .Very Ancient Egyptian chronicles :" Egypt gift of the Nile ", a sentence said by Hecateih then echoed by Herodot and repeated by others.In ancient times the Nile valley was inhabited by Africans , not only those of northern Sudan but also Egyptians and their laguage was of African origin and their religion didn't differ much than that of many African tribes, gradually small cities were found ruled by chieftains.A flood of bedouins flooted the cities, their origin was Arabian lands of semitic race through the Suez route. They enourmously invaded the land and conquered it.The African race did not resist these immigration waves , but adopted their language mixing many of it with the Egyptian original language... Soon the two races merged together and they became one language.Though nothing remains to us from this prehestoric ancient semitic wave.Since the dawn of history there were several cities , but finally two main ones remained, in the upper and the lower Egypt. The main capital of Delta was Edfo in the north, and that of the south was Ebis.They finally were united by king Mena in 3310 B.C. with its capital Heliopolis .But again they split into upper and lower states, with the northern capital as Buno and the southern one Nakhb el cap.Struggle between them occured and southern cities plundered delta and ruled it by force forming a new united dynasty first at Memph and then at Theibes. During the third dynasty the capital moved to Memphis.From 3rd - 11th dynasties 2000 -2160 B.C. Mid dynasty 12th dynasty , art flourished and Nuba was conquered. Heksos invaded Egypt and occupied it for 100 years 1580 -1680 B.C . New dynasty 18th and 20th dynasties.Syria became an Egyptian state after being united to Egypt and Egyptians conquers extended till Euphrates in Iraq.During the 20th c. Great priest of Amoun usurped the rule in Theibes (Luxor) , but army officers usurped rule from them.Assyrians plundered Egyptian cities and ruled from 22rd - 25th dynasty (dark ages), till their defeat by Besmatik .New Renaisance age : commerce and art flourished . In 525 B.C. Kembiz invaded Egypt and it became part of Persian empire till 322 B.C. as Alexander the Macedonian invaded Egypt.After him Egypt was ruled by Ptolemis for three centuries .----------------------------------------------------------------------Carthage :Northern Africa became part of the Roman empire with its capital city Carthage.When Eslam arrived, Okba Ibn Nafei entered north Africa with no resistance from Romans to be mentioned. He found Kairawan , capital of Tunisia 670 A.D. , and continued victoriously till the Atlantic ocean. There was no resistance from Tunisians or Algerians or Morrocons, yet it came from the Berbers first , but as they came to know Eslam they adopted it. In 970 Fatimides moved their capital from Kairawan in Tunisia to Cairo in Egypt. They left Kairawan under the rule of their allies : The Zaidi Sanhaga berbers , who before were ruling in Ashir (mid Morrocco). Rule of Muravides, then Mohades from great Atlas , Hafezides in Tunisia, Merinides in Morrocco , till the arrival of Ottomansbrothers Babaroda.---------------------------------------------------------------Eslam at Italy :Arab immigration to Europe started by the seventh century.In 743, an epedemic attacked arabian lands.At Constantinople, Caliph Elwalid was attacked by Constantine who in his attacks, masacred arabians at Cyprus and Armenia 751, 752, then took khanate of Bulgaria by surprise after pretending to ally with them and masacred them in what he named the nobel war. But Arabs regained those territories later.He then attacked Sicily, whose governor Elpidus fled to Africa where Arabs crowned him king of Romans and allying together they regained Sicily 782; regaining back Calabria till Apollia, Bari, toronto, and allying with Roman governor Teibraus, victorious arabs reached Ancona and Venice . They had their fortresses especially at Bari, and Venice where they controlled its trade ships.. Amani ibn nusair allied with Radelshis who welcomed victorious arabs and together they won victory at Benserto. Hearing that Sincolf (Radelshi's foe), tried to ally with Andalusian arabs whose victories by that time reached France and Switzerland. p.384., Corsica, Sardinia, Arabs dwelled in Pergia, Aschia, Rome, cap messino , Naples, Gatia, Amalia, Sorento, Capua.In 852 Louis II attacked arabs and killed their leader Khalfon, who was succeeded by sultan Farag ibn Selim who reigned and built fortresses at Capero, Naples , San vencingo and other places. at Capero, Naples, San Vincengo, Coloure Valerno and Mont ... Brindisi , Trajetto, Garigians , Rome , and other places , and tribute was paid for them.In 910 John X tried to attack Arabs but was defeated & Mahdi Husein Ibn Ali was governor till 965 for Calabria Apolia and Genoa , paid visits to Sardinia and Corsica. and was able to defeat king Otto at Stella shore in Toronto. In the year 1000 the khalbite amirs were rulers in northern Italy.Salerno was a cultural center and the first medical university in Europe.-------------------------------------------------------Sicily:Moslems desendants from Africa began in 705.During and after Moslem rule , large arab immigration took place. There was gradual spread of Eslam in Sicily. After the Byzantine emperor Caustas II was assassinated during a rebellion at Syracose in 668, Meziz was proclaimed emperor by Byzantine militia but fell from power 669. The rebellion was followed by other risings 718-781.In 827 Euphemires who had been proclaimed emperor on Sicily appeared for help to the Arabian Aghlabid amir of Africa, but the Ephameirs was murdered by Sicilians 828. A Byzantine offensive was led by Bazil I , but in 878 Arabs had victory at Syracause and Taurmina. Arabs were governors by 878.By 902 Arabs were practically masters of Sicily.In 902 Aghlabids amirs of north Africa were ruling followed by the Fatimids ,and by mid 10th century ruling became hereditary during Khalides rule.Arabian immigrationn increased and convert to Eslam was on large scale which made these states not only political part of Arabian rule world but socially and culturally too, and as in most Eslamic countries , christians and jews enjoyed tolerance and freedom of worship in return for paying tribute that was much less than the Roman levied before.From 902 to 909 Sicily was under the Aghlabids then it passed to the Fatimides.In 1060 normans attacks began on Sicily. Internal strifes among the arabs served Roger I well in Sakalia (Sicily) . (Arab amir of Syracouse and Tolonne with the amir of gerganti(Agriganti) and costa Giovani(Ena) .In 1059 Normans began attacking Sicily after Italy , pope Necolaos II ordered Robert Gerscar to attack Apolonia, Galacia then Sicily after finishing the task with Italian Moslems. king Roger I grasped the chance of internal conflict betwenn Arabs. He attacked Sicily 1060 and in his attack with Robert , stormed Palermo, then Nato 1091.In 1130 Roger II announced himself king of Sicily and united it with Apolia dukedom and states of southern Italy.By order of popes Arabian books were translated. Constantine the African was Roger's secretary. He translated scientific and medical books from Arabic to Latin - Alfanos translated scientific books. Archbishop of Salerno - and jewish farag ben Selim wrote from arabic in salerno. Roger ordered arabian geopgraphers among which was Idrisi to translate arabic books and arabian maps.On Rogers's orders scientists translated books from Arabic to Latin .Roger continued his attacks to north africa , where he attacked Djerba in Tunis 1146 and mahdei 1166 , but Arabs raised and ended the occupation , while Sicily and Italian territories were never again Arabian .Normans didn't forget their fiefs in Africa and attacked several more times , but all failed. Arabian books and rennovation works was the base for the rennaisance.Gradually Arabic faded and normans subtituted it with Latin.-------------------------------------------------Happened at Sicily :In 535 A.D. Sicily and Dalmatia were united. by Justanian's man Belzerik. Ephemis rebelled against Constantine as taxes were very highly raised by church.Sicily: Sicilian rulers used to send wheat to Egyptian rulers in Cairo. Gawhar Sakali (the Sicilian) , was the fatimid who conquered Egypt and caused friction in the Moslem world).Sicily was for a while owned by king of Egypt and paid annual tribute for fatimides, and it was its last ruler ben baebae that allied with the normans , (ruler of Catania a bateni= hidden agent), writings of ibn Tamima denotes he was allying with the normans . His ships carrying Moslems to Africa were drowned by sea. When Moslems screamed for help from the Moez ben Badisto to save them from the norman attacks , he sent them a fleet that was drowned at sea , as Helalin seized the city allowing Normans to enter , slaughter the youth and rob cities.All mosques were ruined or closed and converted to churches.Normans attacks finished by 1190.Roger the norman king took the moslem title Çáãáß ÇáãÚÙã ÇáãÚÊÒ ÈÇááå ÇáãÞÊÏÑ ÈÞÏÑÊå æßÇäÊ ÚáÇãÊå ÇáÍãÏ ááå ÔßÑÇ áÃäÚãå , and his ancestors used the mazala used by the fatimid in north Africa.Buni Umcin was the coucil's name, this title was used also to name the jewish council.Galialm , Roger's son spoke arabic and surrounded himself with moslem gaurds.As ibn El thamna says his mark wasÇáÍãÏ ááå ÍÞ ÍãÏå . The diwan they used for land and slaves also existed at the fatimides diwan.In 1160 Mayon, Galialm's minister , disarmed Sicilian Moslems and forbade them any weapons; while Lombards grasped the chance to slaughter the armless citizens and plunder their towns.Moslems at Palermo , as other towns , were slaughtered at homes, hotels, inns and shops .It is said that among celebrities murdered were the poet Alkafs Yehia ibn Elnakash and the geographer El Idrisi.---------------------------------------------------------Greece and CyprusGreece :Up until the early decades of the 20th century many parts of Greece, Crete, Macedonia, and islands were in Moslem rule .The Balkan wars of 1912-13, and the exchange of Greek and Turkish populaion changed everything in a brutal manner . Also the civil war after WWII and the seven years of military dictatorship under the colonels junta 1967-73.By 1827, Russia, France and Britain had finally agreed to seek autonomy for certain parts of Greece. Turkish-Egyptian fleet in Navarino was attacked and destroyed.The following year Russia delared war on Turkey and the Sultan was forced to accept the existence of an autonomous country.In 1830 its independence was confirmed by the western powers and borders were drawn. Orthodox Russians were encouraged to immigrate there. Great western powers imposed the first president for the republic, Capoadistrio who was assassinated by 2 chieftains (Vendetta) 1831.They then decided to create a monarchy and put in the thrown a Bavarian prince Otto son of Ludvig , who proved an autocratic ruler bringing in fellow Germans to fill in posts.In 1862 he was forced from the country by a popular revolt and again Europeans introduced a new prince from Denmark George I.Athens was the the egde of territories for the new forged Greece , which was yet to include norhern Thessaly, Epirus, Macedonia or any of the islands beyond the Cyclades. Capital and court were moved from Napflio to Athens in 1834.In 1897 Athens failed to achieve enosis (union ) with Crete by attacking Moslems in the mainland in the process which virtually bankrupted the state.The outset of 1821 revolution :villages at Patra, Korinthos, Athens and virtually all other Moslem villages were put to the sword. Survivors of the various masacres fled north , to the terrritories that remained under Ottoman control.The expansion of the forged Greek nation thereafter resulted in the decline of the moslem population.New expansions or conquests of Thessaly : in 1878, Epirus, Macedonia, the north Aegan and Crete in 1913 provoked a wave of moslem immigration to the other side of receding Ottoman frontier .Moslems or Turks as it was a genuine term for any moslem even Greek moslems were subjeted to various expulsion orders.The moslems of Crete were forced to choose between apostasy to Christianity or exile. Those who opt to stand by their faith were summarily deported to the closest Ottoman border, either Kos or nearby village of Platani and Rhodes (still Moslem by then).But even after the 1878, 1913 acquisitions of Thessaly, Epirus and Macedonia, Moslem villages continued to exist in these regions .The Tsamidhes, an Albanian Moslem tribe localised in Epirus and Thespratia existed until 1940-41 , but after that were hunted dawn and expelled by naitional army and guerilla bands.Thesaloniki : when the city passed to new orthodox greek control, the authorities allowed the pure jews to stay but insisted on the departure of Moslems.World war I , a new king Constantine was imposed - Eleftherias Venizelos reorganised alliance of Balkan powers to fight the two Balkan wars (1912-13) compayns that saw Moslems virtually driven from Europe, on its completion, and the capitulation of Bulgaria.Thrace was occupied. In 1920 monarchists factions took over.WWI was also the end of Moslem populations in islands of Thasos, Somethraki and Samos (exodus to Smyrna).In 1936 King George II appointed general John Metaxas as prime minister.By end of May 1941 German invading forces completed occupation of Crete and other islands- joint Italian-German occupation of Greece where nearly half a million civilians starved to death as food was requisitional to feed occupying armies and entire villages throughout mainland especiallly Crete were burned and slaughtered at the least suspision of resistance.(estimated 2000 deaths daily from starvation.In 1944 Germans had finally left.Battle of Athens: first civil war with British forces (previous greek allies) being ordered to fight against them by resistance army of Ellas.Eslamic era :By 7th century, Eslam astonishingly spread throughout the world. Eastern Europe had been incorporated in the huge Moslem caliphate.Macedonia then stretched from Albania far to mid Asia (Khanate of the Golden hords-present Russia). Cyprus, Crete , Rhodes and other meditteranean islands were all parts of the united Arab world.During Persian rule , after the collapse of the Ommayad caliphate, Byzantine emperor grasped the chance and started a series of attack against Moslem territories. He then promised Moslem khanates of Bulgaria peace. (Any Persian Moslem ruler used to be called Khan meaning ruler) ; but taking their army by surprise , he attacked and rooted it. The few survivors were blinded and left with a lucky one-eyed fellow to lead them away, terming it noble war as none of his army was hurt by this treacheon.After crusaders raised their war in the middle ages, Alexas promised to force catholicism on Greek lands if crusaders helped him in attacking Constantinople.In 1204, the Venetians, Franks and Germans turned their armies on Byzantine and sacked and occupied Constantinople, massacred its inhabitants and ruled for 58 years; results of this fourth crusade was the looting and distruction of Byzantine.Crusaders then attacked Balkan, but their two invasions of Balkans ended in defeat at Nikopolis 1396 and at varna 1444 as Ottomans moved for rescuing Moslem territories, and whole of eastern Europes was under Ottoman rule.During Ottoman rule the sultan used Acropolis as his home residence and the parthanon was a Mosque.By 1687, Venetians, under the Dodge Fransisco Morsini laid seige to Acropolis, and a shot fired by Swedish mercenary from the hill of Filapappiou rent the temple in two igniting fire in it for 2 days.At the end of the eighteenth century came the western looters , Elgin levering away sculptures from the Parthanon, the French embassador Fauvel gatheing his share for the Louvre.Byron a sympathetic luninary amidst all this unenlightened activity, visited Greece in 1810 in time to see the last of Elgin's ships looded with marbles.In 1834 Ottomans parted , while the archeologists stripped away all the Moslem embellishments from the Acropolis. An Orthodox modest city started to take shape. Turkish quarter of the lower town , current Plaka, was occupied and Orthodox laid seige to the Acropolis fortifications. Ottomans reoccupied it five years later but were forced from it due to various attacks and masacres.After Greek Turkish war, remaining ethnic population were exchanged , over a million and a half refugees from Asia minor arrived Greece, half of them settled in Athens.Western Thrace was he last bastion of Greek Moslems, and it remained so after 1920-21 Asia minor war.The treaty of Lusanni 1923, confirmed the right of Moslems to remain, in return for Greek Orthodoc presence in Istanbul.The prince's island and tenedos, Miros islands: Moslems there order the third of the population of Greek Thrace. During World War Two, loyalty of these Moslems was demonstrated as they resisted the invading Nazis side by side with christians.In return two occupying forces harrased and deported to death camps many local Moslems.Pomaks: Moslem clan of Bulgarian dialect (north of Xanthi).During 1946-49 civil war, Thracian Moslems suffered again at the hands of Ellas. Treatment of these Moslems today functions as a barometer of relationships between Greece and Turkey.Authorities still keep the Pomaks on tight rein and they require a transit permit to leave their area of residence.Rhodes:Eslam spead in Rhodes since the seventh centuy as it spread in medditterannean islands by Arabian merchantsGradually majority of its inhabitants became Moslems and it came under Arabian rule and had hundreds of Moslem mosques.During middle ages , crusaders stormed Rhodes in 1304 and forcibly conquered it. But Ottomans finally regained it, and it remained Moslem till 1912 when Italy occupied it , then it was given to Greece in return for siding with the allies after world war two in 1948.Crete : though it was united with Greece in 1913, many ancient Moslem mosques still survive with their arabian Ommiad architecture.Arabian immigration to crete started since the seventh c., they had their cultural center near Iraklion. Crete became Moslem under arabian rule.But in 961, Nickoforis army bloodily stormed Crete that arabian heads were used as ammunition for their arms. Around 200,000 Moslem Cretan were masacred and the same number emprisoned and Venetian dictatorship rule was imposed.But Ottoamans regained Crete for Moslems and again Moslems became majority. Ottoman rule continued till twentieth century.1898 .By 18th century Russsian agents were set by emperor Catherine of Russia to ignit revolution in Greece.Then Russia attacked Turkey in 1770-1780; In the process hundreds of Moslem villages in black sea were attacked. Villages were given new names.In 1821, free fighters agents from different nationalities made revolution in Pellopenese and attacked and destroyed Moslem villages.In Tripolita alone 12,000 Moslems were masacred.--------------------------------------------Cyprus :When the Assyrian Empire finally broke up at the end of 7th c B.C. Egypt under the scite Dynasty became the predominant power in the eastern Mediterranean.In about 569 B.C. the Cypriot Kingdoms recognized the Pharoah Ahmos II as their overlord.In 525 B.C. the Cypriot kings transferred their alliance to the Achaemenid (Persian) ocnquerers of Egypt.During Reign of Alexander he allowed Cypriot kingdoms to continue but took from them the right of coinage. After him Ptolemy I of Egypt made the island a province of his Egyptian kingdom.Cyprus was annexed by Roman Republic in 58 BC. , and made a Roman city , briefly retroceded to Cleopatra VII of Egypt, but after the battle of Actium 31 BC became a Roman possession again ( administered as part of the emperial province of Syria) , but became separate senatorial province 22 BC.After the demise of Roman Empire 395AD, Cyprus remained subject to the eastern empire at Constantinople.In 688 Cyprus became Moslem under Caliph AbdelMalik .n 965 AD. Emperor Neciphorus attached Cyprus for Byzantines. And in 1185 it was seized by Richard I who attacked it on a crusade and massacred its inhabitants. He then sold it to Guy of Lusignan, the disposed king of Jerusalem.In 1426 Egypt overran the island which from then on paid tribute to Cairo.Then Venetians attacked it and it became Venetian possession for 82 years until regained by the Ottomans. In 1878 Britain occupied Cyprus. Convention between Britain and Ottomans left Cyprus under Turkish rule but administered by British government.In 1914 Britain and Turkey were at war. Britain annexed Cyprus. After 1924 Cyprus was made crown colony.The British government offered the island to Greece 12 months later and encouraged Greek immigrants to the island but the offer was lapsed when Greece declined it.During World war II, pack transport, pioneer, motor transport and other units were raised in Cyprus by voluntary investment .These men served in France , the middle east, Britain and Italy.After the war patriarch Makarias leader of the orthodox church emerged as the leader of movement for enosis (union) with Greece vol. 6 p.934.The compaign grew more violent, attempts to smuggle arms from abroad and nationalists from metropolitan Greece raised their voices in encouragement of the malcontents.Many Moslem villages were attacked and its inhabitants retreated north.Encyclopedia Britannica -Cyprus– p.899And there's that interesting story : Prophet Mohamed the blessed predicted Moslems arriving to Cyprus by boats . Bent Malhan the blessed woman asked him to pray that she be with those early travellers, He did. Few years later Arabian ships were arriving at Cyprus coast , on one of them was that blessed woman Oum Haram Bent Malhan , who died on the island and her tomb is still there, with the inscription 'tomb of the good lady'.-----------------------------------------------------------------------MaltaMalta :From 800 to 218 .c. Malta was inhabited by phoenicia's north African's colony carthage . Malta became part of the Roman empire after defeat of Hannibal in 208 .C.Arabs from north africa arrived in the seventh century, they became majority but tolerated Christians. They introduced citrus fruits and had a notable impact on Maltese language and customs. In 1090 normans started their attacks .Moslems were expelled by the norman king Rogers of sicily.In 1530 Malta was given to the knights of st. John of Jerusalem by Charles V emperor of Spain . Their rent was two Maltese falcon a year, one to be sent to the emperor and the other to the viceroy of Sicily. The twelve thousand inhabitants were given no say in the matter . The knights sank into corrupt and ostenatious ways largely suppored by piracy.In 1798 Napoleon arrived and the knights who were mostly French surrendered to him. Malta defeated France in 1800 with the assisstance of the British and in 1810 Malta became a part of the British empire. In World War Two Malta was subjected to five months of day and night bombing raids.In 1947 the devastated island was given a measure of self government.
Some historical facts :
Shattering the myth - Islam beyond violence - Bruce L. Lawrence .
Extract from book :''The Moslem Discovery of Europe by Bernard Louis " : " turning the traditional point of western scholarship on its head. The theme of this book is another parallel discovery in which the Europeans are not the explorers discovering far people in slang and remote places, but is in himself bar discovered from the land of Islam ". preface p.11.
After the fall of the western Roman empire science disappeared with it, but in eastern Roman empire was valuable Greek scientific literature . p.119.
Islamic Science :
Scholars and intellects flourished from the eighth to the eleventh century (the golden age of Arabic science ) among which were Avicienne, El Ghgabri, Ebn Khaldun.A number of physicians and alchemists started laboratory work and introduced a number of important substances into chemistry, Jabir Ebn Hayan introduced the caustic into Alkolics (ex. sodium hydroxide and ammonium chloride ).
The progress due to eslamic mathematicians and astronomers probably lay mostly in the perfection of and capitulation devices, spherical geometry was developed far beyond the level antiquities reached . Abulwafa and Kusheir Ebn Laban El Kasaby had new discoveries aand independent achievements.
Since Eslam is a universal religion, most of the outstanding scholars and famous writers were not of Arabic desent (El Farabi was a Turk , Razez and Avecienna were persians , Hunain Ebn Ishaq called Juhannites by the scholars was not an arab).Alchemy: is a term used to describe very diverse kind of literature, from Egypt , From Byzantine, from China; however Arabic speaking chemists derived many recipes and methods for industrial processes, and their experiments demanding special apparatus.The greatest Arabic writing Alchemist Rhazes who completed his work by 900, makes the earliest known suggestion for furnishing chemical laboratory.Industrial technology and alchemical apparatus of Arabic origin had an important role in the rise of modern chemistry.
Mathematics: Moslem Persian Ibn Musa El Khawarizmi c. 825 from whose name the medieval word for arithmetic, algorism was formed.
In Astronomy : their authors thought to replace the ptolemic by a strictly concentric system.
In Medicine :It is impossible not to mention Avicenna 979- 1037 whose work was for centuries standard in latin.The great Arabic contribution to medicine is in the introduction of new drugs, many of which are still in use.In 11th c. the west began to come into relation with the wisdom of the east through Latin translations of Arabic works. It is remarkable that the accumulation of knowledge derived from the Arabic , involved rapid development in the whole mental life of Europe.
Encyclopedi Brittannica.
(Historical Facts – The Middle Ages - Richard O’Neill).In Encyclopedias and compilling :
The first general historian of genius was El Tabari. He wrote el Annals.Ebn Meskaway wrote Tagarib el Omam 1030 (History of kings of ancient Persia and arabs). Ebn El Athir continued Tabari's work (El Kamil) which contains important information of western eslamic world.The no. of histories and biographical compilations is enormous in the later years.The history of El Ghaznani (Ketab el Yamani), by El Otbi 1036 set the fashion for the rhetoical style in history writing followed by Imadeldin and Arabshah. 1450.Ibn Usayiah 1270 wrote a history of the fouteenth and fifteenth centuries remarkable for the appearance of arabic encyclopedic comediums as handbooks for the official classes. The first encyclopedia was that of El nawari 1332.
Outstanding scholars flourished : Avenpace 1138 was one. and outstanding physicians. One must read the masterpieces of scientific analysis : Al Bironi 1030 - Ibn Khaldun , in order to understand the depth of Eslamic culture whiuch westerns rightly regarded with the greatest of admiration.After conquering Spain and Italy , there was much curiosity among Franks regarding the science of the arabs. Schools rose in Spain and Sicily for translating the Arab manuscripts. The scolars works were translated into Latin. The translations of these texts formed the foundations on which the science of the rennaisance was built.
Borrowed from a vanishing past :
Early Moslem scientists :some examples.Arabian Ebn Tofeil: born 1100c. in Kadesh - Andalucia - author of "Hai ebn Yakthan", that Robenson Cruise relied on.- AbdElRahman Ebn Badr (minister of Caliph El Nasser), inventor of printing machine , 500 years earlier than Gotensberg.- Abolwafa El Bozgani : (Khorasan -Afghanistan -940 c.), founder of the science of geometry , his studies that western relied on for centuries. - Al Khazen : from Marw (Afghanestan), pioneer in mechanics , physics and Astrology. First to measure air pressure.- El Hasan Ebn El Haitham: first to plan water resevation. Francis Bacon relied on Arabian translations and was affected specially by Hassan's scientific theories and methods.
Blank in history :
Notice : Eslamic golden era (usually from 7th to 11thc.) is put blank or unknown or not enough resources; though it was known that Moslems were pioneers at encyclopedias and accurate documentations (not only but somehow later unfairly propagated against).Examples :Concerning Constantinople :"It's a petty that we do not know more about the 7th & 8th c.save say that an adequate history of the disturbed period can't be written, so poor are the resources and so skimmy the present state of archeology."History of Europe by J.M.Roberts. The penguin ,But he mentions there was a huge fortress as far away as Euphrates (in Iraq). p.105.
coming to South Africa :"several routes from the Mediterrannean appear to have been followed across the desert from very remote times to Abyssinie, clear records of these movements is lacking before the 11th , or a little earlier."Enc. Br. p330Same when it comes to Rome, Bulgaria, and many European states specially during 7th and 8th c. , very skimmy resources, very unclear!
And Asia let me add those extracts :As to Philipinnes :Malaya : p.709 ;Projects into the China sea and forms the most southerly portion of the continent of Asia.All the early history of Malaya is obscure (! As usual).
Mallacca : the first Malay kingdom was a dependency of Thailand . Malay dynasty were Moslems. Only about 1450 to 1490 can chronicles start . The Thai rulers continued to demand the overland route. If the Malayo were Moslems , they readily the rest of Malacca of Hindu , Chinese and other trades.
Mallacca : assumed the commercial role of modern Singapore .The Portuguese arrived in 1498 by Cape route. In 1511, they stormed the city. The Portuguese exploited to the full the commercial possibilities of Mallacca, but never succeeded in destroying the native Moslem monarchy. Mallacca was repeatedly but unsuccessfully attacked till it fell to Dutch 1641. p.712Philippinnes : Were discovered in 1512 and formally occupied 1565 during reign of Philip II after whom they were named . Good intentions of Spanish kings rarely did much more than pave the colonial hell. P.123Enc. Brit - Vol. 15 - Spain.Same end----------------------------------------------------------------
Armada :
Spanish fleet inherited from Arabs. Moslems fleet was the world's strongest from 7th to 12th century ; they had rudders that Europeans knew hundreds of years later. Vertical rudders at the stern - a method introduced from the east to Europe after c.1200 p.70.The word Admiral for the highest naval rank comes from the Arabic "Amir". p.71.(From the Middle Ages - Richard O'Neill).Queen Elizabeth (1533-1683) sent her man sir Francis Walsingham 1539-1590, to inspect about the Spanish fleet . In 1588 Francis Drake attacked and destroyed great part of Spanish shipping at Cadiz (Spain).The Armada assembled at Lisbon to revenge and attack England by orders of Philip of Spain but the end was disastrous ; many Spanish ships were wrecked , and at Ireland their crews were massacred, only few of these could return , in these death and sickness were appalling .Thus by destruction of Armada fleet, British fleet became the strongest.----------------------------------------------------- Moslem Arabs First To America :We hear about two journeys by 8th A.D. century to new lands, one from Samarkand eastern Asia, and the other from Senegal (a strong arabian center at that time), and nearest spot to America. Later when Christopher starts his journey from there and reaches Cuba (called by arabs Bahia), he renamed it Bahia new Christopher Columbos.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------To put it by historical facts :
Historical facts - O.Neil .
" Amazing as it may seem to us , hardly any people in Charlemagne’s entire realm were literate . So thoroughly had the rudiments of learning been forgotten since the decay of Western Roman city life (4th century).. Even as late as 1050, Europe had not changed very much from the way it had been since the end of Carolingian family. "Only by the middle ages enlightenment began .There was much curiosity among western Europeans regarding the science of the Arabs. Schools rose in Spain and Sicily for translating the Arab manuscripts. The scolars' works were translated into latin. The translations of these texts formed the foundations on which the science of the rennaisance was built. King Alfonso X of castile kept a number of Arab scholars occupied for ten years constructing tables (the alphonsian tables ) 1270.
Carolingian Family : of Frankish aristocrats , the dynasty that they established to rule Western Europe after deposing the Merovingian king Cheldric by Pepin in c. 750.Franks: members of a Germanic speaking people who invaded the Roman western empire in the 5th c. A.D. , dominating France, Belgium and western Germany.Francs emerged into recorded history from the 3rd c.A.D. as a Germanic tribe living in the east bank of lower Rhinne river. They were politically independent tribes.Charlemagne’s empire disintegrated by mid 9th c. p936.
(The New English Encyclopedia Britannica - vol. 4 - 15th edition.)
We said Charles Martel wasn’t Roman. Neither was his grandson Charlemagne. They were German Carolignian.
Last Roman Emperor in the west Romulus Augustus, called Augustulus (little emperor) by barbarian leaders who kept him in power – was deposed by Odoacer the Goth in c. 476 .By 568 Italy fell to the Lombards . p.18
(Historical Facts – The Middle Ages - Richard O’Neill).
Otto: who revived Charlemagne’s empire in the 10th c., and his successors continued to call themselves emperors. (Western civilizations – vol. I – Burns).Neither was Charles V son of Joanna the mad and Philip I Roman nor Spanish and others who invaded Spain . For the Visigoths had already adopted Eslam with other Iberians. Charles V was from Habsburg (Austria); he arrived Spain 1517 unable to speak Spanish. ( Encycl. Br. - Spain – vol 15. p.123. )Castile : Originally populated by Iberians and later Iberoceltic peoples . Castile was for a time ruled by Rome, and later by the Moores. For a time governed by counts under the supremacy of Asturious and Leon, later annexed by Sancho of Navarre 1026-1035 who gave Castile to his son Ferdinand in 1033.Castile and Leon were finally united under Ferdinand III in 1230 when he conquered large part of southern Spain.
From Encyclopedia Britannica . p .57.
Asturia : Asturian capital was moved from Langas de Oris to Ovieda, later pushed forward from the mountains to the central plains.
Garcia I (909-914) moved the capital from the mountains to the Asturian mountains to the city of Leon . p.117.
Navarre : Sancho I Garces (905-926) added the small county of Aragon to his dominion but suffered severly at the hands of Abd -ar Rahman II - a period of subordination to the calipahte followed. Sancho III (1000-35) assumed the emperial title in Leon, but his empire was built on a simple desire for personal agrandisement . He regarded his empire as his personal property and distributed it among his sons. Garcia Sanchez III inherited Navarre . 1025-54. Castile was made into a kingdom and given to his second son Ferdinand. Sobrarbe and Ribagorza to the third , while Aragon was also erected into a kingdom for his fourth son Ramiro 1035-65. p117 .Leon : was Moslem from 717. In the beginning of the 10thc. it became the capital of the kingdom of Leon.Castile : capture of Toledo in 1083 saw the formation of new Castile. p.989.
From The Middle Ages : -Richard O'Neill.
After usurping Spain and Portugal from Moslems:Catholic Monarchs: persuaded popes to authorize the Spanish inquisition (The Holy Office); its main target were Marrows (convert Jews) and Moriscs (converted Moslems). Those who confessed to heresy, usually under torture were often burned alive in mass cremonies called autes-da-fe (acts of faith); executed or not , their wealth was forfeit to the state .
In 1492 all celt Jews were ordered to convert or leave Spain.Spanish inquisition were only abolished in 1834. p.92Dominican Friars of the inquisition were so zealous with merciless cruelty. p.97Capture of Valencia from Moores: ElCid had its governor burned alive and massacred many citizens. He governed in Alfonso's name. But Valencia was retaken by Arabs after his death. p.48.
The inquisition : began in 1478 under the control of the monarchy , directed from castile to crush what remained of Moslem religions - often bloodily. By 1492 it had far more exceeded its origianal purpose of ensuring that Moores (Moslems) and Jews were expelled from the country.In 1609, Philip III ordered the expulsion of the Moriscas (descendants of Christianized Moores) as well. As a result when Charles II took the throne 1665, he inherited a country that had been stripped of nearly all of its tradespeople and artisans . Agriculture declined . Art and literature degenerated. p.58.

Historical facts
Facts :Rome :Since Constantine moved the Roman's empire's capital to the east (Constantinople), there was nearly no mention of the western empire ever since, and ' no emperor of this western part had existed since . Only in 711 the first mention for the duchy of Rome , and we find the people struggling to elect a duke of their own. p.476 - (The Cambridge Medieval history - Vol. IV - part one - Byzantine Empire ).Historical facts:Constantinople:The new Rome : when the emperor reigned there, prevailed over the old which was particularily abandoned to barbarians. Abandoned Rome by distant emperors was placed under the protectorate of the franks (754A.D.) , Charles Martel began to develop alliance with the church.During late 9th and 10th century, the decadence of the papal court led to the virtual take over of the papacy by the German emperors p.122
(The New Encyclopedia Brittannica Vol. 9 1st ed. ). Encyclopedia Britannica - vol.14Romans and Eslam :In 330 A.D. emperor Constantine moved the Roman capital to Constantinople (later Istanbul). Western Roman capital nearly faded to exist. His empire included Anatolian lands , parts of Iraq, middle east, Egypt, Tunisia , eastern Europe and southern Italy. With the arrival of Eslam , several Roman dynasties adopted Eslam . From these dynasties were the Seljuk Romans; they were Romans from Anatolia , southern Constantinople and were named after their chieftain Seljuk.Many of the Seljuk Romans immigrated to Moslem Caliphate lands and gradually were powerful enough to find their Seljuk Roman dynasty by the tenth century. Several dynasties existed before them , but the Seljuk Romans ruled most of the Roman cities and their state was enlarged to include Persia east , and eastern europe to the west.Their successive victories caused Frank's fear and were the real reason for their crusadic campaigns. But Seljuk Romans triumphed agian at Menzekrt battle at Constantinople 1097 A.D.Seljuk Romans considered themselves heirs of Roman emperors and took titles emperors of Romans , persians and arabs. Again franks attacked Moslems by their first sudden crusade in 1098 which caused horrible masacres and genocide of moslems and jews in Jerusalem. They then enforced catholicism on the moslem states they attacked; but the following crusades were all shameful failures; the last was their Balkan attack at Necopolis , that caused the destruction of their army and the victory of Orhans or Ottomans(Seljuk Romans successors).Orhans or Ottomans considered themselves heirs of the Seljuk Romans, they were as them from Anatolia, adopted Eslam and were called after their chieftain Ottoman son of Orhan.Their rule lasted from 1300 - 1924 A.D. Their capital was Constantinople (Asetana or Istanbul ).They inherited from the Romans , the Roman bath or pool (Turkish bath) , and were pioneers in architecture which is considered the base for many present european buildings.This dynasty became for centuries the greatest world power and the strongest fleet in the mideterannean for more than 500 years.By the mid 18th century westerns and Russians allied to attack Ottomans by land and by sea conspiring with the minority ethnic groups in the Ottoman states. They attacked Ottoman's fleet at Navarino( Napflio = Greece's capital then).Hundreds of Moslem states were attacked and its inhabitants ethnic cleansed or forced to flee to the nearest still Ottoman states. Names of cities were later changes as Odessa, Georgia, etc.
Extracts from the Encyclopedia Brittanica and other resources :Pope:An ecclesiastical title formerly given , especially from 3rd to 5th century to any bishops and sometimes to simple priests. Title was used in the east for the Orthodox patriarch of Alexandria and for Orthodox priests , but since about the nineth century has been reserved in the west exclusively for the bishop of Rome.

And some background :Last Roman Emperor in the west Romulus Augustus, called Augustulus (little emperor) by barbarian leaders who kept him in power – was deposed by Odoacer the Goth in c. 476 . By 568 Italy fell to the Lombards . p.18.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Some additions:There are stories of bishop Stephen 11 who crossed stormy mountains to frankish territories (751) where he remained in France and returned with Pepin's army to sack Italy from the Lombard king, the property of the church as well as the emperial domains were at this times confisacated by the Lombards as well as Ravena and other districts of central Italy. (Stephen II was 1st founder of the papal temporalities, he got territorial concessions from Charlemagne which gave the papal state its final outcomes ) p.179.There were correspondance between him and Charlemagne for the reform of the Gallician church. But there's a Roman faction in 799 accusing Leo111 of adultery and perjury vol.5 p.258.
Popes regust after the return to Rome following the western schism. Also there's no evidence of papal office existing in Rome from 4th till 7th century.Drak ages : during the 500 years between A.D. 300 and 800 till the establishment of the church empire of Charlemagne (The Macmillan Encyclopedia of of Art).The Holy Roman Empire isn't Roman !It was that a clerk who saw the benefit of help from the namely popes so as to exhort the temporary generation through their names.This design was realized in the celebrated forgery known as the "False Decretals", Encyclopedia Brittannica p.196.In 962 German king Otto crowned himself .Throughout its history the Holy Roman Empire was ruled by German or Austrian emperors . Only one Englishman has ever been pope Nickolas breakspeare. - ruled from 1274 onwards by the predominantly Austrian Halsburg line. p.47 (Historical facts -The middle Ages).Decretales :Epistolae decretals in Roman law, a decree (decretum), was the decission of the emperor. Decretales: a name given in canon law to those letters of emperors which formulate the decissions in ecclesiastical law.The false decretales : scandals of false decretals were uncovered only during the 15th century = collecting of forged letters dating to the 9th century, the authentic elements were calculated to serve as passport for the forgeries which were skillfully composed. They gave a powerful impulse in the frankish territories to the movement of centralizationPapal inquisitions:orders of the burning alive of noncatholics or those accused of heresy.p.97
(Historical facts Richard O'Neil).Crusades :The name given to the series of wars undertaken by the Christians of Western Europe from 1096 to 1291. The results of crusades may be rewritten dawn as failure . Everywhere in the 15th century I Europe and in Asia, the crescent was victorious over the cross; and crusade and mission perished together. But a crusade won for crusaders the coast of the eastern Baltic (Teutonic Order), and the centuries of the Spanish crusades ended in the conquest of the whole Spain. P . 793. In the first place crusades were attempts at feudal colonization and as such they resulted in a number of colonies-kingdom of Jerusalem - Kingdom of Cyprus – the latin empire of Constantinople. P.793.There were orders from the popes for the successive ethnic cleansing , including cluniac orders and cistercian orders.-The papacy had grown as a result of the crusades. Popes had preached them, popes had financed them, popes had sent their legates to lead them. P.794 Encyclopedia Britannica - vol.14 Popes continued to preach crusades against the Moslems but with ever diminshing effect. Nevertheless several expeditins were started one of which cruelly sacked Alexandria in Egypt in 1365 and others that were directed against Ottomans e.g. the attack of 1344 on Smyrna and the two invasions of the Balkan which ended in defeat in Nicoploi 1396 and of Varna 1444.-----------------------------------------------------------------Then, the illusion that Eslam spread forcibely as in Christianity is crime against truth; and why is Gibraltar named so (after Tarek's name) , because he was as bold as that mountain, else the Visigoths wouldn't ask his help to take their rights back from Roderick who usurped their properties and raped their lady.
-------------------------------------------------------------------to add a point here of why Eslam spread at this point throughout the world, that puzzled many historians - for there's a fact many just miss about it -
It was prophesized in the Holy Koran (The Romans Sign 1:7), that victory would come to Moslems the same time with Romans victory in few years (less than 7 years), (it was difficult to believe by then as Moslems were still weak, and prohibitted from entering Mecca ; and Persians at that time had their victories over the Romans. But exactly after 7 years Romans won victory over Persians, it was the same time when Moslems re-entered Mecca victoriously without bloodshed , and when tribes heard of this triumph and true prophecy they arrived in groups announcing their belief.
Predicted Victory :Historical fact :In 591 Mesopotamia's fortresses fell before the armies of the Chosroes (ßÓÑí) , and Persian forces advanced into Asia minor peneterating as far as Chaldon - Phocas had instituted reign of terror in the capital , while the Phoenicians were torn by religious and civil strifes.The advant of Heracles 510 -641 from north Africa (Carthage) : first 10 years of his reign entered sensational Persian triumphs unequal since the days of the Achamenides. Antioch fell in 611 , Jerusalem 614 , and conquest of Syria and Palastine was followed by that of Egypt.In a series of brilliant campaigns based largely on the north eastern region of Asia minor , Heraclius finally shattered the military might of Persia. Jerusalem was restored. p.629.
---------------------------------------------------------------Eslam in Middle East and AsiaThe middle East :In only one year Caliph AboBakr followed by Caliph Omar Ebn El Khatab entered most of the Roman cities victoriously .In 637 A.D. Syria, Iraq and Persia were all parts of the moslem world.Ghassnassides, (minophisites Arab Christians ) who were persecuted by the Roman church at Constantinople took shelter in Moslem countries and aided the Moslems there.After the completion of Moslem victories , Christians were merged with them and they had their freedom of worship and equality in states , most of them reached highest ranks .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Ommayads :In 661 A.D. Caliph Moawia moved the capital to Demascus and there started a new art of eslamic building that continued to three hundred years. Its main features were buildings characterized by the main mosque facing east beside it residence of the amir or ruler.The Caliph Abdelmalek Ibn Marawan especially took great care of the holy city (Jerusalem) . Caliphs made of the capital the greatest world's civilised center for culture and art.Dynasty end at 749 A.D.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mesopotamia (Iraq):
Land between the two rivers Degla and Euphrates.Ancient Assyrian civilzation : 2000-1000 B.C.Middle Assyrian CivilizationNew Age Assyrian Civilization 612 - 883 B.C.The Mediens coquered Assyria 614 B.C. , then Phoenicia (Phoenix) and again after two years they conquered the capital and plundered and burned the cities . Trace for Assyrians disappeared.
The Babelonian civilization :
South Iraq and the Somarian civilization : south Babel ( to which the world owe the writing invention ).First Babelonian dynasty 1893 -1595 B.C., there were efforts to unite the cities especially with the arrival of Hamurabi 1750 - 1792 B.C.After this Kasssite dynasty 1157 - 1570 B.c.followed by the Khaledines ,after this Babel was under the Selucides and Persians.
In 637 A.D. Iraq entered Eslam and it entered a great period of civilization flourishing again.In 749 A.D. Caliph El Mansour moved the capital to Baghdad.Enlightened Abbasid Caliphs 749 -1258 encouraged art, science and scientific researches and welcomed immigrants . A stage of scientific researching and laboratory work led to great development in all fields of art and science.Abbasid art flourished in north Africa.The eighth (8th) - eleventh (11th) century were the scientific golden age .All the Eslamic states enjoyed cultural unprecedential flourishing from eastern Asia till the Atlantic Ocean.By the thirteenth century crusaders allied with the Mongols to attack Moslem lands .Jenkiz Khan's campaign led to the distruction of Baghdad and its library with its unique documents ; he then attacked Constantinople and imprisoned the Moslem sultan Biazide 1258 A.D.
Later Jenkiz khan's sons adopted Eslam , they found their dynasty in Mongolia, then Peking (China), then northern Persia ; They then adopted Eslam and their state extended to Persia, India, Afghanistan , China east to Caspian and the Don rivers , Finland and Poland to the west.They also ruled in the city of Muscovoy (Moscow), and had their cultural centers.The Lutherian Kings of the west allied with Rus at east and attacked Eslamic cities by sea from west and south , and by land east and north; and were able to penetrate Moslem states.Russians occupied Crimean , Don, Volga, Eslamic cities and mid Asia while western kings penetrated the middle east and southern and southern eastern Asia Many Eslamic cities were occupied , its inhabitants ethnic cleansed , and towns rehabilitated and given new names .Horrifc genocides took place.-----------------------------------------------------------Kurds:Ary group.Spread in Iran, Tukey, Sami, Iraq, Russia, Lebanon , Afghanistan, Morrocco and India.There's ambiguity about their origin; they have no relations to the Arabs and never had a united state . Some are Shafiis and others zraditsh and some in Mosel in Iraq worship stars (salia), from their tribes the shabak . The yazidia in Sengar hills adopted Eslam from Persians.Sufism was created in their homes and many of them are darawish, muridin and kazlabash. They speak Arian language.Their history : a series of rebellioin against Ottoman turks, Iraq and Iran.Sifr treaty gave them autonomy to use kurdish areas in eastern Iraq, southern Armenia and borders between Turkey and Iraq.Kurdistan is their origin , some spread in Arpil in Iraq.-------------------------------------------------------------Phoenicia (Phoenix) :Western Asia (Lebanon).Civilization of phoenicia flourished in 2000 B.C.Phoenicians became masters of sea trade and had their cities in most of the mediterannean ports , as Tyre, Sida, Becaa in the east , Karthage (Tunisia) , and they were famous for their purple golden crafts.They invented alphabets that were borrowed by the Greeks later together with the phoenician coinage system. Bekaa was a trade route between the east and the west that caused its attack by Egyptians , Hittites and Babelonians. Phoenicia came under sea attacks that devastated it but it could flourish once again . Its main cities Biblos, Arad, Tyre, Sida were important trade routes till its conquest by Alexander the Macedonian 322 B.C. , followed by the rule of Selucides.Then the Romans conquered Karthage (Tunisia) and added it to the Roman states 146 B.C.Moslems then ruled most of Roman states.
During the modern age Lebanon was enlarged.After the civil war Lebnon was laid to ruins and many of its infrastructure was destroyed , while Tyre's cultural role diminshed greatly because of its closeness to jewish borders.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jerusalem :History of Jerusalem goes back to the stone age about 25000 B.C. Semities settled in Palestine from Arabia and fluit weapons have been found near Jerusalem. Encyclop. brittanica p.7After Alexander, Ptolemic possesions north of the Sinai desert including Palestine , then Palestine passed into the hands of the house of Seleucus . It was under Selucide rule when the great uprising of the Jewish people , the revolt of the Maccabees occured. Hadrian captured Jerusalem and jewish rebels fled to Bithar , but were defeated and slaughtered.Hadrian turned Jerusalem into a Roman city and changed its name to Aelia Capitolina, built a temple of Jupiter on the site of the jewish temple and forbade any jew on pain of death to appear within sight of the city. Palestine continued direct under Roman rule.Many researchers certify that the Arabs were the dominant inhabitants of Jerusalem from the beggininng of its human habiation. What the Moslem Arabs did (A.D.638 ) was to put an end to the Roman occupation of Palestine and of Jerusalem as the native inhabitants , Christans , and pagans were descended from the original Carmel man of Palestine and of the semitic Arab tribes of Amorites, Canaanites and others who had entered the land from Arabia in immigratory waves.Modern investigations based on archeology shows that the Hebrew were a limitred group , that their rule in Jerusalem as a city state was of short duration , that the city states of Judaea and Samaria were two of many scattered throughout Palestine , and the Hebrew rule ended as many successive foreign invasion ended (Hitties, Hyksos, Hurrians , Greeks nad the Romans). While the period of uncontested Arab habitation in Jerusalem and Palestine covers at least 8000 years.In 614 chosrous II of Persia captured Jerusalem and ruined many buildings including the church of the Seculpture. Chosroe II king of Persia made an inroad into Syria joined by Jews anxious to revenge their misfortunes, he swept on the country carrying plunder and distructiuon wherever he went. Church was destroyed and its treasures carried off, the other churches were razed to the ground .Heracloius defeated Chosrous and re-entered Jerusalem 629.Heraclius then collected a huge army and in 634 marched against the Arabs . They met at Yarmuk river . Betrayed as it said by a Christian who had suffered personal wrong at the hands of certain of the Byzantine generals, the army of Heraclius was utterly defeated and with it fell the Byzantine empire in Syria and Palestine .In 637 Omar Ebn ElKhatab ousted the Romans but was careful not to harm the city. He built a wooden mosque which caliph abdelMalek rebuilt in 688. He also reconstructed the Doom of the Rock.In 1099 crusaders under Geoffery of Brritton stormed Jerusalem and a horrible encarnage ensued..Saaldin occupied it 1187 and repaired the walls..In 1517 Salim I the Ottoman took Jerusalem from Egypt.After World War I , Jerusalem became the capital of the British mandated territory of Palestine .In 1948 state of Israeil was announced, and in 1949 Jerusalem was divided by an agreement between Israeil and Jordan into two parts, the Arabs held the old city and the jews held city capital of the country .Encyclopedia Brittanica . Vol. 13 . p.8.-----------------------------------------------------------------------Abbysinia : (Ethiopia) :The origin of the African race lies in Sabaa (Sheba) in southern Africa , but their recorded history begins with the establishment of the kingdom of Axum in Tire.Ethiopia : northeastern Africa , bordering Egypt and the red sea .Official name for modern Abbyssinia (Habashat). Abbassewni or Abissa .The bulk of information is derived from Egyptian monuments , whence it appears that it was originally occupied by independent tribes , who were raided and gradually subjected by Egyptian kings (E.A.W Budge , Thje Egyptian Sudan).Under the 18th dynasty Ethiopia became an Egyptian province administered by a viceroy called prince of Kesh.Ethiopia became independent towards the 11th century B.C., a state was found having for its capital Napata. . The furtunes of the Ethiopian 25th dynasty belong to the hisory of Egypt.About 660 B.C. Ethiopia continued independence.Soverignity became elective ; a deputation was sent to Nepata where the chief god Amen was to be succeded and who became officially the god's son,Shortly after Nastesen's accession , he was threatened by the invasion of Cambyzes the Persian conquerer of Egypt, but he destroyed the fleet sent by the invader up the Nile. Capital was removed from Navada to Meroe ; around 23 B.c. the last was invaded by Petronius who took the fortress of Ibrim and sacked the capital, then Napata. The stretch of land between Aswan (Syene) and Maharraka (Hiera Sycaminus ) was regarded as belonging to the Roman empire.Candace ( queen for whom a pyramid was built at Meroe). A great builder was Netekamane who is represented with the queen Amanetari', temples of Egyptian styles at many parts of the Nile.In the Roman period the type of Egyptian sculpture changed from the Egyptian.
In the 4th century the state of Meroe was ravaged by the Abbysinians and in the 6th its palace was taken by the Christian state of Nubia.(Dongola).Many of the navigators refered in 1455 to the land of the Negroes on the Senegal as part of southern Ethiopia.The Ethiopians appear to have derived their religion and civilisation from the Egyptians. The royal manuscripts written in Hieroghliphic character and the Egyptian language.
Abyssinia dynasty :The earliest part of the Axum chronicle preserved is that recording the wars of Amda Sion (1314-44) against the muslims .The Arab merchant from Yemen , who took on conversion the name Anba kom (Habakluk), translated a number of books from Arabic. Under Yakub (1605) , the valuable chronicle of John Nikiou was translated from Arabic. p. 780. Homilies also exist in large numbers , both original and translated , after the Arabic fashion in rhymed prose.
Early Moslems immigrated to Abbysinia , where its leader gave protection to them. He adopted Eslam and sent a mission to The Prophet , but the ship containing 60 men and his two sons was drawned in the red sea by the patriarchs.As usual in present history books we'd notice resmbling phrases :"From the 7th c. with the expansion of Eslam until the mid of the 15th century , little is that is historicaaly authentic can be recorded of that country ." p.75.About 1490 began a series of European contacts . Portuguese started attacking Moslem villages . In 1520 a Portuguese fleet arrived carrying a mission that remained in Abyssinia for six years ,Portuguese started attacking Moslem villages .In 1520 a Portuguese fleet arrived carrying a mission that remained in Abyssinia for six years . Earliest European account of the city was written. After their departure Mohamed Gran regained the city from Zaila.
In 1514 , Portuguese Stephen Da Gama arrived at Masawa 1541 from India and landed a force of 450 musketters under Christopher Da gama with a fire small canon and attacked Moslem villages . In 1543 Gran was defeated and killed and Moslems retreated south. Galla tribes from south and east tried to return and spread northward and eastward till Memluks conquered them. .In 1557 Portuguese started converting inhabitants but in 1633 the mission were masacerd or expelled , to the joy of the monophysite churches who claimed that : 'the sheep of Ethiopia is now deliverd from the hyenos of the west '. Gibbon comments : "the gates of the solitary realm were forever shut against the arts, science and fanaticism of Europe".
In 1268 Abyssinia was united under Yakuno Anluk , the ruler called himself Megusa Nagasat ( king of kings or emperor) , claiming his descent from queen of Sheba .
In 1805 the first British diplomatic mission under Vescont Valencia and Henry Salt was sent to conclude an alliance with Abyssinia and obtain a port on the red sea.
Enc. Brittanica vol I p.76.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eslam at Persia:Persia 's civilization is one of the ancients.The oldest the Akhamnides 538-331 B.C. till Alexander’s invasion 312 B.C.Alexander crowned himself as king of Persians after the Persian king Darios and married a Persian woman Roxana. But Persians later regained those Persian lands that the Macedonians usurped.The word Persian is derived from Parthian which is the period of the flourishing of ancient Persian civilization from 250 B.C till the third century A.D. , intruded by a short period of Roman invasion.Parthava is one of the oldest Persian cities that included present lran, lndia, Armenia, and the cresent land ; and ths first Persian city was Nisar followed by the sassanide dynasty from 3rd C. A.D- 7th century A.D. , named after king Sasan that was found in 227 A.D. by Artabanos.
The battle of kadesia brought on end to the Sasans rule.Eslamic era :
Prophet Mohamed sent to Caiser (Kesra =Ceaser) king of Persia inviting him to Eslam but he tore the message and prepared an army for crushing Moslems ; soon his kingdom was to be torn apart.His army though greatly exceeding in number that of Moslems could not face the the boldness of the brave beleivers. and though he chained soldiers together so that they won't escape, yet they retreated infront of the bold Moslem army moving hastly backwards that they fell in the ditch they had previously prepared for Moslems. Thus their army was annihilated and entirely defeated.With the marriage of Husein Ibn Ali Ibn Abu Taleb with the daughter of the last Sasnian king , Persia entered the Islamic era.During the samanides dynasty 819- 1005 A.D, Persia was enlarged to include the Transoxania area , khawarezm and east Turkestan under the karanides rule 991-1211 A.D., while the northern mountain areas were ruled by the Twondi dynasty 665-1349 A.D. , and the Zirides dynasty 927-1090 A.D.With the Boyades dynasty , Persia and Iraq were unitied 932-1092 A.D.The Abbasydes Caliphs ruled only namely from 900-1250 A.D., as the states' governers and jobs were run by Persians.The tolerance of the Moslem Caliphes and their interest in Persian culture led to the flourishing of Persian art, architecture and civilization.In architecture buildings and garden plannings', the Persian Eslamic buildings were marked by the building of rulers' residence beside the main mosque or school centers, attached to it were rulers' graves that used to be religious mazarat.Many immigrated to Persia and adopted Eslam.Persian rulers utilized Roman immigrants from Anatolia who adopted Eslam and were under Samanids' rulers in samarkand. They were merged with the Persian culture (from them were the Seljuk Romans) .Seljuk Romans then could rule at Baghdad and one of their building features were the inns or small hotels usually with a fountain, at the main roads to recieve and protect travellersthe AWith the Seljuk Romans, Persia entered a new flourishing cultural era and Persians presented the highest art , especially of carpet making, to the world.Other dynasties :Tahirides dynasty 730-821 A.D.Safavides dynasty 961-1186 A.D. Despite the Mongol tempest that ended the rule of khawarezm shah's in the Afghanistan territory 1221 A.D., the Mongol (Ghenkiz khan's sons) later adopted Eslam and merged with the Persians during their rule to Persian Pangab, and Afghani states , and again culture and art centers flourished .In 1509 Persia & Iraq were united again under the Safavides rule with Tebriz then Asfahan as Capial.The 16th 18thCs saw the war between Seljuk Romans (turks) and Persians.In the new age, the Policy of the shah of Iran led to the westernisation of Persia till the Khomeni's revolution .-------------------------------------------------------------------------Eslam in India :Since long, India was a trading route. Many Arabs and Persian travellers settled there especially by the coast of Malabar.Inhabitants started to learn about Eslam from Arabian traders. With the arrival of Moslem Arabian merchants from the Arabian penninsula , and the sea travellers, convert to Eslam increased.There is a famous myth about the convert of Samori (Zamori), king of seas to Eslam in kalicut.Since the 7th and 8th century a number of Arabian and Persian immigrants to eastern and western Indian coasts increased.Sind was the first Indian country Arabs travelled to and settled in.Most of Indian inhabitants converted to Eslam and many soltanates had risen, its kings were called kings of Delhi.Ghazni state was ruled by Seluktigen which was enlarged during his son's reign Mohamed Ghazni to include Pangab- Sind- Khorasan - Persia and behind Galal.Culture flourished during Ghazni's rule and its capital Ghazni (Afghanistan now) was a big cultural center.For a while eastern Afghanistan was united with Kashmir.It was followed by the Ghuri state -mid of Afghanistan which included most of Ghazni's states.In 1210 A.D. Delhi became ruled by Shams El Din Tatmish and became capital of India, and this soltanate became Indian's greatest power for the next hundred and fifty years.There was the Bari state then the Khalgy and the second quarter of the 14th c. A.D. Toghluk tried to unite Indian states.Other sultanate of eastern Ganipur:Juzarat soltanate 1461-1573 A.D.Dakani Soltanate 1528-1346 A.D.Behmani sultanate of northern Deccan.Zafr Khan Ghazi 1336- 1347 A.D. moved the capital to Bidar 1428 A.D. then Efrangon.Mongol ruled India 1560-1620 A.D.17th and 18th c.Togluk tried to unite India till the arrival of Timur lank 1398 A.D. , but Zaher El Din Mohamed Baber was the first to establish the Mongol dynasty in India in 1530 A.D.During reign of Babor (one of Ghenkiz Khan's grandsons) , the Mongolian empire was founded in India 16th c.Followed by Husein's state who was forced to flee to Persia by Shuhan.Akbar Fahd was the real founder of the Mongol state 1560 A.D. He married to princess Rajput and as tolerant as usaull with Moslems , he allowed her to practise her Hindu religion.Nezam Haidar Abad 18thc.Peaceful immigration played a great role in the spread of Eslam till the arrival of western conquerors where hundred of Moslem cities were attacked and fully destroyed.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Indonesia:Arabian merchants came with good news about Eslam that Indonesians awaited its arrival. Eslam spread between Indonesians and their indo mali culture merged with them.Hayan rik ruled with the title Raga Pamagawa in Bali.Eslam spread throught the northern west of Sumatra by the Arabian merchants and Indonesian rulers welcomed Moslems with their religion of tolerance and equality.Moslems were masters of merchandry and protectores of the Indonesians.Art and culture flourished and Malaga flourished as a cultural and trade center.By the begginnings of the 16th c. the Maga Spoheit dynasty got weak.
And before in the 15th c. Vasco Da Gama 1497 had arrived in the Sandaein islands while Alfonso bikirk occupied Malaga 1519 followed by the Dutch occupation.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eslam spread peacefully in other Asian countries as Philipinnes, Thailand , Vietnam , and most of eastern Asia.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Armenia :Armenia !!!! Over a thousand year Eslamic.1st century Armenia was part of the kingdom of Urarta it was ruled by Persian Arsacids .In 4th c. it became Roman and Christianity was imposed on it. By the 7th c. it entered Eslam.Its Moslem ruler Ashad Bagratony was granted the title "prince of princes", and the capital of the first Moslem empire was named Bagaran, then Stierra Cavan then Ani which remained its capital until the 11th c.Armenia was enlarged greatly from 11th to 12th century as result of trade, 150 states were united.In the second half of the 11th century Armenia became part the Moslem Seljuk Romans' Empire.In the 12th c. rich Armenian Christians of Cilicia, (by this time south of Taurus Hills), southern Turkey - allied with crusaders and allowed their lands as passage for crusaders to the east. But Mamlukes of Egypt regained Armenia from crusaders till 14th c. when Ottomans ruled it. Armenia remained Moslem till 19th c. start of modern western attacks.
Propaganda: Early in the 18th century , the Armenian mekhitarist fathers had already established printing presses in Vienna and had revived the Armenian and Greco-Roman classics p.379.The Russians appeared in Transcauccassia and occupied Georgia 1801. They gradually occupied also the khanates of Sherven and Sheki Yerivan. They assisted the Armenian church to recognize itself. With the close of Russian Turkish war of 1878 came in consequence British invention . Armenian undergroumd parties believed that the more noise they made the more attention they derived. And in 1896 elected Msgr. Ormaniau as patriarch. When the Turks entered World war I , the Armenian leaders assured them of their loyalty.By 1915 Armenian lack of loyalty led the Turkish government to deport them to Syria and Mesopotamia. The Russians conquered Turkish Armenia in 1916 and proclaimed its liberation from Turks , but bared surviving people from returning to their homes because they had planned to colonise the country with cassacks . p.30. and in 1918 Balfour said Britain would do erect to decide the future of Armenia. P.380.Azerbayan was conquered by the red army, followed by a communist rise in Armenia.
Treaty of Sevilles recognized Armenia as a free independent state and fate of Armenia was decided by the armed forces of Russia and Turky.In 1922 Armenia, Georgia and Azerbayan became a part of Soviet federation In 1936 they became a constitutent republic of USSR.Encyclopedia Britannica - vol.2 p.. 380.----------------------------------------------------------------Eslam in China and SiberiaEslam in China:Eslam spread in China during the T'ang dynasty (618-906), 7th century. Eslam spread by Arabian merchants who arrived from all over Eslamic world, especially through Manchuria (Khitan), and through the international silk road. Tang extended into Korea and incorporated Mongolia, establishing protoctorate of Annam (Vietnam). There were also expeditions into Japan (Nara), that was greatly influenced by China. Chinese introduced the art of papermaking to Samarkand. In 676 Ibn Abbas brought Eslam into Samarkand (Soviet center of Asia), and Samarkand was an active participant in international trade along the the Silk Route and the city was renowned for its papermaking and paper was traded westward from China to central Asia and Persia . paper was exchanged between east Europe and Asia through the silk road. Though Samarkand was destroyed by Jenkiz khan in 1220 , it was handsomely restored between 1334 and 1360. The Eslamic architecture of China and south west Asia still remains little known and poorly documented. It was probably not until the influxes of the 8th centuries that Moslems arrived in China (by both land and sea), though the foundations of several mosques such as Canton may go back to this early period, most of the Eslamic architecture in China is more recent but it is also typically Chinese. (Architecture of the Eslamic world -edited by George Michell - Thames and Hudson) p.
During the T'ang dynasty art and poetry reached new heights. Under Husein Tsung 712-756 lived the greatest poets and painters. The Tang allowed all religions and races to flourish in an atmosphere of tolerance and intellectual curiosity - the capital Changan became a great cosmopolitan center as in other cities and ports, and China opened her frontiers so widely to foreign trade and cultures and it extended into western Turkistan. Though remains of the Tang dynasty are few there are Eslamic arts associated with the Tang of china as the potteries. (Islamic art - David Talbot Rice). Fabric: some shapes demonstrate clear affinities with Chinese forms. In 907 the dynasty was brought to an end, with its end China incorporated a policy of isolation . Succeeded by Kitan (907-1125), followed by the five dynasties 907-960 , then the Sung dynasty 960-1279 ; when it was threatened from northeast, the Sung called the Chin (golden tatars) for help.Then came Mongols , Tamuchin or ghenghiz Khan invaded China in the 13th century, and defeated the Chin. Mongols overran China in 1280 and quickly adopted the Chinese culture , and in 1279 Kublai khan ( the Moslem ruler) became emperor of all China and it was one of the great creative periods of Chinese culture. Their dynasty was called Yuan , he made its capital at Khanbaliq - , site of modern Peking, he ruled not only over China but over most of the Mongol empire with its western frontiers in Mesopotamia and Europe, stretching from the Baltic to the Pacific. Though his rule was disputed by his house in Turkistan , it was acknowledged by those of the Volga whose rule reached Poland and by his brother Holagu whose rule extended from the Oxus to the Arabian desert. There were several expeditions to Japan.The great astronomical instruments of his scientists were preserved in Peking , but were carried to Berlin in 1900. The court of Khublaikhan was visited by the Ventian merchant Marco polo( the first European to visit china (1275), and written about. Most of the city was destroyed by fire by a buddhist at the fall of the Dynasty (Splendours of the East- Wheeler).
In 1368 , a Buddhist monk Chu Chang expelled the Yuan and moved capital to Nanking 1368-1644. As soon as the Abassid power began to wane in the 10th century the local samanids took over parts of central Asia. The following Moslem Turcik dynasties- Ghaznavides- Ghurids, Tumurids and Mongols re-established political control over the area, though dominians of the Qarakhanids and Shahanids remained north and west of the Oxus river.Mongol khanate under Oriangtay ruled southern China together with the Tuan dynasty. Tuan ruler Sayed Ogal (origin from Bakhar), ruled Yunan (1274-1279) , one of his important works were the hydraulic achievemnets, his Moslem sons won victory for Yunan (southern China), and ruled 1382 and their dynasty continued to 1644. The ch'ing dynasty 1644-1911: Under emperial patronage, history and text criticism were udertaken by the school of Han learning, a movement to restore the authenticity of ancient works and to strip away the accretions of later centuries. Then came pressure by Europeans to gain a foothold in China, then Russian advance and capture of Albazen 1839. The west desired admission into China to market their products and obtain raw materials. In 1839 hostilities broke and war dragged until 1842 treaty of Nankin providing the session of Hong Kong to Britain and opening ports. p.525.Through a series of military defeat China was progressivley forced to cede to foreign powers, Russia, Japan, Germany, Britain and France. p.619.(The dictionary of art - edited by Jane Turner).------------------------------------------------------------------There's an Arabian proverb : ask learning even in China, but Moslems had reached beyond China.There is also evidence of Moslems being in Siberia.Khan is a title of respect in Moslem conturies .
From Encyclopedie Britannica - vol. 20.Siberia :Earlier inhabitans came from the Mangolian plateau in the 3rd century. In the fifth century Turkish peoples (Kharkass) and Uigurs were compelled to imigrate north eastwards from their homes.Kharkass empire lasted till the beginning of the 13th century while it was destroyed by the Mongols.By the end of the 15th century, Tatar fugitives from Turkistan subdued tribes of Mansy and Khanti (east of Urals) and found a siberian khanate with its capital kashluk (or Sibir).Russian extension from Moscow brought the Russian and the tatars into collision.In 1555 the Siberian Khan Yadiger had to pay tribute of 1000 sables.In 1568 Kikov extended Russian colonization and a small army was recruited to conquer new lands for the tsar. Russians laid seige to the residence of khan Kuchum at sibir . p.598. and Yermak entered Sibir in 1582.In 1584 Yermak was drawned in the Irtysh while fighting Kuchum's counter offensive. Russians abandoned Siberia but new bands of hunters and adventurers however thronged across the Urals every year and were supported by Moscow.At the beginning of the 17h c. Russian expansion reached the Yenisei river .... p.598 ..----------------------------------------------------------------------Another clan of the normans (Rus) .(Rus) :Origin of the Rus:From Encyclopedia Brittanica :Evidence of Arabian, Persian and viking remainance through main trade routes.Rus: a varangian tribe , in ancient times related to the Swedes, Angles, and Northmen.The line of duke of Moscow starts from Alexander Nevsky's younger son Daniel. Their genealogy during the domination of the khanate of the Golden Hordes in Russia -1240-1480 as they had to ingratiate themselves with the khans of the golden horde to receive the yarlyk (permission) as dukes .They regularly journeyed to the Sarai (the capital of the khans at the mouth of the Volga) , and returned as chief collectors of theTatar tribute, which gave them power over other dukes p.693.Moscovite dukes soon succeeded in increasing their possession, extending their domains by purchase and by violence over the whole province of Moscow.Demetrius (Demetry) , adding to it the upper Volga region. Metropolitans of the Russian church in the person of Peter, Theognost and Alexius settled in Moscow and added to their title grand dukes of all Russia leading boyaars and men of service to come in crowds to serve the grand dukes of Russia.Demetrius then attacked the Tatars of the Golden Horde led by Mamai in a bloody battle in 1380. Two years later Taktamush sacked and burned Moscow , but was defeated by Timur Lank, his former protector and Mongol rule lasted another hundred years.In 1471-1485 Ivan III attacked and acquired Novogrod and Tver, enlarging Russian territories.Successive wars followed extending the western frontier to the golf of Finland.Aid of Cremean Khan was available to put an end to the khanate of the golden horde. But later Evan took offensive against the khanate of Cremea , refused the tribute and fortified his acquired territories against the Tatars . He then married Zoe (Sophia) the only niece of the last Byzantine emperor Constantine Paleologus 1472 . Since then Moscovite church considered itself successor of the Byzantine emperors and the only representative of the Orthodox church in the world.Vol.19-----------------------------------------------------------------Eslam at IcelandEslam at Iceland :Moslems travelled through the oceans and reached its remote isles. In some descriptions one is typical to Iceland and Tirniq (new land), with the evidence of eslamic coins found in Budal , high at Mizar (at Iceland) and in Deitland near to the north pole.
From book of Civ. of the West. p.56.----------------------------------------------------------------Eslam in south Africa Eslam at South Africa:In A.D.659 the Arab AbdulMalik landed in east Africa; several routes from the Mediterrannean appear to have been followed across the desert from very remote times The first undesputable trans-saharan connection grew out of the Arab immigration into north Africa.The 7th c. Arab venture to the east coast and central Africa was followed by others. A belt of settlements and culture reached from the Lamu to the Zambizi river. It appears to have been the product of the immigration direct from Arabia with some increments from Iran and India.
Moslems spread across central and western sahara.City dwellers there were converted and generally treated well by the Moslems.Encyclopedia Britannica p.330.Moslems began pushing southwards across the sahara following naturally marked lines of the infiltration that had been increasingly used ever since the introduction of the camel in the last year of the Roman empire .
A fresh wave of the Arab immigration emerged anew beyond the sahara and Eslam promptly took hold. The first knowledge of central Africa was contributed by Arabs.Zanzibar was founded by Said of Muscat and rapidly attained importance.Zanzibar= the first reference to zanzibar occurs only after the rise of Eslam.Arabs began to immigrate to the great cities of east Africa ; in the time of Ptolemy an arab from zanzibar crossed the continent from Benguela( Encyclopedia Brittannicca Vol I).The arab geographer Yakut records that in his time the people of Languja, the swahili name for zanzibar had taken refugee from their enemies on Tumbatu, the inhabitants of which were Moslems (Khalifse Ebn Harib sultan in 911). In 1503 Zanzibar was attacked by Portuguese. In 1890 what was left of the settlements was proclaimed a British protectorate.Benguela = banto-ngolu = Angola (southeast Africa).Before the 15th c. was concluded, Portuguese mariners and armies drived moslems out and Portuguese converted dwellers to christianity. p 330. They converted the Arabized east-coast settlements between Sofala and cape Guardafui.By 1510 all these Moslem settlements had been seized by Portugal , Mozambique being chosen as the chief city of its east African posessions.In the lower and middle Zambezi valley Portuguese found semicivilized tribes who had been for many years in contact with the coast Arabs.
Rhodesia :Sterenuous efforts were made to obtain possession of the country (modern Rhodesia) or kingdom of Mouomotapa, where gold had been worked by the natives, and whence the Arabs , whom the Portuguese dispossessed were still obtaining supplies in the 16th century.But Portugal's hold on the regions weakened during the 17th c. and ceazed in the 18th c. ; it's possessions annexed by Spain , then ceded to the Dutch.Occupation at the Cape of good hope were continously occupied by British troops .Enc. Britannica p.935---------------------------------------------------------------That was just a highlightening of some facts ommitted from history , which historians and nations behind weren't fair to , by forgetting and denying its truth and ; It sounds also somehow unfair to some generations who not only passed by silently , but without trace.----------------------------------------------------------------Thus It's fair to say that it was Moslems who preserved the Orthodox Christianity in all the countries that welcomed them as tolerant liberators , and the majority of the inhabitants of these countries willingly accepted Eslam. Situation in Syria, the middle east , Asia, north Africa , whatsoever , the citizens chose willingly to convert , the few who chose to keep by their old faiths were granted full rights and freedom; Christians and Jews lived with Moslems with tolerance unmatchable in any non-moslem country as moslems' brothers in religion.Recent politically motivated tension they try to propagate for ex. as in Egypt never existed for ever fourteen centuries of Eslamic tolerant rule; tolerance and brotherhood that really deserves admiration. While just compare where catholics stormed peaceful Eslamic states and enforced Catholic creed under threat of death or exile later re-enforced by the inquisitons, no Moslem, Orthodox Christians or Jews ever remained , and 100% of inhabitants were forcibely converted catholics.öQuestion :where have Moslems in previous Moslem countries gone ?most of them .. what ?First in all those countries they were native citizens, citizens who opt to convert to Eslam as native Spainish Moslems, Sicilian Moslems, Greek Moslems etc., if they had to go anywhere it was under that soil ;WHERE HAD THEY GONE ?they were ... they were literally and brutallyETHNIC CLEANSED. .

References :

-The History Of Art , McGraw Hill
-The Cambridge Medeival History
-Encyclopedia Of World Arts , Mc Graw Hill
-The Encyclopedia Brittannica
-History Of Europe by J.M. Roberts
-Venice And Antiquity , Fortini Brown - York University Press.
-Medeival History Encyclopedia ( old edition ).
-Arab Discovery Of Europe -B. Lewis.
-Western Civilization - Their History And Culture.
--Monks Of War , Their Military Relgious Orders , Desmond Seward.
-Publishing A.A. Explorer., Christopher Somerville
-Greek Islands , Victor Walker.

Brothers ....

Hello brothersDemocrasy!you know so well to use the word But as humen we deserve the truthAnd nothing else for us is worthSo,W hat do you know about our taleIt's not a tale of wars we faughtWe're not your enemies as taughtYour brethren hold their olives branchDon't crush it with such ignoranceThat when the light of truth shall shineIgnorance , intolerance, fanaticismAnd anything like that will goI'll tell you what those tutors were And how the odds could take nowhereAs I reveal this secret tale Shall you then their guilt restoreOr give a blind eye to a factThat had on humen large impactOr in a new shade do explainThe evidence of what remain.Long ago ,Eslamic lands were sealed with secrecySouthern Gaul, Corsica, SardiniaCrete, Cyprus and ArmeniaHundreds of yearsArabian yearsSealed with secresyBy mistful tactsAnd by mysterious gaps.Andalucia, Alitalia, Allemania, & MacedoniaBut Moslems then subjected to you And what you then have done You know ..Only the facts you want to show .. you showThen facts were mingled with mythsAnd new names laid down for your thesisMoslems giants deserve recognitionAvicienne, Averose and Omer,Italian rennaissance can tellArabian books were translated wellSalerno were Arabian schoolfor science gave light for allEarliest university Europe had knownFrom there on renaissance had grownTill closed by velnerable Napoleon In the year eighteen hundred and elevenLike Andalucia (Spain)The same sad storyA nation vanished from the mapAnd only left some stones to grieveBut the shifting grieving stones had thenno time for unto your glory transferedAnd Andalucia thus no more Would bear her children Moslem born.The rest to flee.Only the scientists you would keepTranslate their books Rennovate their homesThen say they never had a traceIt's only we masters of raceNormans , northmen The vandal race.And MuscoviteYou hear of it ? (Moscow)The Mongol palaces are thereWe see it but in a new wearIt's fine pieces of art and craftBut who its real builders were ?Moslems!More brothers,The Balkan suffered your bloodshedWith all the ethnic cleanse you've madeThe wends, the heathens, the northern Moslem saracensTeutonic orders, sword orders, other orders Whom do you kill?And Grozny now ..A city ? how?You've raised its houses to the groundAnd closed a bit your conciense soundAbout civilians , rebels are terroristsWe target them and not civiliansBut no civilians had remainedDeserted land .. Deserted homes For tolerance you left no roomNo brothers ,authorising ethnic cleansing is a crime we must haltromanticising ethnic hatred is a shame we must exhaltWe love you brothersTry to love us toAnd with remorse our mercy is duePeace be on you , and us and allAnd grace.. Sorry but .. the hollocaust, Was it also youThe running cross to pure the continent of anyone who didn't hold the cross as youNot only jewsMoslems of Europe vanished toothough till now secret historyDo you now think of ethnic cleansing meI wouldn't mind to say the truth And die free.Listen brothers,We can do like youAnd any one who won't followbut it's not our creedAnd we never didAnd why you doYou leave us withOur sorrows bleedWe love you brothersTry to love us tooAnd with remorse Our mercy is dueI'll tell you more :If you think of your grandparentsUnder threat of death baptizedTo abide by what their killersHad then said You think it's wise ?Sorry but it's facts and truthsSimply filed in their new booksWhy you think fanaticismFrom nice people thus can stemIf they leave you free to thinkYou'll know the truth by instinctRebel and thinkOpen the vaticn door Before the rest of documents exist no more. More And more and more Sad Palastine Our hearts had torn And all it gets from globe is just Silence , ignore And silence , silence Say no more And iraq there Explosions , blasts And blind air strikes and cities bombed And cities gone And damage here And ruins there And tombs for all And prison dark And torture by The U.S. force and U.K. arms Of democratising raids. And when is that It's safety shore.And all is gone Or there remains A beam of hope For those who still Remain human Beneath the rubblesWe heard a groanDon't leave this case of war aloneAs Syria, Iran , Turkey . .I bet you'll do the same againWhy brothers ?the Moslems you eradicate They are barbarians ; infidels;No ,Know them before you propagateAt least thery never bear you hateAnd understand , collaborateTo toleratePeace be on all and grace.